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PUBLICATIONS (Selected) BOOKS Edward Foley, Nathan D. Mitchell, and Joanne M. Pierce, eds. A Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2007. Pp. xvi + 502. *This book won two 2008 Catholic Press Association book awards: First Place in the Liturgy category, and Honorable Mention in the Professional Books category. Joanne M. Pierce and Michael Downey, eds. Source and Summit: Commemorating Josef A. Jungmann, S.J. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1999. Pp. x + 275.
Chapter IV.III: "Mass at Which Only One Minister Participates"; with Mary Shaefer, in A Commentary, pp. 310-324. Chapter IV.IV: "Some General Norms for All Forms of Mass"; with Mary Shaefer, in A Commentary, pp. 325-350. Chapter VIII: "Masses and Prayers for Various Circumstances and Masses for the Dead"; with Richard Rutherford, in A Commentary, pp. 423-446. "Marginal Bodies: Liturgical Structures of Pain and Deliverance in the Middle Ages,” in Bruce T. Morrell, S.J., Joanna E. Ziegler, and Susan Rodgers, eds. Practicing Catholic: Ritual, Body, and Contestation in Catholic Faith. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Pp. 59-67. “Vestments and Objects” in Geoffrey Wainwright and Karen B. Westerfield Tucker, eds., The Oxford History of Christian Worship. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Pp. 841-857. “The Role of Religious Studies in the Future of Jesuit Liberal Arts Education,” The Faculty Forum 2 (1/November 2005). "The Liturgy of the Word in the New General Instruction of the Roman Missal," Liturgical Ministry 12 (Summer 2003) 142-147. "'Green Women' and Blood Pollution: Some Medieval Rituals for the Churching of Women after Childbirth," Studia Liturgica 29 (2/1999) 192-215. "'Christocentric' and 'Corporate': Heretical Reverberations and Living Reform in Western Christian Liturgy," in Source and Summit, pp. 7-20. "Holy Week and Easter in the Middle Ages," in Paul F. Bradshaw and Lawrence A. Hoffman, eds. Passover and Easter: Origin and History to Modern Times. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999 (Two Liturgical Traditions, Volume 5), pp. 161-185. "Introduction" to Romano Guardini's The Spirit of the Liturgy (1918), reprinted New York: A Herder and Herder Book, The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1998 (Milestones in Catholic Theology), pp. 7-16. "The Evolution of the ordo missae in the Early Middle Ages," in Lizette Larson-Miller, ed. Medieval Liturgy: A Book of Essays. NY and London: Garland Publishing, 1997 (Garland Medieval Casebooks, Vol. 18; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 1884), pp. 3-24. "Early Medieval Prayers Addressed to the Trinity in the ordo missae of Sigebert of Minden," Traditio 51 (1996) 179-200. "Early Medieval Vesting Prayers in the ordo missae of Sigebert of Minden (1022-1036)," in Nathan Mitchell and John Baldovin, S.J., eds. Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith: Essays in Honor of Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B. Collegeville, MN: A Pueblo Book, The Liturgical Press, 1996, pp. 80-105. "The Eucharist as Sacrifice: Some Contemporary Roman Catholic Reflections," Worship 69 (5/1995) 394-405. "Symbols and their Use in Parish Liturgy," Liturgical Ministry 2 (Fall 1993) 156-161. "Early Medieval Liturgy: Some Implications for Contemporary Liturgical Practice," Worship 65 (6/1991) 509-522. "New Research Directions in Medieval Liturgy: The Liturgical Books of Sigebert of Minden (1022-1036)" in Gerard Austin, O.P., ed. Fountain of Life. Washington, DC: Pastoral Press, 1991 (NPM Studies in Liturgy and Music), pp. 51-67. [Now published by Oregon Catholic Press.] "Catholicism in America," Chicago Studies 30 (2/1991) 203-219; with Edward R. Sunshine [authored section "A Liturgical Perspective," 210-219].
"A Note on the Ego vos conjungo in Medieval French Marriage Liturgy," Ephemerides Liturgicae (Rome) 99 (1985) 290-299. DICTIONARY/ ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES
"Altar, Stripping of"; "Altar, Washing of"; "Ashes"; "Churching of Women"; "Good Friday"; "Holy Saturday"; "Holy Week"; "Maundy Thursday"; "Palm Sunday"; "Tenebrae"; "Veneration of the Cross"; in Paul Bradshaw, ed., The New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. Louisville/London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002; in England, The New SCM Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship, SCM Press, 2002. "Jungmann, Josef Andreas," in Hans Dieter Betz, et. al. eds. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft , Bd. 4. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1998-. [Soon to appear in the English translation, Religion, Past and Present, Brill.] Acolyte, Adoration, Advent, Alleluia, Anamnesis, Anointing of the Sick (Sacrament of), Ash Wednesday, Baptism/Confirmation (Sacrament[s] of), Baroque, Basilica, Burial (in Christianity), Cathedral, Chalice, Chapel, 'Christ the King,' Christmas, Communion (liturgical), Consecration, Cross (Veneration of), Doxology, Dulia, Epiclesis, Eucharistic Prayer, Fasts/Fasting, Feast, Gothic, 'Hail 'Mary,' Hyperdulia, Immersion, Incense, Intinction, Jungmann, J., Latria, Lent, Liturgical Year, 'Mass,' Missal, Monstrance, Offertory, Paschal, Paschal Candle, 'Paschal Mystery,' Romanesque, Sacrament, Sacramental Theology, Sacramentary, Sunday, Tabernacle (Christian liturgical), Unction, Vestments (liturgical), Viaticum; for Orlando Espín and James B. Nickoloff, eds., An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2007. *This volume won a 2008 Catholic Press Association book award: First Place in the Reference Books category.
DISSERTATION TITLE "Sacerdotal Spirituality at Mass: Text and Study of the Prayerbook of Sigebert of Minden (1022-1036)." Defended at the University of Notre Dame, April, 1988; available through UMI, Ann Arbor, MI.
IN PREPARATION : The Minden libellus precum of Sigebert of Minden (1022-1036) [Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codex Helmstadiensis 1151]: Edition and Commentary; for the Henry Bradshaw Society (UK). Several article-length studies and dictionary entries on this text have already been published (see "New Research Directions,""Early Medieval Liturgy," "Early Medieval Vesting Prayers," "Early Medieval Prayers Addressed to the Trinity," "Evolution of the ordo missae," and "Veneration of the Cross").
RESEARCH IN PREPARATION Book-length study of the medieval rite for the "churching" of women after childbirth. Two preliminary studies and a lengthy dictionary entry have already been prepared (see "Green Women," "Churching," "Marginal Bodies."). Study guide on agreed statements on baptism, eucharist and ministry between Roman Catholics and Anglicans for parish use; preliminary trials conducted in selected Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches in the fall of 2004.
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