Public History & Memory

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Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss intelligently the day's assigned readings. The following books are required and can be purchased at the Holy Cross College Bookstore (Hogan):
John Morton Blum, V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture During
World War Two

Kristen Hass, Carried to the Wall: American Memory and the Vietnam Veterans

Sanford Levinson, Written in Stone: Public Monuments in Changing Societies
Martha K. Norkunas, The Politics of Public Memory: Tourism, History, and
Ethnicity in Monterey, California

Studs Terkel, The Good War : An Oral History of World War Two
Michael Wallace, Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory


I have also placed several books, documents and articles on reserve in Dinand Library. I have delineated these reading assignments in the course calendar below with a bold-faced, capital R.
In some instances, an article or document is available electronically through a website (the pertinent address is noted on the syllabus) or through the J-STOR electronic database available at Dinand Library. You can download full-text articles using J-STOR. This and the America: History and Life database will serve you well in your final project research, so familiarize yourselves with them.