American Women
to Course Main Page
and Required Texts:
are expected to come to class prepared to discuss intelligently the day's
assigned readings. The following books are required and can be purchased
at the Holy Cross College Bookstore (Hogan):
Perkins Gilman, Herland, the Yellow Wall-Paper and Selected Writings
Nancy Cott, The Grounding of Modern Feminism
Kathy Peiss, Hope in a Jar: The Making of America's Beauty Culture
Gretchen Lemke Santangelo, Abiding Courage: African American Migrant
Women and the East Bay Community
Susan Douglas, Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass
In addition,
I ordered seven copies each of the texts listed below for those of you
who may be less familiar with the general outline of twentieth-century
U.S. history/women's history and/or who may wish to supplement our discussions
with more information. I will be happy to guide you through these texts
as necessary. They too are available at the bookstore (Hogan):
Evans, Born for Liberty: A History of Women in America
Paula Giddings, When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on
Race and Sex in America
Reserve and Electronic Reading:
I have also placed several books, documents and articles on reserve
in Dinand Library. I have delineated these reading assignments in the
course calendar below with a bold-faced, capital R. Three different
editions of Unequal Sisters are on reserve, so pay attention to which
one is assigned when and save yourself some hassle.
In some instances, an article or document is available electronically
through a website (the pertinent address is noted on the syllabus) or
through the J-STOR electronic database available at Dinand Library.
You can download full-text articles using J-STOR. This and the America:
History and Life database will serve you well in your final paper research,
so familiarize yourselves with them.