Journal Articles
Encyclopedia & Dictionary Articles, Gallery Brochures
and Book Reviews
Memorial Brochure
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“Understanding South Asia’s Religious Art,” [with Jinah Kim] Education About Asia 25, 2020, 24-31.
“Catholic Connections to Japanese Gardens Through Tea: Insights from a Campus Garden Initiative at Holy Cross College,” Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association 7, 2020, 32-42.
“Avadānas and Jātakas in the Newar Tradition of the Kathmandu Valley: Ritual Performances of Mahāyāna Buddhist Narratives,” Religion Compass 9/8 (2015): 233–253. [online journal]
“Teaching and Learning Guide for Avadānas and Jātakas in the Newar Tradition of the Kathmandu Valley: Ritual Performances of Mahāyāna Buddhist Narratives,” Religion Compass 9/8 (2015), 272–275. [online journal]
“Puya and Pap in Public Health: Everyday Religion, Material Culture, and Avenues of Buddhist Activism in Urban Kathmandu,” Journal of Buddhist Ethics 22, 2015, 159-189. (An online journal:
“Vajrayana Traditions in Nepal” [with Naresh Bajracharya] in David B. Gray and Ryan Richard Overbey, eds. Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, 87-198.
“Buddhism among the Newars and other Tibeto-Burman Peoples of the Himalayan Region,” in John Powers, ed. The Buddhist World. London: Routledge, 2016, 104-120.
“A History of Buddhist Ritual,” in John Powers, ed. The Buddhist World. (London: Routledge, 2016), 318-337.
“Newar Buddhist Homa Rituals” [with Naresh Bajracharya] in Richard Payne and Michael Witzel, eds. Variations in Homa: From Vedic to Hinduism to Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 230-283
Daruma-San Images of Dazuma in Traditional and Popular Japanese Art (1993) PDF updated
Teaching Buddhism New Insights on Understanding and Presenting the Traditions, edited by Todd Lewis and Gary DeAngelis, October 2016
HOMA Variations The Study of Ritual Change across the Longue Duree, Lewis Bajracarya Chapter, Oxford University Press, 2016
Published article, 'Avadānas and Jātakas in the Newar Tradition,' Religion Compass 2015
Teaching and Learning Guide for Avadānas and Jātakas in the Newar Tradition of the Kathmandu Valley: RitualPerformances of Mahāyāna Buddhist Narratives, 2015
Sugata Saurabha An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha by Chittadhar Hridaya [co-authored with Subarna Man Tuladhar]. Oxford University Press, 2009. Supplementary Materials.
Religion and Globalization. [co-authored with John Esposito and Darrell Fasching]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Sugata Saurabha: A Poem on the Life of Buddha by Chittadhar Hridaya of Nepal. [with Subarna man Tuladhar]. Cambridge: Harvard Oriental Series 67, 2007. [A facing-page bi-lingual Newari/English edition]
Religions of Asia Today [co-authored with John L. Esposito and Darrell J. Fasching]. Oxford University Press, 2008.
World Religions Today, 7th edition [co-authored with John Esposito, Darrell Fasching]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. [My chapters are: “Primal Religions,” “Buddhism,” “Hinduism,” and “East Asian Religions”] Each edition was revised, including updating to reflect recent events and new developments.
World Religions Today, 1st edition [co-authored with John Esposito and Darrell Fasching]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. [My chapters are: "Buddhism," "Hinduism," and "East Asian Religions"]
Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal: Narratives and Rituals of Newar Buddhism. Albany: State of New York University Press, 2000. Supplementary Plates
A Syllabus of Himalayan History, Anthropology and Religion. [co-authored with Theodore Riccardi, Jr.] Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies Monograph Series, 1995.
The Tulādhars of Kathmandu: A Study of Buddhist Tradition in a Newar Merchant Community. Columbia University: Ph.D. Dissertation, 1984. (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, #85-06008).
“Newar Merchants in Tibet: Observations on Himalayan Frontiers of Trade and Buddhist Culture,” in Kurtis Schaeffer, William McGrath, and Jue Liang, eds. Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2023, 491-512. / File attached for link
The Buddhist World_C05_1st Proof.Lewis1, TL Corrections August 2015
The Buddhist World_C19_1st Proof.Lewis2, TL corrections August 6, 2015
"Ritual (Re-)Constructions of Personal Identity: Newar Buddhist Life-Cycle Rites and Identity among the Urāy of Kathmandu" in Astrid Zotter and Christof Zotter, eds. Hindu and Buddhist Initiations in India and Nepal. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010, 183-195.
"Altruism in Classical Buddhism," in Jacob Neusner and Bruce Chilton, eds. Altruism in World Religions. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005, 88-114.
"The Use of Visual Media in the Study of Religious Belief and Practice" [with Christine Greenway] in Steven Glazier and Charles A. Flowerday, editors. Selected Readings in the Anthropology of Religion: Theoretical and Methodological Essays. Westport, CT: Praeger Press, 2003, 223-271.
"Buddhism: The Politics Of Compassionate Rule" in Jacob Neusner, ed. God's Rule: The Politics of World Religions. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003, 233-256.
"From Generalized Goal to Tantric Subordination: Sukhāvatī in the Indic Buddhist Traditions of Nepal," in Richard K. Payne and Kenneth K. Tanaka eds. Approaching the Pure Land: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitābha, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003, 236-263.
"The Use of Visual Media in the Study of Religious Belief and Practice" [with Christine Greenway] Steven D. Glazier and Charles A. Flowerday eds. Anthropology of Religion: Theoretical, Methodological and Confessional Essays. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2003.
"Buddhism: The Politics of Compassionate Rule" in Jacob Neusner, ed. God's Rule: The Politics of World Religions. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
"Representations of Buddhism in Undergraduate Teaching: The Centrality of Ritual and Story Narratives," in Victor Hori and Richard P. Hayes, eds. Teaching Buddhism in the West: From the Wheel to the Web. Surrey, U.K.: Curzon, 2002.
"Ancient India: Belief and Society" (12-21), "A New Community" (46-55), "The Human Condition" (58-63), "The Four Noble Truths" (64-71), "The Path of the Buddha" (72-79), "Tantra" (162-173) in Kevin Trainor, ed. Buddhism: An Illustrated Guide. London: Duncan-Baird Publications and Oxford University Press, 2001.
"Growing Up Newar Buddhist: Chittadhar Hridaya's Jhī Macā and Its Context," in Al Pach and Debra Skinner eds. Selves in Time and Place: Identities, Experience, and History in Nepal. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Press, 1998, 301-318.
"Buddhist Communities: Historical Precedents and Ethnographic Paradigms," in Steven Glazier ed. Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook . Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997, 319-367.
"A Chronology of Newar-Tibetan Relations in the Kathmandu Valley," in Siegfried Lienhard ed. Change and Continuity: Studies in the Nepalese Culture of the Kathmandu Valley. (Torino: Edizioni Dell'orso, 1996), 149-166.
"Buddhist Merchants in Kathmandu: The Asan Twāh Market and Urāy Social Organization," in David Gellner and Declan Quigley eds. Contested Hierarchies: A Collaborative Ethnography of Caste among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, 38-79.
"The Power of Mantra: a Story of the Five Protectors," Chapter 11 of Donald S. Lopez ed. Religions of India in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995, 227-234.
"The Story of the Horn-Blowing" and "The Tale of Simhala the Caravan Leader," for Donald S. Lopez, ed. Buddhism in Practice. Princeton University Press, 1995, 151-169 & 328-335.
Published article, 'Avadānas and Jātakas in the Newar Tradition,' Religion Compass 2015
Lewis Punya and Pap, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, LEwis revised submission, Aug 17 2014
"The Asian Soul of Transcendentalism," with Kent Bicknell, in Education About Asia 16 (2), 2011, 12-19.
"Getting the Foundations Right When Teaching Asian Religions," in Education About Asia. 15 (2), 2010, 4-13.
"Nepal: History," Nepal: Sites," and "Kathmandu Valley," in William M. Johnson, ed. The Encyclopedia of Monasticism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000.
"Sukhāvatī Traditions in Newar Buddhism," South Asia Research 16 (1), 1996, 1-30.
"Patterns of Religious Belief in a Buddhist Merchant Community, Nepal," Asian Folklore Studies 55 (2), 1996, 237-270.
"Notes on the Urāy and the Modernization of Newar Buddhism," Contributions to Nepalese Studies 23 (1), 1996, 109-117.
"A Chronology of Newar-Tibetan Relations in the Kathmandu Valley," in Siegfried Lienhard ed. Change and Continuity: Studies in the Nepalese Culture of the Kathmandu Valley. (Torino: Edizioni Dell'orso, 1996), 149-166.
"Nepāla Mahāyāna Bauddha Dharmayā Punarūtthāna Nimti Chamha Shiksharthīryā Bicār," (In Newari: "On the Revival of Newar Mahāyāna Buddhism: One Scholar's Reflections"), Nhasalā 25, 1995, 57-76.
"The Nepāl Jana Jīvan Kriyā Paddhati, a Modern Newar Guide for Vajrayāna Life-Cycle Rites" Indo-Iranian Journal 37, 1994, 1-46.
"Contributions to the History of Buddhist Ritualism: A Mahāyāna Avadāna on Caita Veneration from the Kathmandu Valley," Journal of Asian History 28 (1), 1994, 1-38.
"Himalayan Religions in Comparative Perspective: Considerations Regarding Buddhism and Hinduism across their Indic Frontiers," Himalayan Research Bulletin XIV, 1994 (1-2), 25-46.
"Newar Buddhist Samyak Festival: a Photo Essay," Religious Studies News, May 1994.
"Newar-Tibetan Trade and the Domestication of the Simhalasārthābāhu Avadāna," History of Religions 33 (2), 1993, 135-160.
"Contributions to the Study of Popular Buddhism: The Newar Buddhist Festival of Gumlā Dharma," Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 16, 1993, 7-52.
"Himalayan Frontier Trade: Newar Diaspora Merchants and Buddhism," in Martin Brauen ed. Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas (Zurich: Volkerkundemuseum, 1993), 165-178.
"Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley: Ethnic Boundaries and Religious History," Journal of Asian and African Studies 38, 1989, 31-57.
"Mahāyāna Vratas in Newar Buddhism," The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12 (1), 1989, 109-138.
"Childhood and Newar Tradition: Chittadhar Hridaya's Jhī Macā," Asian Folklore Studies XLVIII (2), 1989, 195-210.
"Newars and Tibetans in the Kathmandu Valley: Three New Translations from Tibetan Sources," [with Lozang Jamspal], Journal of Asian and African Studies 36, 1988, 187-211.
"Contributions to the History of Nepal: Eastern Newar Diaspora Settlements," [with D.R. Shakya], Contributions to Nepalese Studies 15 (1), 1988, 25-65.
"Sārvajanik Svāsthya, Tvāh.bāhāh va Bauddha Nīti" (In Newari: "Public Health, Community, Buddhist Ethics,") Nhasalā, 1987, 15-19.
"Samgha," "Stūpa,""Ājīvika Sect," "Newar," "Nāgārjuna," and "Nirvāna," in Ainslie Embree ed. Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: Macmillan, 1987.
"Nepal" Amnesty International Voice 5 (1), 1986, 15-16.
"The Anthropology of Development in Nepal," Contributions to Nepalese Studies 13 (2), 1986, 167-180. [Excerpted in Himal, 1987]
"Hyu Pāh.yā Jah./ Nevāh. Samskritiyā Sah" (In Newari: "Finding the Past in Newar Tradition") Nhasalā, 1981, 30-33.
"Nevāh. Bauddha va Hindu Saha Astitvay Chapulu" (In Newari: "On Hindu-Buddhist Relations") Nhasalā, 1980, 74-76.
"Buddhism and Shamanism," in Mariko Walter and Eva Friedman, eds. Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio, 2004, 30-34.
"Nepal" and "Buddhist Literature in Newari," in Robert Buswell, ed. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, New York: Macmillan, 2004, 588-592 and 592-594.
"Buddhism: India," in Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion and War. New York: Routledge, 2004, 43-46.
"Buddhism and South Asian Folklore," in Margaret Mills, ed. South Asian Folklore Encyclopedia. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2003, 80-82.
"Nepal: History," "Nepal: Sites," and "Kathmandu Valley" in William M. Johnson, ed. Encyclopedia of Monasticism. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000.
"Sangha," "Stūpa," "ājīvika Sect,"
"Newar," "Nāgārjuna," and "Nirvāna,"
in Ainslie Embree ed. Encyclopedia of Asian History. New York: Macmillan,
"Daruma-San: Images of Daruma in Traditional and Popular Japanese Art." [with Mark Lincicome] Worcester: Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, 1993.
"Asan Tol: An Exhibition in Photographs and Narrative of a Market in Kathmandu." Kathmandu, Nepal: U.S. Information Service Gallery, 1982.
Review of David N. Gellner, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, and John Whelpton, eds. Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Nepal. In Himalayan Research Bulletin XIX (1), 1999, 69-72.
"Global Tibet, Symbolic Tibet, Spiritual Tibet, and Tibet: Recent Resources Briefly Noted," in Himalayan Research Bulletin XVI (1-2), 1996, 53-54.
Review of John Powers, Hermeneutics and Tradition in the Samdhinirmocanāsūtra in The Journal of Asian Studies, August 1995, 884-885.
Review of David N. Gellner, Monk, Householder, Tantric Priest: Newar Buddhism and Its Hierarchy of Ritual in History of Religions, Summer 1995, 93-95.
Review of Robert I. Levy, Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organization of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal in American Anthropologist 94, 1992, 968-970.
Review of Paul Williams, Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations in Journal of Asian Studies 50, 1991, 122-124.
Review of Siegfried Lienhard, Songs of Nepal: An Anthology of Nevar Folksongs and Hymns in Journal of Asian Studies 43, 1984, 641-2.
"Enduring Sentiments: Global Wisdom, Quotes and Quips in Memory of Thornton Lewis" North Branch Press, 1991.
Scholars or students interested in obtaining offprints of any of these publications should contact me via e-mail: