Haas, Gerda
These I do remember : fragments from the Holocaust /
D810.J4 H27 1982 Cumberland Press, c1982.
Haas, Peter J.
Morality after Auschwitz : the radical challenge of the Nazi
ethic /
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The bargain and the bridle : the General Union of the
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DS135.F83 H26 1983 Dialog Press, 1983.
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The Passover Haggadah /
BM675.P4 Z555258 1989 Schocken, c1989.
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Lest innocent blood be shed : the story of the village of Le
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DS135.F85 C453 1980 Harper Colophon, 1980, c1979.
Halls, W. D.
Politics, society and Christianity in Vichy France /
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The light behind the window /
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Halter, Marek.
The book of Abraham /
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Un homme, un cri /
DS135.F9 H344 1991 R. Laffont, c1991.
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La mémoire inquiète : il y a cinquante ans, le ghetto de
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D804.3 .H353 1993 R. Laffont, c1993.
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Maximilian Kolbe : no greater love /
BX4700.K55 H36 1982 Ave Maria Press, c1982.
Hanson, Joanna K. M.
The civilian population and the Warsaw uprising of 1944 /
D765.2.W2 H36 1982 Cambridge University Press,
Harcerki, 1939-1945 /
HS3316.P7 H3 1983 Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe,
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L'aigle et le cheval : roman /
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Hardy, René,
Derniers mots : mémoires /
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Return to Auschwitz : the remarkable story of a girl who
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D805.P7 H37 1982 Atheneum, 1982, c1981.
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Hitler's generals.
D736 .H37 1976 Books for Libraries Press
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Was "Holocaust" verschweigt : deutsche Verteidigung gegen
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D810.J4 H3335 Druffel-Verlag, 1979.
Hartman, Geoffrey H.
The longest shadow : in the aftermath of the Holocaust /
D804.3 .H359 1996 Indiana University Press,
Harwood, Richard E.
Nuremberg and other war crimes trials : a new look /
JX 5433 +H37 Historical Review Press,
Hasidic tales of the Holocaust /
D810.J4 H354 1982 Oxford University Press, 1982.
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Ces prêtes qui ont su mourir /
BX4682 .H28 1971a Apostolat des éditions, c1971.
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Ordinary heroes : the life and death of Chana Szenes,
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CT1919.P38 S935 1989 Paragon House, 1989.
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Messages of murder : a study of the reports of the
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DS135.R92 H4 1992 Fairleigh Dickinson University
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Hebrew literature in the wake of the Holocaust /
PJ5012.H65 H43 1993 Fairleigh Dickinson University
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A child of Hitler : Germany in the days when God wore a
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DD247.H354 A34 1985 Renaissance House, c1985.
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The men with the pink triangle /
HQ75.7 .H4313 Alyson Publications, c1980.
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Katholische Kirche und Nationalsozialismus im Erzbistum Köln
: 1933-1945 /
BX1538.C6 H44 1977 Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag,
Heiber, Helmut,
Goebbels /
DD247.G6 H413 1983 Da Capo Press, [1983], c1972.
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The Heidegger controversy : a critical reader /
B3279 H4z H3515 1991 Columbia University Press,
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Oral history and the Holocaust : a collection of poems from
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PS3558.E44213 O7 1985 Pergamon Press, 1985.
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Exiled in paradise /
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Night of the mist /
D805.G3 H37 1978 Greenwood Press, 1978, c1959.
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Geschichte des Kirchenkampfes in der Grenzmark
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Gender and destiny : women writers and the Holocaust /
D810.J4 H388 1986 Greenwood Press, 1986.
Heinemann, Marlene E.,
Women prose writers of the Nazi Holocaust /
PN56.H55 H44 1981a 1981.
Heiser, Eugène.
La Tragédie lorraine /
D762.S29 H44 1984 Pierron, 1984-
Hélion, Jean,
They shall not have me.
D805.G3 H4 1980 E.P. Dutton & company, inc.,
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Lania : an American woman in Nazi-occupied Poland, 1939-1945
DK4420.H45 A3 1991 Vantage Press, c1991.
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The knight-monks of Vichy France : Uriage, 1940-1945 /
DC397 .H38 1993 McGill-Queen's University
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Avenue of the righteous /
D810.J4 H394 1980 Atheneum, 1980.
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Against all odds : holocaust survivors and the successful
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E184.J5 H55 1992 Simon & Schuster, c1992.
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Jewish partisans : a documentary of Jewish resistance in the
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D810.J4 H42313 1982 University Press of America,
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Les enfants de Buchenwald : que sont devenus les 1000
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D810.J4 H425 1984 P.-M. Favre, c1984.
Henry, Frances,
Victims and neighbors : a small town in Nazi Germany
remembered /
DS135.G4 R485 1984 Bergin & Garvey, 1984.
Hephzibah, Thomas.
The abomination of desolation : the great persecution /
D810.J4 H4257 Mojave Books, c1983.
Herbstrith, Waltraud.
Edith Stein, a biography /
BX4705.S81 H4713 1985 Harper & Row, c1985.
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Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Herczl, Moshe Y.,
Christianity and the holocaust of Hungarian Jewry /
DS135.H9 H46 1993 New York University Press,
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It's your souls we want,
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Hermand, Jost.
Old dreams of a new Reich : volkish utopias and national
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PT731 .H4713 1992 Indiana University Press,
Hersh, Gizelle,
"Gizelle, save the children!" /
DS135.H9 H47 1980 Everest House, c1980.
Hershman, Marcie,
Tales of the master race /
PS3558.E777 T3 1991 HarperCollins Publishers,
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Die Rettung. Ein zeitgeschichtlicher Bericht / David
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Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Herzstein, Robert Edwin.
Waldheim : the missing years /
DB98.W28 H47 1988 Arbor House, c1988.
Herzstein, Robert Edwin.
The war that Hitler won : Goebbels and the Nazi media
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D810.P7 G39 1987 Paragon House Publishers,
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Hetzer, Gerhard,
Kulturkampf in Augsburg 1933-1945 : Konflikte zwischen
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am Beispiel einer deutschen Stadt /
BR359.A9 H47 1982 H. Mühlberger, c1982.
Heyen, William,
Erika, poems of the Holocaust /
PS3558.E85 E7 1991 Time Being Books, c1991.
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The diary of Éva Heyman /
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Heymont, Irving.
Among the survivors of the Holocaust, 1945 : the Landsberg
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D810.J4 H48 1982 American Jewish Archives,
Heywood, Joseph.
The berkut : a novel /
PS3558.E92 B4 1987 Random House, c1987.
Higgins, Jack,
Thunder point /
PR6058.I343 T48 1993 Putnam, c1993.
Hilberg, Raul,
The destruction of the European Jews /
D810.J4 H5 1979 Harper & Row 1979.
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The destruction of the European Jews /
D810.J4 H5 1985 Holmes & Meier, 1985.
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The destruction of the European Jews /
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Perpetrators, victims, bystanders : the Jewish catastrophe,
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Les archives de l'espoir /
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An interrupted life : the diaries of Etty Hillesum,
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DS135.N6 H54813 1983 Pantheon Books, c1983.
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Letters from Westerbork /
DS135.N6 H54513 1986 Pantheon Books, 1986.
Hillgruber, Andreas.
Zweierlei Untergang : die Zerschlagung des Deutschen Reiches
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DD256.5 .H49 1986 Siedler, 1986.
Hirsch, Robin.
Last dance at the Hotel Kempinski : creating a life in the
shadow of history /
DS135.E6 H554 1995 University Press of New
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Ja zu Gott im Dienst an der Welt : Vorträge, Aufsätze und
Predigten /
BX1755 .H65 1984 Echter, c1984.
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Jewish martyrs of Pawiak /
DS135.P62 W2749 Holocaust Library, 1982.
Forever in the shadow of Hitler? : original documents of the
Historikerstreit, the controversy concerning the singularity
of the Holocaust /
D804.3 .H5713 1993 Humanities Press, 1993.
The historiography of the Holocaust period : proceedings of
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D804.3 .Y33 1983 Yad Vashem, 1988.
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Widerstand und Verfolgung in Köln, 1933-1945 : Ausstellung,
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Hitler's secret book /
DD253 .H523713 1983b Bramhall House : Distributed
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Hitler, Adolf,
Hitler's secret conversations, 1941-1944 /
DD247.H6 A685 1981 Octagon Books, 1981, c1953.
Hitler's apologists : the anti-semitic propaganda of
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D804.35 .H58 1993 Anti-Defamation League, 1993.
Hochhuth, Rolf.
Juristen : drei Akte für sieben Spieler /
PT2668.O3 J8 Rowohlt, 1979.
Hochman, Elaine S.
Architects of fortune : Mies van der Rohe and the Third
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NA1088.M6 H6 1989 Weidenfeld & Nicolson, c1989.
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The Jews' secret fleet /
DS126.4 +H54 1987 Gefen, 1987.
Hockerts, Hans Günter.
Die Sittlichkeitsprozesse gegen katholische Ordensangehörige
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BR856 .H68 1971 Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag
Hoffman, Charles,
Gray dawn : the Jews of Eastern Europe in the post-Communist
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DS135.E83 H64 1992 HarperCollins Publishers,
Hoffman, Michael A.
The great holocaust trial /
D810.J4 H57 1985 Institute for Historical
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Hoffmann, Hilmar.
The triumph of propaganda : film and national socialism,
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PN1995.9.N36 H6413 1996 Berghahn Books, 1996
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German resistance to Hitler /
DD256.3 .H59513 1988 Harvard University Press,
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The history of the German resistance 1933-1945 /
DD256.3 .H613 1977b Macdonald and Jane's, 1977.
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Stauffenberg : a family history, 1905-1944 /
DD247.S342 H6413 1995 Cambridge University Press,
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DD256.3 .H595 Piper, 1979.
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Heinrich Wienken, der "unpolitische" Kirchenpolitiker : eine
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BX4705.W64 H64 1981 Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag,
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Pius XII, Hitler and the Jews /
BX1378 .H65 1982 Catholic Truth Society, 1982.
The Holocaust /
D810.J4 H6 Graduate School of the City
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The Holocaust : a study of genocide.
D810.J4 H642 Board of Education of the City
of New York, Division of
Curriculum & Instruction,
Holocaust aftermath : continuing impact on the generations /
D810.J4 H6423 Human Sciences Press, c1981.
The Holocaust : an annotated bibliography and resource guide
[REF.RM.] D810.J4 H6 1985 Ktav Pub. House for the
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The Holocaust and genocide : a search for conscience : a
curriculum guide /
D 810 J4 +H6423 1983 Anti-defamation League of
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Holocaust and genocide : a search for conscience : a student
anthology /
D 810 J4 +H6425 1983 Anti-defamation League of
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Holocaust and genocide studies.
D810.J4 H6428 Pergamon, c1986-
The Holocaust and its perseverance : stress, coping and
disorder /
D810.J4 H6427 1983 Van Gorcum, 1983.
Holocaust and rebirth : a symposium.
D810.J4 S515913 Yad Vashem, 1974.
The Holocaust and the Neo-nazi mythomania /
D810.J4 H643 B. Klarsfeld Foundation, 1978.
The Holocaust as historical experience : essays and a
discussion /
D810.J4 H6433 1981 Holmes & Meier Publishers,
The Holocaust as interruption /
D810.J4 H6434 1984 T. & T. Clark, 1984.
Holocaust education : a resource book for teachers and
professional leaders /
D810.J4 H646 1985 E. Mellen Press, c1985.
The Holocaust forty years after /
D804.3 .S36 1989 E. Mellen Press, c1989.
The Holocaust : idealogy, bureaucracy, and genocide : the
San Jose papers /
D810.J4 S31425 1977 Kraus International
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The Holocaust in books and films : a selected, annotated
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D 810 J4 +H646 1982 Center for Studies on the
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The Holocaust in Hungary : an anthology of Jewish response /
DS135.H9 H58 University of Alabama Press,
The Holocaust in Hungary : forty years later /
DS135.H9 H59 1985 Social Science Monographs :
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The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : studies and sources on
the destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-occupied territories
of the USSR, 1941-1945 /
DS135.R92 H64 1993 M.E. Sharpe, c1993.
The Holocaust in university teaching /
D804.3 .H647 1991 Pergamon Press, 1991.
Holocaust literature : a handbook of critical, historical,
and literary writings /
D804.3 .H6475 1993 Greenwood Press, 1993.
Holocaust poetry /
PN6110.H45 H65 1995 St. Martin's Press, 1995.
The Holocaust : problems and perspectives of interpretation
D804.3 .H648 1992 D.C. Heath, c1992.
A Holocaust reader /
D810.J4 H65 Behrman House, c1976.
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Holocaust survivors' mental health /
RC451.4.H62 H65 1994 Haworth Press, c1994.
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D 810 J4 H648 Human Sciences Press, c1980.
Holocaust the story of man's inhumanity to man /
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Homage to Korczak : excerpts from his writings, poems in his
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LB775.K67 H652 1989 Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing
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Arming the Luftwaffe : the Reich Air Ministry and the German
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HD9711.G32 H65 University of Nebraska Press,
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Mark it with a stone /
DS135.P62 R318 1996 Barricade Books, c1996.
Horowitz, Irene.
Of human agony /
D810.J4 H67 1992 Shengold Publishers, 1922.
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Linguistic displacement in fictional responses to the
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The fate of Polish children during the last war /
D810.C4 H6813 1981 Interpress, 1981, c1979.
Huberband, Shimon,
Kiddush Hashem : Jewish religious and cultural life in
Poland during the Holocaust /
DS135.P6 H8213 1987 Ktav Pub. House ; Yeshiva
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Prisoners of hope : the silver age of the Italian Jews,
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DS135.I8 H83 1983 Harvard University Press,
Human response to the Holocaust : perpetrators and victims,
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D810.J4 B438 1979 E. Mellen Press, c1981.
Human responses to the Holocaust : perpetrators and victims,
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Olson Scholars' Conference on the Church Struggle and the
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D810.J4 B438 1979 E. Mellen Press, c1981.
Huneke, Douglas K.
The Moses of Rovno : the stirring story of Fritz Graebe, a
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DS135.R93 U354 1985 Dodd, Mead, 1985.
Hungarian-Jewish studies.
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The unsettled account : an autobiography /
D810.D5 H86 1986 Severn House, 1986.
Hurshell, Patricia.
When silence speaks, when women sorrow : rue and difference
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The agony of survival /
D804.3 .H88 1989 Glenbridge Pub. Ltd., c1989.
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Introduction and guide to the Riga Ghetto Archive catalogue
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Huttenbach, Henry R.
The life of Herta Mansbacher : a portrait of a Jewish
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A field of buttercups.
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Hyman, Abraham S.,
The undefeated /
HV640.5.J4 H93 1993 Gefen Pub. House ; Gefen
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