Hiatt Holocaust Collection Bibliography

         Ka-tzetnik 135633, 
         House of dolls / 
         PZ 4 K1613 H66 1973           Mayflower, 1973. 

         Ka-tzetnik 135633, 
         Moni : a novel of Auschwitz / 
         PJ5054.K343 K31 1987          Citadel Press, [1987], c1963. 

         Ka-tzetnik 135633, 
         Shivitti : a vision / 
         PJ5054.K343 Z47713 1989       Harper & Row, c1989. 

         Kádár, György. 
         György Kádár : survivor of death, witness to life :
         exhibition catalog of the Vanderbilt University Collection
         of Holocaust Art by György Kádár / 
         N7417.6 +K34 1988             The Committee, c1988. 

         Kagan, Joram. 
         Hippocrene insider's guide to Poland's Jewish heritage / 
         DS135.P6 K33 1992             Hippocrene Books, c1992. 

         Kahana, David, 
         Lvov ghetto diary / 
         DS135.R93 L89513 1990         University of Massachusetts
                                       Press, c1990. 

         Kahn, Annette, 
         Why my father died : a daughter confronts her family's past
         at the trial of Klaus Barbie / 
         DS135.F83 K34 1991            Summit Books, c1991. 

         Kahn, Erich Itor, 
         Erich Itor Kahn. 
         [MUSIC] 674 CD                CRI, p1988. 

         Kalellis, Peter M. 
         One more spring : a story of hope and friendship / 
         D811.5 .K2987 1995            Crossroad Pub., 1995. 

         Kalib, Goldie Szachter, 
         The last selection : a child's journey through the Holocaust
         DS135.P63 K244 1991           University of Massachussetts
                                       Press, c1991. 

         Kantor, Alfred, 
         The book of Alfred Kantor. 
         NC139.K3 A43                  McGraw-Hill [1971] 

         Kaplan, Chaim Aron, 
         Scroll of agony : the Warsaw diary of Chaim A. Kaplan / 
         DS135.P62 W27713 1981         Collier Books, [1981], c1973. 

         Karmasin, Fritz. 
         Austrian attitudes toward Jews. Israel, and the Holocaust / 
         DS146.A9 K3 1992              The American Jewish Committee,
                                       Institute of Human Relations,

         Karsov, Nina. 
         Nie kocha sie pomników / 
         DS135.P62 K3                  Kontra, 1983. 

         Karst, Georg M., 
         The beasts of the earth, 
         DD253 .K33                    A. Unger 1942 

         Katcher, Leo. 
         Post-mortem; the Jews in Germany today. 
         DS135.G33 K3                  Delacorte Press [1968] 

         Kater, Horst. 
         Die Deutsche Evangelische Kirche in den Jahren 1933 und
         1934. Eine rechts- u. verfassungsgeschichtl. 
         BX8020 .K3 1970               Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1970. 

         Kater, Michael H., 
         Doctors under Hitler / 
         R510 .K37 1989                University of North Carolina
                                       Press, c1989. 

         Die Katholiken und das Dritte Reich / 
         BX1536 .K27 1990              Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag,

         Die Katholiken und das Dritte Reich / 
         BX1536 .K27 1983              Matthias-Grünewald, 1983,

         Katholische Kirche im Dritten Reich : e. Aufsatzsammlung / 
         BX1536 .K28                   Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag,

         Katz, Alfred, 
         Poland's ghettos at war. 
         DS135.P6 K37                  Twayne Publishers [1970] 

         Katz, Josef, 
         One who came back; the diary of a Jewish survivor. 
         D810.J4 K286                  Herzl Press [1973] 

         Katz, Robert, 
         Black Sabbath; a journey through a crime against humanity. 
         DS 135 I85 R6k                Macmillan [1969] 

         Katz, Steven T., 
         Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism : critical studies
         in modern Jewish thought and history / 
         BM565 .K357 1992              New York University Press,


         Katz, Steven T., 
         The holocaust in historical context / 
         D804.3 .K378 1994             Oxford University Press, 1994- 

         Katzenbach, John. 
         The shadow man / 
         PS3561.A7778 S43 1995         Ballantine Books, 1995. 

         Katzenelson, Itzhak, 
         The song of the murdered Jewish people / 
         PJ5129.K38 L483 1980          Beit Lohamei Haghetaot ;
                                       Hakibbutz Hameuchad Pub.
                                       House, [1980] 

         Kaufman, Menahem. 
         An ambiguous partnership : non-Zionists and Zionists in
         America, 1939-1948 / 
         DS149 .K477413 1991           Magnes Press, Hebrew
                                       University ; Wayne State
                                       University Press, c1991. 

         Kedward, H. R. 
         Resistance in Vichy France : a study of ideas and motivation
         in the Southern Zone, 1940-1942 / 
         D802.F8 K4                    Oxford University Press, 1978. 

         Keenan, Alan, 
         The phoenix of the West; a study in pogrom. 
         DS145 .K39 1961               Campion Press; Taplinger Pub.
                                       Co., 1961 [c1960] 

         Kemp, Anthony, 
         The secret hunters / 
         D804.G4 .K4                   O'Mara, c1986. 

         Kempner, Benedicta Maria. 
         Nonnen unter dem Hakenkreuz : Leiden, Heldentum, Tod : d. 1.
         Dokumentation über d. Schicksal d. Nonnen im 3. Reich / 
         BX4220.E85 K45                Naumann, 1979. 

         Kempner, Robert, M. W., 
         Edith Stein und Anne Frank: zwei von hunderttausend. Die
         Enthüllungen über die NS-Verbrechen in Holland vor dem
         schwurgericht in München. Die ermordung der "nichtarischen"
         mönche und nonnen. 
         DS141 .K44                    Herder-Bücherei [c.1968] 

         Keneally, Thomas. 
         Schindler's list / 
         PR9619.3.K46 S3 1982          Simon and Schuster, c1982. 

         Kenez, Peter. 
         Varieties of fear : growing up Jewish under Nazism and
         Communism  / 
         DS135.H93 K474 1995           American University Press ;
                                       Distributed by University
                                       Publishing Associates, c1995. 

         Kenny, Anthony J., 
         Catholics, Jews, and the State of Israel / 
         BM535 .K42 1993               Paulist Press, c1993. 

         Kent, Bruce. 
         Franz Jägerstätter / 
         CT1098.J33 K46 1986           Catholic Truth Society, 1986. 

         Kerdreux, Michel de. 
         L'Amour face ŕ la haine : Pie XII, pontife méconnu,
         1940-1946 / 
         BX1378 .K35                   Résiac, 1974. 

         Kerdreux, Michel de. 
         Pie XII [i.e. douze], artisan de paix, et la Deuxičme Guerre
         BX1378 .K37                   Nouvelles Éditions latines

         Kerpely, Theresa de, 
         Of love and wars / 
         PS3561.E63 Z472 1984          Stein and Day, 1984. 

         Kershaw, Ian. 
         Hitler / 
         DD247.H6 K46 1991             Longman, 1991. 

         Kershaw, Ian. 
         The "Hitler myth" : image and reality in the Third Reich / 
         DD256.5 .K46513 1987          Clarendon Press ; Oxford
                                       University Press, c1987. 

         Kershaw, Ian. 
         Popular opinion and political dissent in the Third Reich,
         Bavaria 1933-45 / 
         HN460.P8 K47 1983             Clarendon Press ; Oxford
                                       University Press, 1983. 

         Kersten, Felix, 
         The Kersten memoirs : 1940-1945 / 
         DD247.H46 K413 1994           H. Fertig, 1994. 

         Kertész, Imre, 
         Fateless / 
         PH3281.K3815 S6713 1992       Northwestern University Press,

         Kessler-Pawlak, Ada. 

         Kariera Marianny Lind / 
         PG7170.E87 K3 1982            Poets and Painters Press,

         Kielar, Wieslaw. 
         Anus mundi : 1,500 days in Auschwitz-Birkenau / 
         D805.P7 K5213 1980            Times Book, c1980. 

         Kimche, Jon. 
         The secret roads : the "illegal" migration of a people,
         1938-1948 / 
         DS126.4 .K45 1976             Hyperion Press, 1976. 

         Kirche, Katholiken und Nationalsozialismus / 
         BX1536 .K54                   Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag,

         Kis, Danilo, 
         Hourglass / 
         PG1419.21.I8 P413 1990        Farrar Straus Giroux, 1990. 

         Klarsfeld, Beate, 
         Wherever they may be! / 
         DD259.4 .K5413 1975           Vanguard Press, c1975. 

         Klarsfeld, Serge, 
         Additif au mémorial de la déportation des Juifs de France / 
         DS 135 F83 +K42               Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,

         Klarsfeld, Serge, 
         The children of Izieu : a human tragedy / 
         DS 135 F85 +I95513 1985       H. Abrams, 1985, c1984. 

         Klarsfeld, Serge, 
         Le mémorial de la déportation des Juifs de France / 
         DS 135 F83 +K43               Klarsfeld, [1978] 

         Klarsfeld, Serge, 
         Vichy-Auschwitz : le rôle de Vichy dans la solution finale
         de la question juive en France, 1942 / 
         DS135.F83 K45 1983            Fayard, c1983. 

         Klausner, Carla L. 
         From destruction to rebirth : the holocaust and the State of
         Israel / 
         D810.J4 K53                   University Press of America,

         Klee, Ernst. 
         "Euthanasie" im NS-Staat : die "Vernichtung lebensunwerten
         Lebens" / 
         [SCIENCE] R726 .K55 1983      S. Fischer, c1983. 

         Klee, Ernst. 
         Persilscheine und falsche Pässe : wie die Kirchen den Nazis
         halfen / 
         DD256.5 .K48 1991             Fischer Taschenbuch-Verlag,

         Klee, Ernst. 
         Die SA Jesu Christi : die Kirchen im Banne Hitlers / 
         DD256.5 .K54 1989             Fischer Taschenbuch, 1989. 

         Klein, Cecilie. 
         Sentenced to live : a survivor's memoir / 
         D804.3 .K57 1988              Holocaust Library, c1988. 

         Klein, Charles. 
         Le diocése des barbelés, 1940-1944. 
         D805.G3 K57                   Fayard [1973] 

         Klein, Charles. 
         Pie XII [i.e. douze] face aux nazis / 
         D810.C6 K56                   Editions S.O.S., c1975. 

         Klein, Gerda Weissmann, 
         All but my life / 
         D811.5 .K5485                 Hill and Wang, 1971. 

         Klein, Gerda Weissmann, 
         Promise of a new spring : the holocaust and renewal / 
         D810.J4 K56                   Rossel Books, c1981. 

         Klein Halevi, Yossi, 
         Memoirs of a Jewish extremist : an American story / 
         E184.J5 K54 1995              Little, Brown, 1995. 

         Klemm, Hermann, 
         Im Dienst der Bekennenden Kirche : das Leben des sächsischen
         Pfarrers Karl Fischer 1896-1941 / 
         BX8080.F525 K55 1986          Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986. 

         Klépfisz, Hészel. 
         Culture of compassion : the spirit of Polish Jewry from
         Hasidism to the Holocaust / 
         BM198 .K58 1983               Ktav Pub. House, c1983. 

         Kluz, Ladislaus, 
         Kolbe and the Kommandant : two worlds in collision : a dual
         biography of Maximilian Maria Kolbe and Rudolph Franz Hoess
         ... / 
         D736 .K64 1983                DeSmet Foundation, c1983. 

         Knoop, Hans. 
         The Menten affair / 
         D810.J4 K57                   Macmillan, c1978. 

         Knout, David. 
         Contributions ŕ l'histoire de la résistance juive en France,
         D810.J4 K59                   Éditions du Centre, 1947. 

         Knowles, Leo. 
         Candidates for sainthood / 
         BX4651.2 .K66                 Carillon Books, 1978. 

         Koerbling, Anton. 
         Father Rupert Mayer : a modern priest and witness for Christ
         BX4705.M46 K613               Schnell & Steiner, c1950. 

         Kogon, Eugen, 
         The theory and practice of hell; the German concentration
         camps and the system behind them. 
         DD256.5 .K7 1960              Berkeley Publishing Corp.

         Kogon, Eugen, 
         The theory and practice of hell; the German concentration
         camps and the system behind them. 
         DD256.5 .K7 1973              Octagon Books, 1973. 

         Kohn, Murray J. 
         The voice of my blood cries out : the Holocaust as reflected
         in Hebrew poetry / 
         PJ5012.H65 K6                 Shengold Publishers, c1979. 

         Kohn, Nahum. 
         A voice from the forest ; memoirs of a Jewish partisan / 
         D802.U4 K6                    Holocaust Library ; c1980. 

         Kohner, Hanna. 
         Hanna and Walter : a love story / 
         D810.J4 K64 1984              Random House, c1984. 

         Kolb, Eberhard, 
         Bergen-Belsen : vom "Aufenthaltslager" zum
         Konzentrationslager, 1943-1945 / 
         D805.G3 K6 1986               Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986,

         Kolsky, Thomas A. 
         Jews against Zionism : the American Council for Judaism,
         1942-1948 / 
         DS149.A1 K65 1990             Temple University Press, 1990. 

         Komjathy, Anthony Tihamer. 
         German minorities and the Third Reich : ethnic Germans of
         East Central Europe between the wars / 
         D810.G4 K65 1980              Holmes & Meier, 1980. 

         Koop, Allen V., 
         Stark decency : German prisoners of war in a New England
         village / 
         D805.U5 K57 1988              University Press of New
                                       England, c1988. 

         Kopecky, Lilli. 
         In the shadow of the flames : six lectures on the holocaust
         D 810 J4 +K66                 Center for Research in Social
                                       Change, Emory University,

         Kopf, Paul. 
         Die Vertreibung von Bischof Joannes Baptista Sproll von
         Rottenburg 1938-1945; Dokumente zur Geschichte des
         kirchlichen Widerstands. 
         BX4705.S764 K6                Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag

         Korbonski, Stefan. 
         The Jews and the Poles in World War II / 
         DS135.P6 K55 1989             Hippocrene Books, c1989. 

         Korbonski, Stefan. 
         The Polish underground state : a guide to the underground,
         1939-1945 / 
         D802.P6 K67913 1981           Hippocrene Books, c1981. 

         Korczak, Janusz, 
         Ghetto diary / 
         DS135.P62 W272 1978           Holocaust Library, c1978. 

         Korczak, Janusz, 
         The ghetto years, 1939-1942 / 
         DS135.P62 W277613 1980        Ghetto Fighters' House ;
                                       Hakibbutz Hameuchad Pub.
                                       House, [1980] 

         Korczak, Janusz, 
         Janusz Korczak w getcie : nowe zródla / 
         CT1232.K62 A3 1992            Latona, 1992. 

         Korczak, Janusz, 
         The Warsaw ghetto memoirs of Janusz Korczak [i.e. Henryk
         Goldszmit] / translated from the Polish, with an introd. and
         notes by E.P. Kulawiec. 
         DS135.P62 W28913 1979         University Press of America,

         Korman, Gerd. 
         Hunter and hunted; human history of the holocaust. 
         D810.J4 K683 1974             Dell Pub. Co., 1974, c1973] 

         Korman, Gerd. 
         Hunter and hunted; human history of the holocaust. 
         D810.J4 K683                  Viking Press [1973] 

         Korn, Abram. 
         Abe's story : a Holocaust memoir / 
         D811.5 .K67 1995              Longstreet Press, c1995. 

         Kornbluth, William, 
         Sentenced to remember : my legacy of life in pre-1939 Poland
         and sixty-eight months of Nazi occupation / 
         DS135.P63 K579135 1994        Lehigh University Press ;
                                       Associated University Presses,

         Korzec, Pawel. 
         Juifs en Pologne : la question juive pendant
         l'entre-deux-guerres / 
         DS135.P6 K58                  Presses de la Fondation
                                       nationale des sciences
                                       politiques, c1980. 

         Koshar, Rudy. 
         Social life, local politics, and Nazism : Marburg, 1880-1935
         DD901.M283 K67 1986           University of North Carolina
                                       Press, c1986. 

         Kosinski, Jan. 
         Liczyl sie kazdy przezty dzien / 
         D805.G3 K673                  Wydawn. Literackie, 1980. 

         Kossoy, Edward, 
         Handbuch zum entschädigungsverfahren / 
         KK7650 .A25 1957              Oldenbourg Verlag, 1957-1967. 

         Kostic, Lazo M., 
         The holocaust in the "Independent State of Croatia" : an
         account based on German, Italian and other sources / 
         D804.Y8 K613                  Liberty, 1981. 

         Kosyk, Volodymyr. 
         The Third Reich and Ukraine / 
         D802.S752 U383713 1993        P. Lang, c1993. 

         Kotlar, Helen. 
         We lived in a grave / 
         DS135.P62 K83613              Shengold Publisher, c1980. 

         Kovály, Heda. 
         Under a cruel star : a life in Prague 1941-1968 / 
         DB2629.K68 A312 1986          Plunkett Lake Press, 1986. 

         Kovály, Heda. 
         The victors and The vanquished 
         DB215.5.K69 A3                Horizon Press [c1973] 

         Kovner, Abba, 
         A canopy in the desert; selected poems. 
         PJ5054.K6 C3                  University of Pittsburgh Press

         Kowalski, Isaac. 
         A secret press in Nazi Europe : the story of a Jewish united
         partisan organization / by Isaac Kowalski. 
         DS135.R93 V553 1978           Shengold Publishers, 1978. 

         Kozlowiecki, Adam, 
         Ucisk i strapienie : pamietnik wieznia, 1939-1945 / 
         D 805 G3 +K692 1967a           Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa
                                       Modlitwy, 1967. 

         Krakowski, Shmuel. 
         The war of the doomed : Jewish armed resistance in Poland,
         1942-1944 / 
         D810.J4 K68413 1984           Holmes and Meier, 1984. 

         Krall, Hanna. 
         Shielding the flame : an intimate conversation with Dr.
         Marek Edelman, the last surviving leader of the Warsaw
         Ghetto uprising / 
         DS135.P62 W277713 1986        Henry Holt and Co., 1986. 

         Krall, Hanna. 
         The subtenant ; To outwit God / 
         PG7170.R28 S813 1992          Northwestern University Press,

         Kranitz-Sanders, Lillian. 
         Twelve who survived : an oral history of the Jews of Lodz,
         Poland, 1930-1954 / 
         DS135.P62 L64413              Irvington Publishers, [1984] 

         Krantz, Morris. 
         Hitler's Death March 
         D810.J4                       Kensington Pub. Corp., 1978. 

         Kranzler, David, 
         Japanese, Nazis & Jews : the Jewish refugee community of
         Shanghai, 1938-1945 / 
         DS135.C5 K7 1976              Yeshiva University Press :
                                       distributed by Sifria
                                       Distributors, 1976. 

         Kranzler, David, 
         Thy brother's blood : the Orthodox Jewish response during
         the Holocaust = [Kol deme ahikha tso`akim elai] / 
         D804.3 .K68 1987              Mesorah Publications, c1987. 

         Kranzler, David, 
         To save a world : profiles in Holocaust rescue / 
         D804.3 .K7 1991               CIS Publishers, 1991. 

         Kremer, S. Lillian, 
         Witness through the imagination : Ozick, Elman, Cohen,
         Potok, Singer, Epstein, Bellow, Steiner, Wallant, Malamud :
         Jewish-American Holocaust literature / 
         PS374.H56 K7 1989             Wayne State University Press,

         Kren, George M., 
         The Holocaust and the crisis of human behavior / 
         D810.J4 K687 1979             Holmes & Meier, 1980. 

         "Die Kristall-Nacht" 9. November 1938 : die Milliarde Reichs
         -Mark, die als Strafe und Kontribution dem Judentum
         auferlegt wurde / 
         DS135 G33 +K74 1993           Institute of Documentation in
                                       Israel for the Investigation
                                       of Nazi War Crimes, 1993. 

         Krüger, Horst, 
         A crack in the wall : growing up under Hitler / 
         DD256.5 .K7513 1986           Fromm International Pub.
                                       Corp., 1986, c1982. 

         Krzyzanowski, Bronislaw. 
         Wilenski matecznik, 1939-1944 : z dziejów "Wachlarza" i
         armii krajowej / 
         D802.S752 L573 1979           Instytut Literacki, 1979. 

         Kubar, Zofia S. 
         Double identity : a memoir / 
         DS135.P62 W279 1989           Hill and Wang, 1989. 

         Kuehn, Heinz R. 
         Mixed blessings : an almost ordinary life in Hitler's
         Germany / 
         DS135.G5 K84 1988             University of Georgia Press,

         Kulka, Erich. 
         Escape from Auschwitz / 
         D805.P7 K77 1986              Bergin & Garvey Publishers,

         Kulka, Erich. 
         Jews in Svoboda's army in the Soviet Union : Czechoslovak
         Jewry's fight against the Nazis during World War II / 
         D810.J4 K79213 1987           University Press of America ;
                                       Institute of Contemporary
                                       Jewry, c1987. 

         Kuniczak, W. S., 
         The march / 
         PS3561.U58 M37 1979           Doubleday, 1979. 

         Kuper, Jack. 
         Child of the holocaust / 
         D810.J4 K8 1987               New American Library, [1987],

         Kuper, Jack. 
         Child of the holocaust / 
         D810.J4 K8 1980               New American Library, 1980,

         Kuper, Leo. 
         The prevention of genocide / 
         JX5418 .K864 1985             Yale University Press, c1985. 

         Kupper, Alfons, 
         Staatliche Akten über die Reichskonkordatsverhandlungen
         BX1536 .K86                   Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag

         Kurst, Otto. 
         Auschwitz / 
         D805.P7 K87                   Hillman Periodicals, c1960. 

         Kuznetsov, Anatolii Petrovich. 
         Babi Yar : a document in the form of a novel / 
         PG 3482.8 U8 B3 1979          R. Bently, 1979, c1970. 

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