Hiatt Holocaust Collection Bibliography

         Rabbinic responsa of the Holocaust era / 
         BM522.A1 R32 1985             Schocken, 1985. 

         Rabinowitz, Dorothy. 
         About the Holocaust : what we know and how we know it / 
         D810.J4 R28                   Institute of Human Relations
                                       Press, American Jewish
                                       Committee, c1979. 

         Rabinowitz, Dorothy. 
         New lives : survivors of the holocaust living in America / 
         E184.J5 R18                   Knopf : distributed by Random
                                       House, 1976, t.p. 1977. 

         Rabinsky, Leatrice, 
         Journey of conscience : young people respond to the
         Holocaust / 
         D810.J4 R32                   Collins, 1979. 

         Rader, John S. 
         The Pope and the holocaust / 
         BX1378 .R33 1994              Family Apostolate, c1994. 

         Radical perspectives on the rise of Fascism in Germany,
         1919-1945 / 
         DD240 .R15 1989               Monthly Review Press, 1989. 

         Radnóti, Miklós, 
         Forced march : selected poems / 
         PH3321.R27 A29                Carcanet New Press, 1979. 

         Radzivilover, Matus. 
         Now or never : a time for survival / 
         D810.J4 R33 1979              F. Fell Publishers, c1979. 

         Raem, Heinz-Albert. 
         Es geschah in Opladen... : NS-Verfolgung und Kirchenkampf in
         der Pfarrei St. Remigius-Opladen / 
         DD253 .R14 1983               Verlagshaus Borengässer, 1983. 

         Raisupis, Matas. 
         Dabarties kankiniai; Lietuvos vyskupu, kunigu ir tikinciuju
         kryziaus kelias pirmojoje ir antrojoje sovietu okupacijoje. 
         BX1559.L5 R39                 "Draugo" spaustuve, 1972] 

         Raphael, David. 
         The Alhambra Decree / 
         PS3568.A65 A45 1988           Carmi House Press, c1988. 

         Raphael Lemkin's thoughts on Nazi genocide : not guilty? / 
         D804.3 .R37 1992              E. Mellen Press, c1992. 

         Rapoport, Louis. 
         Stalin's war against the Jews : the doctors' plot and the
         Soviet solution / 
         DS135.R92 R36 1990            Free Press, c1990. 

         Rashke, Richard L. 
         Escape from Sobibor / 
         D805.P7 R33 1982              Houghton Mifflin, 1982. 

         Rassinier, Paul. 
         Debunking the genocide myth : a study of the Nazi
         concentration camps and the alleged extermination of
         European Jewry / 
         D810.J4 R38                   Institute for Historical
                                       Review, c1978. 

         Rassinier, Paul. 
         Le drame des Juifs européens. 
         D810.J4 R382                  Les Sept Couleurs [1964] 

         Rassinier, Paul. 
         The real Eichmann trial, or, The incorrigible victors / 
         D804.G43 E513 1976            Institute for Historical
                                       Review, 1976 

         Rausch, David A. 
         A legacy of hatred : why Christians must not forget the
         Holocaust / 
         D810.J4 R384 1984             Moody Press, c1984. 

         Read, Anthony. 
         The fall of Berlin / 
         D757.9.B4 R43 1993            W.W. Norton, 1993. 

         Read, Anthony. 
         Kristallnacht : the Nazi night of terror / 
         DS135.G33 F56 1989            Times Books, 1989. 

         Read, Piers Paul, 
         The free Frenchman / 
         PR6068.E25 F74 1986           Random House, c1986. 

         Rebhun, Joseph. 
         God and man : in two worlds / 
         D810.J4 R4                    Or Publishing, 1985. 

         Records of the Reich leader of the SS and chief of the
         German police = Reichsführer SS und Chef der Deutschen
         [MIC.RM.] Micro- film         American Historical
                                       Association, American
                                       Committee for the Study of War
                                       Documents, 1958- 

         Rector, Frank. 
         The Nazi extermination of homosexuals / 
         HQ76.2.G4 R4                  Stein and Day, 1981. 

         Reese, Hans-Jörg. 
         Bekenntnis und Bekennen : vom 19. Jahrhundert z.
         Kirchenkampf d. nationalsozialist. Zeit / 
         BT30.G3 R43 1974              Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 1974. 

         Reflections of the Holocaust in art and literature / 
         PN56.H55 R44 1990             Social Science Monographs ;
                                       The Csengeri Institute for
                                       Holocaust Studies of the
                                       Graduate School and University
                                       Center of the City University
                                       of New York : Distributed by
                                       Columbia University Press,

         Reflections on the Holocaust : historical, philosophical,
         and educational dimensions / 
         D810.J4 R41                   American Academy of Political
                                       and Social Science, 1980. 

         Reich, Tova. 
         The Jewish war : a novel / 
         PS3568.E4763 J49 1995         Pantheon Books, 1995. 

         Reifferscheid, Gerhard. 
         Das Bistum Ermland und das Dritte Reich / 
         BX1568.O47 R44                Böhlau, 1975. 

         Reimann, Viktor. 
         Innitzer : Kardinal zwischen Hitler und Rom. 
         BX4705.I55 R4                 Molden, [1967] 

         Reimers, K. F. 
         Lübeck im Kirchenkampf des Dritten Reiches;
         nationalsozialistisches Führerprinzip und
         evangelisch-lutherische Landeskirche von 1933 bis 1945. 
         BR856 .R425                   Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1965. 

         Reinharz, Jehuda. 
         Chaim Weizmann : the making of a Zionist leader / 
         DS125.3.W4 R45 1985           Oxford University Press, 1985. 

         Reiss, Lionel S. 
         A world at twilight; a portrait of the Jewish communities of
         Eastern Europe before the holocaust. 
         DS 135 E83 +R38               Macmillan [1971] 

         Relief and rescue of Jews from Nazi oppression, 1943-1945 / 
         D 810 J4 +H655 vol. 14        Garland Pub., 1982. 

         Relief in Hungary and the failure of the Joel Brand mission
         D 810 J4 +H655 vol. 15        Garland Pub., 1982. 

         Remembering for the future : working papers and addenda. 
         D 804.3 +R46 1989             Pergamon Press, c1989. 

         Combattre jusqu'au bout / 
         D802.F8 R33                   Plon, 1981. 

         Une Épopée de la Résistance ... / 
         D 802 F8 +R3432 1979          Editions Atlas, 1979- 

         La ligne de démarcation 
         D802.F8 R348                  Librairie académique Perrin

         On m'appelait Rémy / 
         D802.F8 R46 1967              Librairie Académique Perrin,

         The Rescue of the Danish Jews : moral courage under stress / 
         DS135.D4 R47 1987             New York University Press,

         Resistance against the Third Reich, 1933-1990 / 
         DD256.3 .R38 1994             University of Chicago Press,

         Resistance in Europe, 1939-1945 : based on the proceedings
         of a symposium held at the University of Salford, March,
         1973 / 
         D802.A2 R44                   A. Lane, 1975. 

         Resistance to national socialism : Kunst und Widerstand :
         Forschungsergebnisse und Erfahrungsberichte : third
         Nottigham symposium / 
         DD256.3 .R39 1995             Iudicium, c1995 

         Responses to Elie Wiesel / 
         PQ2683.I32 Z85                Persea Books, c1978. 

         Reuth, Ralf Georg, 
         Goebbels / 
         DD247.G6 R4913 1993           Harcourt Brace, c1993. 

         Reviczky, Ádám. 
         Wars lost, battles won / 
         UA55.R48 R4813 1992           East European Monographs ;

                                       Distributed by Columbia
                                       University Press, 1992. 

         Reviglio, Antonio, 
         La lunga strada del ritorno : l'odissea dei soldati italiani
         internati nella Germania nazista / 
         D805.G3 R45                   Mursia, 1975. 

         Reworking the past : Hitler, the Holocaust, and the
         historians' debate / 
         DD256.5 .R436 1990            Beacon Press, c1990. 

         Reynolds, Jan, 
         Inheritance : the history of Israel and Christianity
         unveiled / 
         DS118 .R48 1989               Shapolsky Publishers, c1989. 

         Rezzori, Gregor von. 
         Memoirs of an anti-Semite / 
         PT2635.E98 M4513 1981         Viking Press, 1981. 

         Rhodes, Anthony Richard Ewart. 
         The power of Rome in the twentieth century : the Vatican in
         the age of liberal democracies, 1870-1922 / 
         BX1396.2 .R55 1983            F. Watts, 1983. 

         Riccardi, Andrea, 
         Roma città sacra? : Dalla Conciliazione all'operazione
         Sturzo / 
         BX1548.R6 R52                 Vita e pensiero, c1979. 

         Ricciardi, A. 
         St. Maximilian Kolbe, apostle of our difficult age / 
         BX4705.K81 R53 1982           St. Paul Editions, c1982. 

         Richter, Hans Peter, 
         Friedrich / 
         PT2678.I317 D313 1987         Puffin Books, 1987, c1970. 

         Ridgway, Warren Arthur. 
         The Vatican and the Nazi persecution of the Jews, 1933-1945
         : the present state of the evidence / 
         D 804 J33 +V37 1967           1967. 

         Ringelblum, Emanuel, 
         Notes from the Warsaw ghetto; the journal of Emmanuel
         DS135.P62 W3313 1974          Schocken Books [1974, c1958] 

         Ringelblum, Emanuel, 
         Notes from the Warsaw ghetto; the journal of Emmanuel
         DS135.P62 W3313               McGraw-Hill [1958] 

         Ringelblum, Emanuel, 
         Polish-Jewish relations during the Second World War / 
         DS135.P6 R495 1976            Fertig, 1976, c1974. 

         Ringelheim, Joan Miriam. 
         A catalogue of audio and video collections of Holocaust
         testimony / 
         [REF] D804.3 .R55 1992        Greenwood Press, c1992. 

         Ringelheim, Joan Miriam. 
         A catalogue of audio and video collections of Holocaust
         testimony / 
         D 804.3 +R55 1986             Institute for Research in
                                       History, [c1986] 

         Rings, Werner. 
         Life with the enemy : collaboration and resistance in
         Hitler's Europe, 1939-1945 / 
         D802.E9 R5613                 Doubleday, 1982. 

         Rinser, Luise, 
         A woman's prison journal : Germany 1944 / 
         PT2635.I68 Z464 1987          Schocken Books, 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +P57844 1987            Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5333 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R574 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.3 +R572 1987            Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R533 1987              Garland, 1987- 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5336 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.4 +R572 1987            Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5328 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.4 +R574 1987            Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R5786 1987             Garland, 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R572 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.4 +R575 1987            Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R539 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5393 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.5 +R48 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.3 +R57 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5335 1987             Garland, 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5326 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5338 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R577 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5395 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R578 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5339 1987             Garland, 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R5784 1987             Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126.3 +R5715 1987           Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R579 1987              Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS126 +R57 1987               Garland Pub., 1987. 

         The Rise of Israel. 
         DS149 +R5323 1987             Garland Pub., c1987. 

         The Rise of the Nazi regime : historical reassessments / 
         DD256.5 .R53 1986             Westview Press, 1986 

         Ritchie, J. M. 
         German literature under National Socialism / 
         PT403 .R54 1983               C. Helm ; Barnes & Noble,

         Ritter, Gerhard, 
         The German resistance : Carl Goerdeler's struggle against
         tyranny / 
         DD247.G63 R513 1958           Praeger, 1958. 

         Robin, Ron Theodore. 
         The barbed-wire college : reeducating German POWs in the
         United States during World War II / 
         D805.U5 R63 1995              Princeton University Pres,

         Robinson, Jacob, 
         And the crooked shall be made straight: the Eichmann trial,
         the Jewish catastrophe, and Hannah Arendt's narrative. 
         DD247.E3 R6                   Macmillan [1965] 

         Robinson, Jacob, 
         Guide to unpublished materials of the holocaust period. 
         D810.J4 R6                    Hebrew University, Institute
                                       of Contemporary Jewry, 1970- 

         Robinson, Jacob, 
         The Holocaust and after : sources & literature in English / 
         [REF.RM.] D810.J4 .R57        Israel Universities Press,

         Robinson, Jacob, 
         The Holocaust : the Nuremburg evidence : digest, index, and
         chronological tables / 
         D 810 J4 +R56                 Yad vashem ; on sale in
                                       U.S.A., Yivo Institute for
                                       Jewish Research, 1976- 

         Robinson, Jacob, 
         La tragédie juive sous la croix gammée à la lumière du
         procès de Jérusalem (Le récit de Hannah Arendt et la réalité
         des faits) 
         DD247.E3 R614 1965            Centre de documentation juive
                                       contemporaine. [1965] 

         Roccasalvo, Joseph. 
         Portrait of a woman / 
         PS3568.O3135 P67 1995         Ignatius Press, 1995. 

         Roden, Eva. 
         Lives on borrowed time / 
         D810.J4 R615 1984             Carlton Press, c1984. 

         Röder, Thomas, 
         Psychiatrists : the men behind Hitler : the architects of
         horror / 
         DD256.5 .R54 1995             Freedom Pub., 1995, c1994. 

         Rogasky, Barbara. 
         Smoke and ashes : the story of the Holocaust / 
         D804.3 .R64 1988              Holiday House, c1988. 

         Rohtbart, Markus, 
         I wanted to live to tell a story; an autobiography. 
         D 810 J4 R62                  Vantage Press 1980. 

         Roi, Emilie. 
         A different story about a Danish girl in World War Two. 
         DS135.D4 R64 1990             Yad Vashem, 1990. 

         Roiphe, Anne Richardson, 
         A season for healing : reflections on the Holocaust / 
         D804.3 .R65 1988              Summit Books, c1988. 

         Rokhman, Leyb, 
         The pit and the trap : a chronicle of survival / 
         D810.J4 R612                  Holocaust Library, c1983. 

         Roland, Charles G. 
         Courage under siege : starvation, disease, and death in the
         Warsaw ghetto / 
         DS135.P62 W3355 1992          Oxford University Press, 1992. 

         Roon, Ger van. 
         Zwischen Neutralismus und Solidarität : die evangelischen
         Niederlande und der deutsche Kirchenkampf 1933-1942 / 
         BR906 .R66 1983               Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,

         Roques, Henri, 
         The 'confessions' of Kurt Gerstein / 
         DD247.G38 R6                  Institute for Historical
                                       Review, 1989. 

         Rose, Leesha, 
         The tulips are red / 
         D810.J4 R6537                 A. S. Barnes, c1978. 

         Rosen, Donia. 
         The forest, my friend. 
         D810.J4 R657                  Bergen Belsen Memorial Press
                                       of the World Federation of
                                       Bergen-Belsen Associations

         Rosen, Norma. 
         Accidents of influence : writing as a woman and a Jew in
         America / 
         PS3568.O77 A66 1992           State University of New York
                                       Press, c1992. 

         Rosen, Sara. 
         My lost world : a survivor's tale / 
         DS135.P63 R66 1993            Vallentine Mitchell, 1993. 

         Rosenbaum, Eli M. 
         Betrayal : the untold story of the Kurt Waldheim
         investigation and cover-up / 
         DB98.W28 R67 1993             St. Martin's Press, 1993. 

         Rosenbaum, Thane. 
         Elijah visible : stories / 
         PS3568.O782 E44 1996          St. Martin's Press, 1996. 

         Rosenfeld, Alvin H. 
         A double dying : reflections on Holocaust literature / 
         PN56.3.J4 R6                  Indiana University Press,

         Rosenfeld, Alvin H. 
         Imagining Hitler / 
         PS228.H58 R6 1985             Indiana University Press,

         Rosenfeld, Harvey. 
         Raoul Wallenberg, angel of rescue : heroism and torment in
         the gulag / 
         D809.S8 W327 1982             Prometheus Books, 1982. 

         Rosenthal, Ludwig. 
         "The final solution to the Jewish question:" mass-murder or
         hoax? : an evaluation of the evidence in the Trial of the
         Major War Criminals before the International Military
         Tribunal at Nuremberg from November 14, 1945, to October 1,
         1946 / 
         D810.J4 R6587                 c1984. 

         Roskies, David G., 
         Against the apocalypse : reponses to catastrophe in modern
         Jewish culture / 
         PJ5120 .R67 1984              Harvard University Press,

         Roskies, Diane K. 
         Teaching the holocaust to children : a review and
         bibliography / 
         D810.J4 R659                  Ktav Pub. House, 1975. 

         Ross, James R. 
         Escape to Shanghai : a Jewish community in China / 
         DS135.C5 R67 1994             Free Press ; Maxwell Macmillan
                                       Canada ; Maxwell Macmillan
                                       International, c1994. 

         Ross, Robert W. 
         So it was true : the American Protestant press and the Nazi
         persecution of the Jews / 
         D810.J4 R664                  University of Minnesota Press,

         Rossel, Seymour. 
         The Holocaust : the fire that raged / 
         D804.3 .R67 1989              F. Watts, 1989. 

         Rotenberg, Alexander. 
         Emissaries : a memoir of the Riviera, Haute-Savoie,

         Switzerland, and World War II / 
         D810.J4 R666 1987             Citadel Press, c1987. 

         Rotenstreich, Nathan, 
         Jews and German philosophy : the polemics of emancipation / 
         BM316 .R67 1984               Schocken Books, 1984. 

         Roth, Cecil, 
         Doña Gracia of the House of Nasi / 
         DS124 .R63 1992               Jewish Publication Society of
                                       America, 1992. 

         Roth, Cecil, 
         The House of Nasi : the Duke of Naxos / 
         DS124 .R64 1992               Jewish Publication Society of
                                       America, 1992, c1948. 

         Roth-Hano, Renée, 
         Touch wood : a girlhood in occupied France / 
         PZ7 R72785 Tou 1988           Four Winds Press, c1988. 

         Roth, John K. 
         A consuming fire : encounters with Elie Wiesel and the
         holocaust / 
         PQ2683.I32 Z86                John Knox Press, c1979. 

         Rothfels, Hans, 
         The German opposition to Hitler: an assessment; 
         DD256.3 .R8 1970              Wolff, 1970. 

         Rothschild, Philippe, 
         Baron Philippe : the very candid autobiography of Baron
         Philippe de Rothschild / 
         [SCIENCE] TP547.R67 A32 1984  Crown Publishers, 1984. 

         Rousset, David. 
         The other kingdom; 
         D805.G3 R6415                 Reynal & Hitchcock [1947] 

         Rovan, Joseph. 
         Contes de Dachau / 
         D805.G3 R65 1987              Julliard, c1987. 

         Ruben, William S. 
         Escape from the Holocaust / 
         D810.J4 R77                   Manor Books, 1978. 

         Rubenstein, Richard L. 
         After Auschwitz : history, theology, and contemporary
         Judaism / 
         BM601 .R89 1992               Johns Hopkins University
                                       Press, c1992. 

         Rubenstein, Richard L. 
         Approaches to Auschwitz : the Holocaust and its legacy / 
         D810.J4 R778 1987             John Knox Press, c1987. 

         Rubenstein, Richard L. 
         The cunning of history : the holocaust and the American
         future / 
         D810.J4 R78 1978              Harper & Row, 1978. 

         Rubin, Arnold P., 
         Hitler and the Nazis : the evil that men do / 
         D810.J4 R79 1979              Bantam Books, 1979, c1977. 

         Rubinowicz, Dawid, 
         The diary of Dawid Rubinowicz / 
         D810.J4 R79413 1982           Creative Options Pub., c1982. 

         Rubinstein, Donna. 
         I am the only survivor of Krasnostav / 
         DS135.R95 R847 1982           Shengold Publishers, c1982. 

         Rubinstein, Erna F. 
         The survivor in us all : a memoir of the Holocaust / 
         D810.J4 R796 1983             Archon Books, 1983. 

         Ruby, Marcel. 
         La Résistance à Lyon : 19 juin 1940-3 septembre 1944 / 
         D802.F82 L948 1979            Éditions l'Hermès, 1979. 

         Rückerl, Adalbert, 
         The investigation of Nazi crimes, 1945-1978 : a
         documentation / 
         KK73 .R8313                   Archon Books, 1980. 

         Rüppel, Erich Günter. 
         Die Gemeinschafsbewegung im Dritten Reich. Ein Beitrang z.
         Geschichte d. Kirchenkampfes 
         BR856 .R8 1969                Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1969. 

         Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley Russell, 
         The scourge of the swastika : a short history of Nazi war
         crimes / 
         D804.G4 R83 1985              Chivers, 1985, c1954. 

         Rutherford, Ward. 
         D810.J4 R9                    Ballantine Books, 1973] 

         Ryan, Allan A. 
         Klaus Barbie and the United States government : the report,
         with documentary appendix, to the Attorney General of the
         United States / 
         D804.G4 B31567 1984           University Publications of
                                       America, c1984. 

         Ryan, Allan A. 
         Quiet neighbors : prosecuting Nazi war criminals in America
         KF221.P6 R9 1984              Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,

         Rybakov, Anatolii Naumovich. 
         Heavy sand / 
         PG3476.R87 T513 1982          Penguin, 1982. 

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