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Diaspora /
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Farewell España : the world of the Sephardim remembered /
DS135.S7 S23 1994 Knopf, 1994.
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An eye for an eye /
DS135.P63 B5467 1993 BasicBooks, c1993.
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BM565 .S215 1992 Manchester University Press ;
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A radiance in the Gulag : the Catholic witness of Nijole
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BX4705.S132 A3313 1987 Trinity Communications, 1987.
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BM755.S229 A3 1987 Yad Vashem, 1987.
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D802.P6 S23 1985 Hippocrene Books, 1985, c1984.
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E184.J5 S28 1984 State University of New York
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Wartime writings, 1939-1944 /
PQ 2637 A29e 1986 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
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The net of dreams : a family's search for a rightful place /
DS135.U42 K477 1996 Random House, c1996.
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Charlotte, life or theatre? : An autobiographical play /
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DS125 .S284 1988 Holt, c1988.
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Pater Rupert Mayer : Verteidiger der Wahrheit, Apostel der
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BX4705.M46 S26 Echter Verlag, 1981.
Sanning, Walter N.,
The dissolution of Eastern European Jewry /
DS135.E83 S3313 1983 Institute for Historical
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PN1993.5.G3 S33 1990 Cornell University Press,
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D802.G3 S315 1981 Humanities Press, 1981, c1980.
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PQ 2637 A79z A29 1984 Pantheon Books, 1984.
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Wrestling until day-break : searching for meaning in the
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BM645.H6 S393 1984 University Press of America,
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D805.P7 S34 1986 Shengold Publishers, c1986.
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The seventh cross /
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No. 12 Kaiserhofstrasse /
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Athens, Auschwitz /
DS135.G73 S48 1983 Lycabettus Press, c1983.
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Coat of many colors : pages from Jewish life /
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The holocaust victims accuse : documents and testimony on
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Beyond marginality : Anglo-Jewish literature after the
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PR120.J48 S53 1985 State University of New York
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Strangers in their own land : young Jews in Germany and
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Grace in the wilderness : after the liberation, 1945-1948 /
DS135.S89 S547 1985 Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1985.
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Trauma and rebirth : intergenerational effects of the
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The book of the just : the unsung heroes who rescued Jews
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A theology of Auschwitz : the Christian faith and the
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BT160 .S54 1979 J. Knox Press, 1979, c1967.
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Les Editions de Minuit, 1942-1955 : le devoir d'insoumission
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The splendid blond beast : money, law, and genocide in the
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The fulfilled promise : a documentary account of religious
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The six million reconsidered.
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The darkness we carry : the drama of the Holocaust /
PN1879.H65 S58 1988 University of Wisconsin Press,
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The road to Katyn : a soldier's story /
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The road to Nuremberg /
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Confessions of a Holocaust revisionist /
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Wallenberg : lost hero /
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Dachau : the harrowing of hell /
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What do Americans think about Jews? /
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The Minsk ghetto : Soviet-Jewish partisans against the Nazis
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The Pope, the church and anti-Semitism /
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D810.C4 S63 1983 Howard Fertig, 1983.
Soviet Jewry in the decisive decade, 1971-80 /
DS135.R92 S657 1984 Duke University Press, 1984.
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Don't fence me in! : an American teenager in the holocaust /
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The holocaust of Volhynian Jews, 1941-1944 /
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Maus : a survivor's tale /
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Spiritual resistance : art from concentration camps,
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Parochie in de hel /
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Idealism debased : from völkisch ideology to national
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DD61.8 .S72 1981 Kent State University Press,
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Darkness over the valley /
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D805.P7 S6713 1986 Institute for Historical
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Der Auschwitz-Mythos : Legende oder Wirklichkeit /
D805.P7 S67 1984 Historical Review Press, 1984.
Starer, Henry.
Why /
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There is always time to die /
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The inner Nazi : a critical analysis of Mein Kampf /
DD247.H6 A3583 Louisiana State University
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Another kind of witness /
D 804.3 +S74 1988 Jewish Publication Society,
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BV4235.L3 S73 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1972.
Stein, André.
Broken silence : dialogues from the edge /
D810.J4 S75 1984 Lester & Orpen Dennys, c1984.
Stein, André.
Quiet heroes : true stories of the rescue of Jews by
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DS135.N4 S77 1988 New York University Press,
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Briefe an Roman Ingarden : 1917-1938 /
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Edith Stein ; a biographical essay and ways to know God /
BT100.D56 S8313 1981 The Discalced Carmelite Nuns,
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Stein, Edith,
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BX4705.S81 L53 1986 ICS Publications, 1986.
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All or nothing : the Axis and the Holocaust, 1941-1943 /
D804.3 .S75 1990 Routledge, 1990.
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The Jews against Hitler : not as a lamb /
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PR6069.T417 P6 1981 Simon and Schuster, c1981.
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Voices from the Third Reich : an oral history /
DD256.5 .S764 1989 Regnery Gateway ; Distributed
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The peppermint train : journey to a German-Jewish childhood
DS135.G5 S739 1992 University Press of Florida,
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Elie Wiesel, witness for life /
PQ2683.I32 Z88 1982 Ktav Pub. House, 1982.
Stern, Frank.
The whitewashing of the yellow badge : antisemitism and
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DS146.G4 S74 1992 Published for the Vidal
Sassoon International Center
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Press, 1992.
Stern, Kenneth S.
Holocaust denial /
D804.35 .S76 1993 American Jewish Committee,
Stiffel, Frank.
The tale of the ring : a Kaddish : a personal memoir of the
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D810.J4 S794 Pushcart Press, c1984.
Stille, Alexander.
Benevolence and betrayal : five Italian Jewish families
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DS135.I9 A17 1991 Summit Books, c1991.
Stoevesandt, Karl.
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BX8022.B74 S7 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1961.
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Folklore fights the Nazis : humor in occupied Norway,
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DL532 .S8 1995 Fairleigh Dickinson University
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The "1007 anonymous" and papal sovereignty : Jewish
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BM 11 H44 Suppl. no.4 Hebrew Union College--Jewish
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Strom, Margot Stern.
Facing history and ourselves : holocaust and human behavior
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Akcje zbrojne podziemnej Warszawy 1939-1944 /
D802.P62 W37358 1983 Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy,
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Strzembosz, Tomasz.
Oddzialy szturmowe konspiracyjnej Warszawy 1939-1944 /
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Studies on the Holocaust in Hungary /
DS135.H9 S78 1990 Social Science Monographs ;
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Sophie's choice /
PS3569.T9 S6 Random House, c1979.
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Survivors of the Holocaust
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Survivors, victims, and perpetrators : essays on the Nazi
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D810.J4 S87 Hemisphere Pub. Corp., c1980.
Sutherland, Christine.
Monica /
D802.D4 W537 1990 Farrar, Straus, Giroux, c1990.
Sutin, Jack.
Jack and Rochelle : a Holocaust story of love and resistance
D811 .S94 1994 Graywolf Press, c1995.
Swearingen, Ben E.
The mystery of Hermann Goering's suicide /
DD247.G67 S83 1985 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
Swiety naszych czasów : beatyfikacja i kanonizacja ojca
Maksymiliana Kolbego /
BX4700.K55 S94 1983 Pax, 1983.
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Deportation and exile : Poles in the Soviet Union, 1939-48 /
D810.D5 S88 1994 St. Martin's Press in
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Sydnor, Charles W.
Soldiers of destruction : the SS Death's Head Division,
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D757.85 .S95 Princeton University Press,
Die Synode zu Halle, 1937 : Die zweite Tagung der vierten
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Jews and the French Foreign Legion /
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Szatyn, Bronislaw,
A private war : surviving in Poland on false papers,
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DS135.P63 S44713 1985 Wayne State University Press,
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PH3351.S85 E4813 1994 Central European University
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