The Myth of Shangri-La: A Digital Library for Teachers



The Himalayan region is a complex cultural, historical, political and ecological frontier. 
          The area serves as a rich case study for students examining art, literature, language, history, 
           geography, philosophy, religion, environmental and current geopolitical issues.  The resources 
           contained in this site are intended to be printed for classroom use and teacher education. They
           were provided by experts in this field of study who shared their knowledge of this region with
          participants in this Institute. 

          It is incumbent upon those who study and teach about this region to recognize that there are 
          incredible cultural  barriers to seeing the region for what it really is.  The links below are a 
          starting point for addressing hidden assumptions and developing appropriate "habits of mind".

The Concept of the Frontier


Rules for Doing Comparative Literature

 Guidelines for Teaching about Religion



This site was created by Matthew Foglia and Melanie Nash at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross.