The Himalaya:
A Cultural, Religious, and Geographic History

An elective course for high school juniors and seniors

Drew Devore
Episcopal School of Acadiana
Cade, Louisiana



Course Overview


Cultural Sensitivity



Unit 3: Religions of the Himalaya

Part I: Hinduism

Lesson 1: Introduction to Hinduism Lecture/ discussion
Readings from:


Lesson 2: Important deities of hinduism and their iconography


Lesson 3: Hindu epics and how they are communicated

"Sita Sings the Blues" by Nina Paley

Epic Comic Books

Lesson 4: Reading of The Baghva Gita

Part II: Buddhism

Lesson 1: Introduction to Buddhism Lecture/ Discussion
Readings from:

Lesson 2: Life of the Buddha Lecture (images)

Map of important sites in the life of the Buddha

Lesson 3: Major Points of Buddhist Philosophy (images)

Lesson 4: Meditation seminar with meditation teacher

Lesson 5: Buddhist stories, The Jataka Tales

Part III: Tibetan Buddhism

Lesson 1: Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism

Lesson 2: Introduction to Tibetan Art


Lesson 3 : Online exploration of Tibetan Art:

Lesson 4: Introduction to Mandalas

Assignment: Mandala making in silence, practice on meditation



Lesson 5: Butter sculpture project


This site was created by Andrew Devore at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006