literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayan region
Ken Johnson
Antioch Upper Grade School]
6th to 7th Grade History Transition]
Maps of the Places
The Creation Stories
Symbols of the Groups
Oscar Howe and 4 Budhhist Artists
Touring Museums
The 4 Regions- The Geography Pics
Mandala Ritual Creation
Mr. J's Slides of the Institute

Museums Around the World Web

4 Museums of Native American Art

Nelson Atkins Musem of Art

South Dakota Museum of Art

Denver Museum of Art

The Smithsonian

Himalayan Art/Asian Museum Sites

Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art

Seattle Museum of Art- Buddhist Art

Akland Museum- Buddhist Art and Ritual Mandala Construction

Tibetan Museum Society- Links to museums worldwide



This site was created by Ken Johnson] at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.