Teachings of the Buddha
After the Buddha reached enlightenment, he traveled around teaching his disciples what he learned. The stories he told
Teachings of the Buddha:
Excellent Sites for Jataka Tales to use with kids:
Buddhanet Jataka Tales Volume 1
Buddhanet Jataka Tales Volume 2
Buddhist Tales for the Young and Old: Prince Goodspeaker
Excellent illustrated picture book of Jataka tales to use:
Prereading activity: Prior to reading, have students connect to their background knowledge by listing on a sheet of paper stories they've heard that teach
moral or ethical values. Ask volunteers to share stories from their list, and have a class discussion about the morals that these stories teach. Explain that Buddhists teach their children moral and ethical values related to Buddhism by telling stories that contain these values.
Suggested Activities for Jataka Tales:
1. Choose several Jataka stories and break the class up into small groups. Assign each group a different Jataka tale to read together. Have each group practice re-reading for fluency. Then have the group re-write their tale as a reader's theater (or you can do this ahead of time), practice their reader's theater, and recite it for the class.
2. Read a Jataka tale and make a poster that illustrates the tale.
3. Make a comic-strip that illustrates the tale.
4. Write another version of the tale (give the kids examples of how there are multiple versions of popular folk & fairy tales that they're familiar with, such as the Three Pigs, Cinderella, Snow White, etc.)
5. Make a diorama or mobil that illustrates the story.