Research Proposal
Instructions: Please fill in this form and compose a research proposal of 3-4 double-spaced pages in response to the questions given below. You should also attach a bibliography of the sources you will use in your project.
The proposal is due in class on November 10.
For general guidelines for academic proposal writing in the social sciences, take a look at these suggestions from the Social Science Research Council.
1. Name
2. Title and concise description of research project
3. Abtract of your paper's primary arguments (250 words maximum)
Attach a research proposal of 3-4 pages in response to the following questions:
1. What major questions will you ask or hypotheses will you test?2. How does your research relate to broader theoretical concerns in anthropology? Be sure to mention authors who have investigated similar topics and discuss how your work will relate to theirs.
3. What do you expect your primary arguments to be?
4. What preliminary research have you completed, if any?
Please attach a bibliography to your research proposal listing all sources you have consulted or plan to consult.
For more information, contact: