Tibetan Artifacts from Newark Museum: Research project


The directions for the research project are listed below; you should have your artifact in front of you before you begin.

1. Examine your artifact. What is made of? How heavy is it? Have seen something similar in your own life? What could it be used for?

2. Click on Asst. Curator Notes and download Pre-research Notes.  On this document you can answer some of the above questions and add additional thoughts before you start your web research. Make sure you have come up with a couple of questions of your own design.

3. Once you have completed your Pre-research Notes, download Asst. Curator Findings (located on the Asst. Curator Notes page) to keep track of your research.  Make sure before you begin your research, you have recorded your name and your artifact #.

4. Go to the Artifacts section and click on the image of your artifact.  The images may not match your artifact exactly. Each image is a link to a page of resources; click on your image to open the page. 

5. Use the provided web links to obtain information about your artifact. In some cases, the links provided will require additional scrolling or digging to find your information.

6. Anything you write down in your 'findings' should be recorded with its bibliographical information. You can find bibliographic information on each website; make sure you refer to the MLA format for the correct information needed.

7. If you have used all of the provided resources and still require additional information, refer to your teacher for additional sources or permission to sea the web.

8. When you have completed you Notes, your teacher will provide you with the Newark Museum Notes on your artifact.  How do your Notes compare with the notes of the Museum?  Add any additional museum notes to the back of the Asst. Curator Findings.

9. Once completed, you should have enough information to start your web page.


This site was created by Matthew Foglia and Greg MacGiipin of The Peck School at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross.