Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region

Summer 2004

Diana Creamer
Teaching reading and mathematics through the use of geography


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Learning about geography is fun. You can learn to identify your state by coloring a map of the United States. For a map of the United States, click here:
Map of the United States
For a map of your local area go to "Images" and download one to color. Or ask for help from the teacher.
For a map of the world, click here:
Map of the world

Color all of these countries and mark countries you have learned about. Then go to a table of the world that has the population of the countries on it.

For a table of the world's population, click here:

World Population table:

Make a chart of the population of the world's countries arranging them greatest to least.
Look at the chart you made. Why do some countries have more people than others? List some reasons here.__________________________________________________________________________
Now go to

Map of changes in world population

The population of the world is changing. Look at how it has changed. What continents have changed the most?
Put together what you have learned from the world population table and the map of changes in population. Write a paragraph about how population has changed. Include reasons for changes and how the changes might affect the world.

For special education students, have a map with labels already on it available. Modify the standards for the paragraph to adjust for disabilities or pair the special education student with another, higher functioning student.



This site was created by Diana Creamer at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2004