Lesson Two: The Glorious Deeds of Purna



Over the course of 3-4 classes, depending on length, ask students to read Joel Tatelman's translation of "The Purnavadana: The Glorious Deeds of Purna," available here in PDF form and here for purchase on Amazon.com

As you assign the reading, use the following questions to guide student's reading and in-class discussion of the text.

1. Who is "The Lord" identified in the first paragraph?

2. What caste do you think Bhava the householder may have belonged to? Why?

3. What might the slave girl's motivations be for takgin care of Bhava? Why does she ask him for what she does?

4. What kind of child is Purna? What do you think this predicts about the rest of his life?

5. What does the story of Purna and his brother's attempts to make wealth tell you about family relations and economics at the time this text was written?

6. To what does Bhava attribute Purna's early econimc success?

7. What role do women play in Purna's family? Why do you think they might act that way?

8. Why is Purna not respected by everyone in the family?

9. What kind of risks might have been involved in Purna's trade journey across "the Great Ocean?" Where do you think he might have been going?

10. How does Purna hear about Buddhism? What might this reveal about the spread of Buddhism in Asia?

11. What is Purna's attitude towards wealth?

12. What happens when Purna meets the Buddha?

13. What do you think about the Buddha's conversation with Purna when Purna tells his he wishes to bring Buddhism to the people of Sronaparantaka (pg. 62-63)?

14. What has happened to Purna's brothers while he was becomming a monk?

15. What happens when the merchants 'pray' to Purna (pg. 66)?

16. Describe the Buddha's journey to the Sandalwood Pavilion. Is these the sort sof thing you thought the Buddha did?

17. What does Purna's story tell you about how karma works in the lives of Buddhists?