Hindu Practice

Practice, or ritual, is where the realm of philosophy and reflection on the nature of the universe intersects with the daily lives of individuals. Ritual marks significant moments in life, from birth to death, and provides people with a way to access the divine.

Hindu practice is centered on the gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon, who are all considered to be reflections of reality's fundamental unity, but are worshipped by millions for the direct protection and assistance they are believed to provide their devotees.

Lesson One- The Iconography of Hindu Deities. This lesson is designed to facilitate discussion on the Hindu gods and goddesses and how a polytheistic system actually functions in people's lives, as well as allowing students to do some art analysis.

Lesson Two: Puja and Prasad. This lesson provides students with a slide lecture on daily Hindu ritual practice and questions to reflect on about ritual, pilgrimage and the motivations for ascetic practice.

Final Lesson: Hinduism Board Game. Hindu concepts, for better or worse, lend themselves nicely to a board game format. This lesson includes directions for a project that is a good way to make students synthesize what they have been learning about Hinduism by creating a board game that incorporates Hindu concepts while allowing for some creative freedom. Playing eachother's games is a good way to review before a test.