Lesson One: The Iconography of Hindu Deities



Begin the lesson by dividing students into groups and providing each group with an image of a Hindu deity. DO NOT give them any background on the god or goddess and their role in the Hindu pantheon. These links provide images of Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, and Kali along with a "key" for reading each image.

Ask each group to answer the following questions about their image:

1. Describe the figure. Are they old? Young? Beautiful? Ugly? Male? Female?
2. What kind of expression does the figure seem to have?
3. Is the figure holding anything? If so, what?
4. What is the figure wearing?
5. What kind of god do you think this is? What do you think he/she represents to Hindus?

Alternatively, you could project the images and answer the questions on each one as a group.

Have each group present their image and interpretation to the class and then reveal for them the identity and significance of each image. When you are done, define "iconography" and discuss how art and this language of symbols is often used to educate people in a society that is primarily illiterate.


Have students either: