Samsara: cycle/wheel of life, death, rebirth that is the basic state of existence
Time is cyclical, not linear- cycles of creation and destruction in the universe- reincarnation for the universe over vast periods of time

Reincarnation- series of lifetimes needed to achieve the goal of liberation/release from this world (samsara- ‘wheel of rebirth’) divine spark (atman) is reborn, usually cannot remember past lives
            Reborn as: people, animals, gods and goddesses in many heavens, demons in many hells other steps in between- even gods are reincarnated

Moksha= liberation or release, characterized by union with the divine, awareness, bliss- a mystical state of being that cannot be explained- returned to the sacred source- ends the cycle of reincarnation

Monism= all things are god, god is all things- all reality is united, is one- it is just perceived as different and distinct

Brahman= The shared divine essence of all things, beyond the reach of human perceptions- we see distinctions and separations, not the unity of Brahman- we need knowledge and discipline to see the truth

Atman= the ultimate reality within, the Brahman inside, understood through contemplation of the self

Polytheistic= 330 million gods, all faces of the one, points of contact with the divine

Karma= actions, deeds- moral law of cause and effect as you sow so shall you reap- deeds provide postive or negative merit

Dharma= ethical duty based on divine order of reality- the standards on which to judge karma- the deeds that create merit

Four Stages of Life:
Traditionally applicable to upper caste men, but can include women in last three stages

  1. celibate student- between puberty and marriage, study sacred texts
  2. householder- marriage to birth of first grandchild- arranged marriages, pursuing a career and raising a family
  3. forest-dweller/hermit- 1st grandchild to return to the world detached- retreat from the world to focus on spiritual practice and quest
  4. sannyasin/wanderer - wandering ascetic, can return to society and yet be detached, neither hate nor desire

Four Goals of Life:

  1. Kama, pleasure of sensual love within the bounds of dharma (kama sutra)
  2. Artha- material success, after kama is satisfied, you move on to the next level of fulfillment- material success and social prestige- also unfulfilling
  3. Dharma- following dharma, you ethical duty, because you truly want to not just because you are supposed to- better to give than to receive- very good, yet still in the world, still bound by samsara
  4. Moksha- liberation, bliss, unity with the great ocean of brahman