The following questions can be used in a variety of ways. They can be posed as discussion questions in class, students can free-write for 10-15 minutes on them before beginning discussion, or students can write 1-2 page response papers on a question after discussion.

1. Reincarnation is a concept that many cultures consider to be a logical view of human destiny.  How might reincarnation help to explain who we are, what we know, what we look like, how we act?

2. A central feature of traditional Hindu society was the caste system. What relationship might there be between the concepts of karma and reincarnation and the social hierarchy of caste?

3. If all things are one, why are there so many gods and goddesses in Hinduism? In other words, what role do the gods and goddesses play?

4. Hinduism has clearly defined goals and stages of life. What do you think our culture's goals and stages of life might be?