Isara C. Argent
Isbell Middle School at Santa Paula Elementary School District
The Naga in Science, Story, and Song



Here is a Tibetan woman singer, Zombo La

and here is her song

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Listen to Zombo singing a Namthar (nam-DAH) song!
This song from the namthar epic (see below) tells the story of a father taking his son in a boat to hunt a snake. The boat tips, the water snake kills the father, and the boy is spared because he is wearing a necklace of prayer beads, which protects him.


Here is a very modern poem:

The Lament of the Naga’s Mother

by Rachel Swirsky


He said he loved my missing feet
and treasured every scale I shed.
He captured mice for me to eat;
he said he loved my missing feet
and no caress could feel as sweet
as venom turning ankle red.
He said he loved my missing feet
and treasured every scale I shed.

But one forked kiss was all it took
to send him fleeing from my charms.
Despite his lingering lustful look
but one forked kiss was all it took.
My scaly belly he could brook
and chilly veins and lack of arms,
but one forked kiss was all it took
to send him fleeing from my charms.



This site was created by Isara Argent at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006