The Economy

"Mountain barley ripens at the end of the rainy season, in late August. Roasted, ground and mixed with butter and tea, it becomes tsampa, the staple foodstuff of the region (Kling). "

"Late October in the Tsangpo valley. As a dust storm in the distance announces winter, hefty yaks work the fields with primitive wooden ploughs (Kling)."

"Mounds of rancid yak-butter are preserved in yak-skins and displayed on the pavement for sale (Kling)." Kling

The State of China Atlas The State of China Atlas The State of China Atlas The State of China Atlas

Information excerpted from Tibet and The State of China Atlas


This site was created by Diane Hodson, a teacher at the Secondary School for Research, at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.