literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayan region
Erica B. Svatek
  An Interdisciplinary Study of the Himalayan Region
Literature & Art
Modern Conflicts
About the Author

Himalayan text-bookLiterature and Art:

The Himalayas are by-far one of the most complex regions of the world.  The geography, politics, and religion intertwine to create a beautiful and breath-taking culture.  There is great regional variation in the Himalayas with regards to religion, literary traditions, and art work.  Both the literature and art of this region reflect the people, the culture, and the beliefs of this complex and diverse are of the world.  Each tradition has a deep history and practice in the Himalayas that can be traced back for centuries.  The literature and art of this region can be used in any classroom for any age group and will allow the teacher of discuss a broad array of topics. 

For the purposes of this website, literary focus will surround Jataka Tales, which are beautiful stories of Buddha’s previous lives.  In terms of art, three different pieces from different sub-regions of the Himalayas will be discussed.  For each section, sample lessons will be available that you may use in your classroom.  Extension activities and ideas have been provided wherever possible.  Enjoy! 

 Himalayan Book

This site was created by Erica B. Svatek at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.