<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> index.htm

Nepal & Tibet

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

This site was created by Richard Simoneau at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions and Arts of the Himalayan Region" held at the College of the Holy Cross, summer 2008

Tibet’s Tomorrow

For a number of years the question of Tibet has been in the news.

Many people around the world, as well as many of those in Tibet, feel Tibet should be a sovereign nation.

Many other’s, including Tibetan’s do not believe that sovereignty is needed for Tibet.

Using the information you have gained in this class, as well as additional information you are to gain through your research, you are to develop an argument for either the Tibet as a sovereign nation, or Tibet as a continued providence within China.

You will work in teams on both the research and the formulating of arguments.

You will then choose three members of your team who will participate in the debate.

These are useful sites which will provide information for both sides;




Nepal’s Future

Nepal has just recently changed their form of government. After centuries of Monarchy the people have chosen a democracy.

The people of Nepal now face the challenge of drafting a new constitution.

In groups of four, students are to use their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, combined with their knowledge of Nepal’s history to assist those in Nepal.

Each group is required to draft both a preamble for the new constitution and a Bill Of Rights.

Students are to keep in mind that Nepal has a very different religion and culture than that we find here and must remember that as they draft their constitution.

These are some useful sites for information on Nepal:





The Future