Ann Marie Leshkowich 

Fieldwork Photos from Vietnam

Part Three, Religion

Click here to go to: Part One, Ben Thanh Market | Part Two, Market Religion | Part Four, Ho Chi Minh City Life

Photo 3.1: Worshippers proceed toward the main building at the Temple of the Goddess of the Treasury, located approximately 30 km outside Hanoi. The wooden frames have been set up to receive the trays of offerings, as there is no room inside the building for all of the items. Typical offerings consist of fruit, roasted pigs, ducks, or chickens, sweets, and votive paper objects, such as gold, money, clothing or jewelry for the goddess.


Photo 3.2: The main altar to the Goddess of the Treasury.

Photo 3.3: A tray of offerings for the Goddess of the Treasury. Note the votive paper gold and stacks of US $100 bills.

Photo 3.4: The grave of a 27-year-old woman's grandmother. Offerings included fruit, votive money, and a votive paper outfit, complete with Chinese-style shirt and pants, jewelry, and sandals. She chose the Chinese fashions because "Grandmother would be familiar with them. They're what she used to wear. She wouldn't know anything about the kinds of clothes we wear now."

Photos 3.5 and 3.6: Burning incense and making offerings (left) at the grave of a woman's father (right). Note the Western-style shirt. The red object to the left is a votive paper CD-boom box.

Click here to go to: Part One, Ben Thanh Market | Part Two, Market Religion | Part Four, Ho Chi Minh City Life


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