Ann Marie Leshkowich 

Fieldwork Photos from Vietnam

Part Four, Ho Chi Minh City Life

Click here to go to: Part One, Ben Thanh Market | Part Two, Market Religion | Part Three, Religion

Photo 4.1: The outside of Ben Thanh Market, one night before Tet, 1997


Photo 4.2: An urban residential alleyway, 1994


Photo 4.3:
Urban alleyway in District 1 with che
(a sweet bean pudding) seller, 1996

Photos 4.4 and 4.5 (above): Urban traffic circle in downtown Saigon, 1994

Photos 4.6 - 4.8 (below): The same intersection in 1996



Photo 4.9: An itinerant peddler sells used clothing on a Saigon street


Photo 4.10: A row of cloth and clothing shops near Ben Thanh market in downtown Saigon

Click here to go to: Part One, Ben Thanh Market | Part Two, Market Religion | Part Three, Religion


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