Study Guide Questions for Readings
Week 4: September 22
Read: Ong, Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline, entire book
1. What is the relationship between work discipline, gender identity, and sexuality? What role do development, agency, and cultural change play in this?
2. How does Ong use Foucault? Is her usage convincing?
3. Ong claims that the factory women she studied "articulate an intersubjective mode of apprehending the world." What does she mean?
4. According to Ong, how does wage labor affect women's status?
5. How are female factory workers talked about within Malaysian society more broadly? What did they and their work lives mean within the context of Malaysia at the time Ong did her research?
Question for Response Paper #3: Spirits of Resistance to Globalization
Ong opens her book with the following question: "Why are Malay
women workers periodically seized by spirit possession on the
shopfloor of modern factories?" (xiii). What is her answer to
this question? Do you find her argument convincing? Why or why
Hint: In answering this question, you may want to consider Ong's use of Foucault and her conception of resistance.
For tips about crafting response papers, click here.
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