Joanne M. Pierce, Ph.D.

Department of Religious Studies
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Courses : Master List

College of the Holy Cross

Montserrat Program:

MONT 102D: Concepts of Death (Fall 2008); [will be offered Fall 2009 as MONT 100D]

MONT 103D: Concepts of Afterlife (Spring 2009) [will be offered Spring 2010 as MONT 101D]


Regular Course Offerings

RELS 117: History of Christianity 1
RELS 119: History of Christianity 2
RELS 217: The Eucharist: History and Theology
RELS 218: Sacramental Theology
RELS 292: Medieval Christianity
RELS 395: Saints and Sinners (first offering team-taught S/T, cross-listed with HIST)


Occasional Course Offerings

RELS 219: Women in Christian History
RELS 290: Early Christianity


First Year Program Course Offerings

Academic Year 2004-2005

FYPR 009: Christian Perspectives on Suffering 1: Attempting to Understand (Fall 2004)
FYPR 110: Christian Perspectives on Suffering 2: Attempting to Heal (Spring 2005)

Academic Year 1998-1999

FYP 004: Condemning Heretics (Fall 1998)
FYP 014: Canonizing Saints (Spring 1999)


College Honors Seminar

HNRS 395: Purity and Filth (Spring 2008)


Special Course Offerings

RELS 299: S/T: Topics in Historical Theology
RELS 299: S/T: Symbol and Ritual
RELS 303: Theological Themes in Science Fiction
RELS 328: S/T: Theology and Literature
RELS 399: S/T: Ritual Studies



Blood and Miracles in Christian Tradition

History and Theology of the Priesthood

Medieval Christianity

Sacramental Theology

Theological Themes in Contemporary Film

Women in Christian History


Honors Theses: As Director:

Eileen Paquette, "From Pagans to Priests: Celtic and Pre-Christian Themes in Christian Spirituality as Expressed in the Traditions of Saints Patrick, Columba and Brigid." Spring 2008.

Kristin Heimsath, “Sanctus: The Formation and Evolution of Early Christian Worship Spaces.” Spring 2006 .

Julianne Goodfellow, "When History is Amnesia: The Role of Memory in Three Dystopian Novels of the Twentieth Century." Spring 2004.

As Reader:
Jenna Amato, "The Meaning of Sacrament in the Lives of Young Adult Catholics." (Director: Prof. John Schmalzbauer). Spring 2004.

Eric Studt, "A Philosophical Perspective on the Symbolic Nature of Music in the Liturgy." (Director: Prof. Jeffery Bloechl). Spring 2004.

Kristin Zampell, "Roman Dining Ritual and the Christian Response." (Director: Prof. Ellen Perry). Spring 2002.

Department of History, Honors Program
As Reader:
Vanessa Taylor, "Lighting the Fire of the Witch Hunts: The Application of Medieval Church Decrees Regarding Heresy." (Director: Prof. Lorraine Attreed). Spring 2008.

Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Capstones: As Reader:
Margaret Olivieri, "Imaging the Virgin Mother as Priest." Spring 2004.

Nathan Jean, "Origin and Justification of the Knights Templar." Spring 2003.

Douglas Taggart. "An Exploration into the Theology of Grace in Augustine and Aquinas." Spring 2003.


August 1, 2012


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