Pilgrimages and Hospices - for Intranet only


Pilgrimages and Relics at St Philbert de Grandlieu, France 800-1100

Relics-and Ideas of Power in both the Secular and Religious Realm - for Intranet only

Christ Church: Canterbury Cathedral, England

Cathedral of Naumburg, Germany

Sainte Chapelle, Paris

Vierzehnheiligen, Germany

Protestant and Catholic Imagery in Swiss Stained Glass

Abbey of Saint-Denis, France

 Parish and Cathedral from Mapping Margery Kempe Website

COPLEY SQUARE (Boston) Website: Trinity Church and New Old South Church


Scroll to find images of the town of Conques and the 12th-century monastery church of Sainte-Foi (Saint Faith),
Notre-Dame of Paris, and other sites.

            1.   Sarcophagus with Scenes from the Passion of Christ: (probably from the Catacomb
                  of  Domitilla). ca. mid-4th century A.D. all images

            2.   Santa Costanza: interior, detail of annular vault (ambulatory) with mosaics
                  (including  grape- harvesting putti). ca. 350 A.D.

Great Mosque, Cordoba: begun ca. 785-786 A.D. (enlarged ca. 987 A.D.) all images
            1.    Il Gesu, Rome: exterior, facade, designed 1568. completed ca. 1575- 1584 A.D.
            2.    Il Gesu, Rome: interior, crossing and dome, view towards E. from nave, paintings
                  17th century.

Two sites for Hildegard of Bingen : Concert: March 20, 1998 8:00 St. Joseph's Chapel Holy Cross

Peter Brown, The Cult of the Saints in the Early Church (Princeton, 1985)
Anne Taves, The Household of Faith (Notre-Dame, 1990)
Roman Catholic Missal
Donald Drew Egbert, "Religious Expression in American Architecture," essay from
    Religious Perspectives in American Culture (Princeton, 1961)