literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayan region



Acts Five and Six occur in King Dushyanta's Palace in the ancient city of Hastinapura, India. In the palace we meet a variety of characters of different statuses and vocations. As we do the actor's inner work of character study about what it is like to be King Dushyanta in Fifth Century India, we will simultaneously explore what it is like to be the other characters who serve him in varying capacities. We will also study the history of Hastinapura, the structure of the caste system and do an Acting Exercise on Status in which we will experience first-hand how our behavior changes depending on our personal rank.

Creative Writing
Who am I as King Dushyanta?
Meditation for Kings

History of Hastinapura

Introducing Hastinapura

Life in ancient Hastinapura

The Caste System

Introduction to The Caste System
Acting Exercise on Status



This site was created by Wendy Mapes at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.