Diana D'Émeraude
River Place Elementary
Enacting Himalayan Myths, Tales, and Legends
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Story Connections
Ten Ethical Principles
About the Author


Leander School District's Ten Ethical Principles

Honesty — telling the truth

Integrity — doing the right thing

Promise-keeping — doing what you say you are going to do

Loyalty — supporting someone or something

Concern for Others — caring for and helping others

Law-abidance/Civic Duty
— obeying rules and laws/making the world a better place

Respect for Others
— being polite and kind to everyone and everything

Fairness — treating everyone equally

Pursuit of Excellence — doing everything the best you can; looking for ways to improve

Accountability — taking responsibility for your actions, and taking pride in what you do right


Through the year, I'm going to be taking note of stories that fit these principles.

Many of the Jataka Tales fit these -- especially concern for others, integrity, promise-keeping, and loyalty.

*****For a start, the story in the software to create a Chinese shadow puppet play, is on promise-keeping.*****

TThis site was created by Diana D'Émeraude at the NEH Summer Institute Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region,held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2011.