"Woe, woe unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency, immorality, amorality...woe unto those who attack it on the grounds that they simply don't understand history and the yearnings of human souls...woe unto those who don't realise that America must, will, is, changing now, for the better I say" --Kerouack 1959



Background on the Buddhist Origins of Kerouac and the Beats

"The Dharma of Jack Kerouac" Prezi Presentation



Web Links to Kerouac Poetry with Buddhist Themes

"2nd Chorus" of Mexico City Blues

"182nd Chorus" Mexico City Blues

"241st Chorus"

"How to Meditate"

More Kerouac Poetry with Buddhist Themes (PDF Format)


"SEPT. 16, 1961, POEM"

Selections from Mexico Blues

"Some Western Haikus"

"Trashing Doves"


"A 'Western Haiku' need not concern itself with the seventeen syllables since Western languages cannot adapt themselves to the fluid syllabic Japanese. I propose that the 'Western Haiku' simply say a lot in three short lines in any Western language"

Reccomendations for Further Reading

This site was created by Elizabeth Thompson at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2011.