6-8 Daily Lessons 2012
Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom

6-8 Daily Activities 2012 (to replace current format)
Day 1
- Students can identify some features in a class schedule from China.
- Students can name the focused school subjects in Chinese: 中文、英文、数学、科学、历史、体育、美术、音乐课.
- Students can ask and respond: 你喜欢什么课?我喜欢中文课?
- Students can state: 我星期一有体育课,我星期四没有历史课。
Activity 1
- Use PPT (day01 act1 school subjects). Show the first slide the class schedule from China and ask them 这是什么?. Teach them the word 课程表. Tell them it is a class schedule for a middle school in China.
- Students are not able to read the characters, but ask them to guess what are on the top: 星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六. Also, ask them figure out how many different classes the students have in a week.
- Briefly explain the goals for this unit to the class and tell that they will be guided to create an ideal class schedule by end of the unit.
Activity 2
- Use PPT (day01 act1 school subjects) to introduce lesson vocabulary and sentence patterns.
- Teacher asks ‘你们有什么课?’ And students respond ‘我们有中文课.’ At the same time, use an action to represent that class. For example, use the fingers to count and act as the math teacher; do exercises to act as the PE teacher; use one arm to draw in the air to act as the art teacher; pretend doing an experiment and cover the mouth as if something is just exploded to act as a science teacher. For subjects such as world history or English, you can act out the gesture (习惯性动作) that particular subject teacher in your school always does.
- Once they know the gesture for each class. Teacher can act and students say the name. Or ask individual students to act and the rest students to say the names.
- Prepare the photo of each subject teacher in your school. When you show the photo of a math teacher and students say “数学”.
Activity 3
- Teach the song ‘My Classes.’ Read the lyrics of this song (Day1 act3 my classes lyrics)
- Listen to the song (Day1 act3 my classes). Use the familiar tune from 牧羊曲
- Have the students sing the song after you word by word.
- Have students sing the song together with the music.
Activity 4
- Use Corner Game to review the sentence patterns learned in previous unit: 你喜欢…?
- Use TPR to review the school subjects.
- Ask students questions such as 你喜欢英文课吗? 你喜欢数学课吗?你喜欢什么课?你不喜欢什么课?
- Hang pictures of four subject areas, such as math, science, arts, and PE. Each student stands in the corner of the subject that they like. For example, if students like math, they go to the math corner. They have to choose one.
- The students in each corner interview each other to find out about what other subjects they like. If they are standing in the PE corner, they need to ask subjects about math, science, English… other than PE class. For example, 你喜欢数学吗?你喜欢什么课?
- Each student interviews 3 classmates and write the information they gather in the form (day1 act4 corner game interview form).
Activity 5
- Practice the sentence patterns, such as 我星期一有中文课,我星期五有体育课,我星期二没有数学课。。。
- Use Crocodile board game to practice these sentences with the new words. This game can be played by a whole class (divided into two teams) or by pairs of students. The steps below are for students working in pairs.
- Divide students in pairs and give each pair a Crocodile board game (day1 act5 crocodile board game) Prepare dices and chips of different colors to play the game.
- Explain the rules of the game. In each pair, Student A rolls the dice and moves the number of the space based on the number of dots. If he/she lands on #3, Student A needs to make a complete sentence using 有, 没有,such as 我星期一有英文课or 我星期二没有数学课. If the student cannot create a sentence or makes mistakes in naming the subject areas, he/she needs to move back to her/his original space. If one lands on crocodile, he/she has to start all over again. The first person who gets to the finish line wins the game.
- Explain the meaning of kāishǐ, tiàodào, chóngxīn kāishǐ, wán.
Homework (day01 homework Matching exercise)
Day 2
- Students can identify the similarities and differences between the Chinese and English writing systems.
- Students can recognize the 10 target characters: 你我有上下中天文星是
- Students can identify some pictographic characters.
- Students can identify three basic structures of characters.
- Students can apply their understanding of the Chinese character structure to acquire new information.
Activity 1
Activity 2
- Activate students’ prior knowledge of Chinese and English writing system.
- Divide students in groups of 3. Give each group the Venn diagram to brainstorm the similarities and differences between English and Chinese (day02 act2 Venn Diagram of writing systems).
- Teacher solicits students’ ideas and makes a brief summary of the comparison. Teacher announces today’s focus: Chinese characters.
Activity 3
- Introduce the concept of pictographs. Tell students that they are going to watch a clip to show how some of the Chinese characters were created.
- Watch YouTube: “36个字-象形字动画-1984. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le5keBiZa9s
- Solicit students’ feedback about the clips. Then, explain to students that some Chinese characters are pictographs, created by drawing the objects. Through thousands of years, the drawings gradually evolved to the modern characters.
- Divide students in pairs and give each pair the worksheet (day02 act3 matching pictographs to modern characters). Each pair completes the worksheet by matching the original pictographs to the modern characters.
- Teacher checks the correctness of students’ work.
Activity 4
- Introduce the 10 target characters and some meaning components.
- Teacher shows target characters (你我有上中下天文星是) with pinyin and meaning printed on letter-sized paper (day02 act4 target character flash cards.) Place each of the flash cards in a protective sheet on the white board.
- Ask students to read aloud the characters and make sure they understand the meaning.
- Divide students in groups of 3. Ask each group to find the familiar components that they encountered in the Activity 3 (pictographs) in the 10 characters. See if they can find, 日,月,文,人,戈.
- Once they find the those components, ask students why 星has日? why 你 has人? why 我 has戈? why 有has月?
- After the discussion, highlight that the日,月,文,人,戈 are the meaning components of the characters, called ‘radicals.’ And each character has such a component.
- Identify the radicals. Give each group the worksheet (day02 act4 circle the radicals) and find the radical for each character.
Activity 5
- Identify the structures of characters. Explain that there are 3 basic internal structure of characters: 1) single-component structure (cannot be separated) 2) left-right structure 3) top-down structure.
- Divide students in groups of 3. Give the worksheet (day02 act5 internal structure of characters). Students in each group work together to analyze the structure of each character.
- single-component structure : 我、天、文、上、中、下
- left-right structure: 你
- top-down structure: 有、星、是
- Teacher checks the correctness of their answers.
- Give each group the worksheet to identify the structures again (day02 act5 internal structure practice).
Day 3
- Students can write the six target characters你我有中天文in correct strokes and stroke order.
- Students can recognize and comprehend the 6 target characters in context.
- Students can exchange the information about class schedules and preferences.
Activity 1
Activity 2
- Divide students in groups of 3. Each group adopts a character and uses play-dough to create the character.
- Students need to use various colors of play-dough to illustrate different strokes. Use numbers (1, 2,…) to indicate the stroke order.
- To assess their understanding of stroke order, Students in pairs again to work on the worksheet (day03 act2 stroke order).
Activity 3
- Review asking and responding to the following questions, 你有什么课?你喜欢什么课?你喜欢数学老师吗?你的中文课怎么样?
- Divide students in pairs to do an interview to each other. Give each pair the interview sheet (day03 act3 interview).
- Students are also required to write the information they find out through the interview.
- Select some students to report their findings, after they finish the interview and writing.
Activity 4
- Reading activity. Divide students in small groups of 3. Distribute the reading passage to each group (day03 act4 reading passage).
- Students first take turn to read aloud the passage and help each other comprehend the meaning. Second, they complete the questions orally on the sheet.
- After students complete the task, teacher projects the text on the white board, asks a volunteer to read the text, and then go through the questions with the class.
Exit ticket
Students hand in the three pieces of writing (from activity s1-3) before the end of the class.
- Complete the “My Character” (day03 homework My Character.docx)
- Write the answers for the questions related to the reading passage in Activity 4. In replying the questions, they write the characters they have learned and use pinyin for the rest of the words.
Day 4
- Review asking and stating o’clock time and days of a week: 几点?星期几?
- Students can ask and respond to time schedule of their classes: 你的中文课几点上课?你的科学课几点下课?你星期几上英文课?
- Students can write the 4 target characters: 是星上下
Activity 1
- Review the characters from Day 3. Have students write the characters in the air using their hand to review the stroke order.
- Collects and displays students’ homework from previous lesson: “My Character.” Ask volunteers to share their “My Character.” Teacher reviews/reinforces their knowledge on structures, stroke forms, stroke numbers and order.
Activity 2
- Use the PPT(day04 act2 telling time and class schedule, slide 1-14) . Practice students what they have learned before about time: 现在几点?你几点吃饭?你几点起床?
- Use the same PPT, slide 17 (day04 act2 telling time and class schedule) to introduce the use of上课,下课. Point at the schedule and askstudents to repeat after you: 星期二,我的数学课八点上课,八点五十分下课。 After students are familiar with the patterns, ask questions, such as她星期四九点四十分有什么课? 星期二体育课几点上课?几点下课?Ask more questions to elicit students’ responses.
Activity 3
- Practice above sentence patterns through playing pirate board game.
- Divide students in pairs. Distribute dices and the pirate board game to each pair (day04 act3 pirate board game).
- Two students in each pair take turn rolling the dice. When student A rolls the dice, student B asks a question and Student A responds. Vice versa. For example, if student A rolls the dice #4 and moves to the box #4, which states the information tǐyù kè at 10:45. Student B asks, “你的体育课几点上课?” Student A should answers, “我的体育课十点四十五分上课.” If Student A cannot answer, he/she moves back to the original place. If the answer is correct, she/he stays at box #4. Then, it is the turn for Student B to roll the dice.
- Whoever gets to the final box first wins.
- Explain the meaning of 开始,前进三格,后退三格 before the game.
Activity 4
- Reading activity.
- Divide students in pairs and read the dialogue (day04 act4 dialogue). After they read the dialogue, teacher asks some questions to make sure that they comprehend the dialogue.
- Ask each pair to construct 3 questions related to the dialogue. After they finish writing the questions. Teacher selects individual students to ask the questions that they write.
Activity 5
- Learn the internal structures of上,下,是,星, and how to write them.
- Present three characters and their meanings: 上,下,中.
- Divide the class in groups of 3. Each group discusses why the character上means ‘up’, 下means ‘down’, 中means ‘middle’. Students can draw pictures on the paper to express their thoughts. Display each group’s drawings of the three characters.
- Show the clips on Youtube about the evolution of characters of上,下
上 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=XCg1WoY3LyQ
下 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeD0xWN16KI&feature=related
- Ask students to point out the component shared by 是 and 星. Both characters have the meaning part 日.
- Distribute character worksheet (day04 act5 character writing practice) for students to practice writing the characters by themselves.
Activity 6
- Divide students in pairs. Distribute the worksheet to each pair (day04 act6 weekly schedule).
- Have students do the Part 1 on their own first.
- Before proceeding to Part 2, make sure that students know how to ask the questions to solicit information: 你今天有什么课?几点上课,几点下课?
- After each pair completes the task, select several students to report their partners’ class schedules.
- Ask students to keep the worksheet. They will be assigned homework based on the information on the worksheet.
Activity 7
- Introduce: 上午,中午,下午
- Use the paper clock. Teacher names morning, noon and afternoon while going through each different time period. Try to elicit students’ response and have them repeat as follows:
- 上午八点钟、上午九点。。十二点钟是上午吗?不是上午,中午十二点钟。中午一点钟吗?不是,一点钟是下午,下午两点钟、下午三点…
- Point at certain times and ask students to use 上午、中午、下午with specific times.
- Divide students in pairs and complete the worksheet (day04 act7 morning noon afternoon). Submit the worksheet as exit ticket.
- Write 5 sentences about your partner’s weekly schedule based on the information that you gather in the Activity 6 ‘weekly schedule.’ Write the characters that you have learned. Use pinyin for rest of the words.
- Start working on your ideal class schedule.
Day 5
- Students can use the measure word “节“ to describe class period.
- Students can say the cardinal numbers: 第一,第二…
- Students can identify the difference and similarities regarding class schedules in America and Chinese schools.
Activity 1
- Introduce ordinal number expressions。
- Invite 4 or 5 student volunteers to the front of the classroom and have them line in a row. Define the meaning of the first, second, and third by randomly selecting students in the row. Point to the student volunteers and say for example:”这里有五个同学,第一、第二、第三、第四、第五(point to the students as teacher counts), 第一个是小云,第二个是…, 第三个是… (elicit answers from students), 第五个是谁?
- Next rearrange the lineup and ask students:” 小丽是第几个?小红是第几个?…” Ask those questions a couple of times so that most students have an opportunity to answer the questions.
Activity 2
- Introducing the measure word 节.
- Review the measure word and the question word 几that they already learned, 五个人,有几个学生?
- Display the class schedule (day05 act2 American class schedule) and point at different class period as teacher reads: “第一节课、第二节课、第三节课…(Elicit students’ participation)..第八节课.”
- Ask 星期一有几节课?第一节课是什么课?第五节课是什么课?英文课是第几节课?数学课是第几节课? 星期三的第一节课是什么课? 星期四的第八节课是什么课 …
- Select several students to ask questions about the class schedule, using 第and节.
Activity 3
- Use 第节in context.
- Give each student a worksheet (day05 act3 interview class schedule).
- Each student has interviewed 8 students with different questions.
- Go through the questions first, make sure they understand the meaning and practicing saying the questions together.
- They write the answers in English when doing the speaking activity. Teacher can assign the writing in Chinese as homework.
- After they complete the interview, teacher selects several students to report their findings.
Activity 4
- Compare two different class schedules (中国学校课程 Vs. 美国学校课程) (day05 act2 American class schedule) (day05 act4 Chinese class schedule.pptx) (day05 act4 Chinese class schedule.docx)
- Introduce the vocabulary “休息” by using images and say, for example:” 9:30到9:50分,我们上课吗?我们没有课?我们有休息.” Have students act out the word.
- Divide students in groups of 3. Distribute the two class schedules and the empty Venn diagram (day05 act4 Venn diagram). Each group discusses the similarities and differences.
- Students might say:”美国学校有数学课,中国学校也有数学课。“美国学校的第一节课是八点钟,中国学校的第一节课是7点30分。美国学校3点钟下课,中国学校4点30分下课。美国学校没有休息,中国学校有休息。
- Each group presents their Venn diagram showing the differences and similarities as a whole group activity.
- Write 8 complete sentences based on the information gathered in Activity 3 ‘interview class schedule.’ Write the characters that you have learned and use pinyin for rest of the words.
- Work the chart for your ideal class schedule.
Day 6
- Review material learned day 1-5
Activity 1
- Review the subject names and time periods in context.
- Give each student the survey form (day06 act1 survey). Do a survey by asking three students about their classes in the morning and afternoon.
- After the survey is completed, teacher selects some students to present their findings.
Activity 2
- Reading activity
- Divide students in groups of 3. Give each group the reading passage (day06 act2 reading passage).
- The students in each group takes turn reading the sentences and make sure that everyone understands the meaning.
- After reading the passage, complete the form in the worksheet.
- Teacher asks some questions orally to check students’ comprehension.
- Each group turns in the worksheet as exit ticket.
Activity 3
- Ask and respond to questions regarding the class schedule of Xiao Ming, a student in a middle school in China.
Xiǎomíng 星qīwǔ有jǐ jié kè?
Xiǎomíng jǐ diǎn上 kè?
Xiǎomíng jǐ diǎn下kè?
Xiǎomíng上wǔ有jǐ jié kè?
Xiǎomíng下wǔ有jǐ jié kè?
Xiǎomíng中wǔ 有xiūxī ma?
Xiǎomíng星qīsān dìwǔ jié 是shén me kè?
Xiǎomíng yíge 星qī 有jǐ jié yīnyuè kè?
Shénme kè Měiguó méi 有?
你xǐhuān Xiǎomíng de kèbiǎo ma?
- Teacher checks each student’s questions.
- Divide the class in pairs. The students in each pair ask the questions to each other about Xiao Ming’s schedule.
- After their questions/answer, teacher selects several students to ask questions about Xiao Ming’s schedule.
Activity 4
- Information gap activity
- Divide students in pairs. In each pair, one students receives Student A’s information and the other student receives Student B’s. (day06 act4 information gap)
- Students need to ask their partners questions to find out the information and fill out the blanks in their worksheets.
- Practice the questions that they use to solicit the information, such as 她一天有几节课?她第一节几点上课?她喜欢什么课?
- After most students complete the task, randomly select some students to present the letter.
- The following is the complete note from Meili.
我是中guórén. 我 jiào Měilì. 我是中xuésheng, qī niánjí. 我 yì 天有 bā jié kè. 我上 wǔ 有wǔ jié kè , 下wǔ有 sì jié kè。 我 qīdiǎn bàn 上dìyī jié kè, sìdiǎn bàn 下 kè。 我 xǐhuan měishùkè, bù xǐhuan kēxuékè . 我 dì yī jié kè shì 英文 kè, dì bā jié kè shì 中文 kè。
Day 7
Summative assessments
- written test: reading and answer questions (50 minutes)
- oral presentation “ My ideal class schedule” (40 minutes)
Written Test
Do the written test first. The test includes two parts. In Part A, students answer questions related to a class schedule (Day07 written test.)
Oral presentation
- Students take turn presenting their ideal class schedules. Each student has 2 minutes to present and 1 minutes to answer questions from the audience.
- Give each student a presentation worksheet (day07 presentation worksheet).
- Instruct students to record the information they hear from each presentation.
- After each presentation, Teacher selects a couple of students to ask questions related to the presentation and a couple of students to answer the questions.