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World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-US)
Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)

College Team 2

Daily Lessons

Suggested instructional time: 5-6 classes 50 minute classes

Phase 1 精读

Lesson objectives (lesson can-do statements)

  1. Students can express the main ideas by scanning keywords.
  2. Students can express their opinions about online dating in real-life situations, using learned words/patterns.
  3. Students can compare the pros and cons of online dating with evidence.

Learning Material
Phase 1 article 网上交友
Phase 1 ppt
Phase 1 vocabulary

Before class, preview the vocabulary (Phase 1 vocabulary)

Activity 1: Warm-up: pre-reading brainstorm (Use titles/illustrations to activate background knowledge and practice predicting the content)
Materials: (slide 2)

  1. Show the slide with pictures and questions to the class
  2. Students in pairs answer questions

Activity 2: Scan/skim information, guess the content based on the preface
Text preface 导读 (slide 3-5)

  1. Ask students to skim the text and list the things mentioned that can be done online
  2. Provide common collocations with the verb “浏览”
  3. Lead students to understand the meaning of the sentence “网络可以说已经成为我们生活中的一部分了”
  4. Explain the word “合理”
  5. Students in pairs discuss the questions (slide 5)

Text paragraph 1 (slide 6-11)

  1. Ask students to skim the text and identify the devices mentioned that are required for going online.
  2. Lead students to discuss and understand the meaning of the sentence “人们几乎就能不受任何限制地做到网上交友” (slide 8)
  3. Explain the words: 突飞猛进、新鲜感、无限、千里之外、立即、仿佛、因此
  4. Students in pairs to discuss the question (slide 11)

Activity 3: interpret a survey, summarize Paragraph 1
(slide 12-14)

  1. Slide 12 presents the headline and charts from an authentic survey report.
  2. Lead students to guess and understand the meaning of “95后、脱单”.
  3. Ask students to work in groups to identify the message expressed by the headline and the charts.
  4. Use the graphic organizer to guide students to summarize the pros of online dating based on Paragraph 1 (slide 13).
  5. Students in pairs discuss the two questions (slide 14).

Activity 4: Skim and scan information, demonstrate comprehension
Text paragraph 2 (slide 15-20)

  1. Guide students to gain the main idea of Paragraph 2 by scanning the highlighted keywords.
  2. Explain the words and structures: 虚拟、干涉、经得起/经不起、持….态度.
  3. Students in pairs discuss the questions on slide 16, 18, 19.
  4. Students in small groups discuss the two questions, using the target pattern and words (slide 20).

Text paragraph 3 (slide 21-22)

  1. Guide students to gain the main idea of Paragraph 3 by scanning the highlighted keywords.
  2. Explain the words and structures: 逃避、缓解、因为…而…、通过…来…
  3. Students in pairs discuss the questions on slide 22.

Text paragraph 4 (slide 23-26)

  1. Guide students to gain the main ideas of Paragraph 4 by scanning the highlighted keywords.
  2. Explain the words and structures: 通过、未~、性质.
  3. Students in pairs discuss the questions (slide 24-25).
  4. Students in small groups discuss the questions, using the target pattern and words (slide 26).

Activity 5: Review the main idea of each paragraph (slide 27)
Students in pairs recall and present the main ideas of the first four paragraphs using the key vocabulary and structure given on slide 27.

Activity 6: Author’s viewpoint
Text paragraph 5 (slide 28)

  1. Lead students to identify the author’s point of views based on the evidence in the text.
  2. Students in pairs discuss the question.

Activity 7: Post-reading activity
(slide 29) and Phase 1 debate

  1. The post-reading activity is a debate.
  2. Have students read the scenario in Phase 1 debate.
  3. Ask them to follow the instructions in Phase 1 debate to prepare their arguments for the debate in class.
  4. After the debate in class, students write an argumentative essay which should include both sides of the arguments presented in class.

Phase 2a  Parallel reading


  1. To identify the Hong Kong University policy on ChatGPT usage
  2. To describe the impact of ChatGPT on students' learning and teachers' pedagogy
  3. To express their opinions regarding HKU's ChatGPT policy.

Reading skills targeted:

  1. Identify the main ideas or facts within a text
  2. Answer and ask inferential questions as an active reader
  3. Analyze the text from finding main characters and their viewpoints
  4. Use graphic organizers to organize the text.

Phase 2a article: 香港大学全面封杀GPT
Phase 2a ppt

Activity 1: Warm-up activity

  1. Lead a discussion on the impact of internet technology on people's social interactions.
  2. Pair up and discuss the following two questions. Then, have a class-wide discussion. The goal is to prepare for reading the news about ChatGPT at the University of Hong Kong. The questions are:
  • 你用过ChatGPT吗?谈谈你的经验?
  • 你认为ChatGPT对人们的生活有什么影响?

Activity 2: Skim the text

  • Have students read the news in pairs, circle any words they don’t understand, and try to guess the meanings of these words.

Activity 3: Teacher-led interpretation and discussion (Interpretive and interpersonal)

  • The text is divided into three parts, each presented on a separate PowerPoint slide. Each slide has questions for students to answer using information from the text.

Slide #6

  1. [Predict content based on the title and the first sentence of paragraph 1]
  2. [guess the meaning of unknown words]

PPT #7

  1. [Read the rest of the sentences in 1st paragraph]
  2. [answer inferential questions]

PPT #8

  1. [2nd paragraph Details and lexical]
  2. [Summarize Main Ideas and Organization]

Activity 4: Designing a mind map and summarizing the news (Slide #9)

  • Show students the mind map which organizes the main information in the news (Slide #9).
  • Have students work in groups of 3 to create a mind map based on the reading.
  • Each group presents their mind map to the class and summarizes the news based on the map.

Activity 5: Discussion (Interpersonal) (slide #10)
Students will work in pairs to discuss the following questions:

  1. 香港大学的决策是明智的、有远见的,还是短视的、 愚蠢的?可行的/不可行的?为什么?
  2. 在你看来, 大学有必要对学生、教师使用ChatGPT制定规定吗?为什么?

Activity 6: Homework assignment:

  • Choose one discussion topic from Activity 5 and write an essay.
  • Post the essay on the platform for the teacher and classmates to read.


  • Use a mind map to outline your writing. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph.
  • Use connecting words to explain your points.
  • Highlight new vocabulary learned in this lesson and reading.

Activity 7: Exit card (Reflection)

  • Students share their takeaways from this lesson. It can be a list of new words they have learned, some reading or writing skills they have acquired, or cultural knowledge they have gained.

Phase 2b  Parallel Reading option 2 平行阅读 (电影)


  1. Use compound word knowledge, radical knowledge, and contexts to infer the meaning of unknown words.
  2. Scan the text to identify the topic sentence in each paragraph.
  3. Ask and answer inferential questions as active readers.
  4. Use connecting words to narrate a story.
  5. Summarize the content of the story in one sentence.
  6. Use graphic organizers to comprehend text.
  7. Write a coherent and organized essay.

Phase 2b article 做一个理智的网络人
Phase 2b ppt

Activity 1: Warm-up
Use Quizlet Live to help students review important vocabulary and key words and phrases in the text.

Activity 2: Guess the meaning of unknown words (Interpretative skill) (PPT P.4-7)

  1. Divide students into 3 groups and have them identify unfamiliar words in one of the 3 paragraphs of the article, trying to infer their meanings.
  2. Have students present to the whole class the words they were able to infer and the reasons for their inferences.
  3. Provide students corrections and assist them in practicing the skill of using compound word knowledge, radical knowledge, and context to deduce the meaning of unknown words.

Activity 3: Identify the topic sentences and the main idea of the article (Interpretative skill) (PPT P.8-11)


  1. Each group of students scans one of the 3 paragraphs to identify the topic sentence within the paragraph.
  2. The teacher checks their findings in class and points out to them the usual location of the topic sentence in a paragraph.
  3. Based on the topic sentence in each paragraph, students guess the main idea of the article.

Activity 4: Rearrange the sentences and narrate the article. (Presentational skill) (PPT P.12-19)

  1. Provides scrambled sentences, and have students work in pairs to rearrange them in the correct order.
  2. Students report their work to the class and provide the reasons for their arrangement.
  3. The teacher emphasizes the importance of using connecting words and context during this exercise.
  4. Students narrate the story based on the connecting words and some key words, record it, and upload it to the class WeChat group.

Activity 5: Summarize the article (Presentational skill) (PPT P.20-22)


  1. Students work in pairs to summarize the focused article in one sentence.
  2. The teacher provides an example in the article of using connecting words to summarize a story in one complex sentence.
  3. Students work in pairs to introduce the article in one complex sentence.

Activity 6: Textual comprehension (Interpretative skill) (PPT P.23-24)
Guide students to analyze the structure of the first paragraph and use its last sentence to predict the content of paragraph two.
Have students work in pairs to read Paragraph two and complete the graphic organizer, which also provides the structure and main ideas of the content.

Activity 7: Discussion (Interpersonal skill) (PPT P.25)

  1. Guide students to read the last paragraph and analyze the author's opinion towards cyberbullying.
  2. Have students work in pairs to express their opinions about cyberbullying and discuss effective ways to prevent it.
  3. Have the pairs discuss the title of the movie and share their opinions on its English translation.

Activity 8: Homework assignment (Presentational skill) (PPT P.26)
Narrate a tragic story caused by online privacy exposure and state your viewpoint.

  1. Requirements:
    Use a mind map to outline the writing (write the topic sentence for each paragraph).
  2. Pay attention to the use of connecting words while narrating the story.
  3. Highlight key vocabulary (the more, the better; it's okay to make mistakes).

Activity 9: Exit card (Reflection) (PPT P.27)

Students share their takeaways from this lesson. It can be a list of new words they have learned, some reading or writing skills they have acquired, or cultural knowledge they have gained.

Phase 3

Use Integrated Performance Assessment to evaluate students’ learning outcome of this unit.

Assessment 评估

Phase 3 article “虚拟情人”的议题为何重要?
Phase 3 ppt


1. Revisit the unit overview (Slide p.3) for the summative assessment.

2. Interpretive Reading Task: Students will read and analyze the reading article.

  • Activity 1: Pre-reading activity. Pair work- Discuss what you think about or associate with “Virtual Lover”. (Slide pp.4-5)
  • Activity 2: Small group work- Discuss the best answer for the comprehension questions and summarize the article orally. (Slide pp.6-17)

3. Interpersonal Task: Based on the scenario and the reading article, students will use critical thinking skills to discuss as a pair the pros and cons of “Virtual Lover”.

  • Activity 3: Work with your classmate and write down the pros and cons of using the technology of “Virtual Lover”. Follow the guidelines (Slide p.19-20) to prepare and organize your arguments.

4. Presentational Writing Task: Students will explain their viewpoints in writing, integrating what they have read and discussed throughout the unit into an in-depth persuasive email (Slide p.21).

5. Activity 4: Finish the writing assignment by incorporating all previous work and discussions into the final product. Use the writing rubric as a guide (Slide p.22).



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