Game Theory Website Contents

Contents by Section:

Hypertext Materials on Game Theory and Modeling

1. Overview of this Site

2. Modeling Behavior:A Comparison of Optimality and Game Theory

3. Game Theory and EvolutionaryStable Strategies

4. A Simple Two-StrategyGame: Hawks and Doves

5. Ownership: the BourgeoisStrategy

6. Conflicts Without Fighting: Waiting Games ("Wars of Attrition")

General Reference and WebLinks

Ref. 1. Glossary of Terms(as a separate window)

Ref. 2: Literature Cited

Ref. 3. Supplementary Materials on Evolution, Selection and Games:

Ref. 4. Supplementary Materialfor theWar of Attrition:

Ref. 4. Links to Other Sites

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1. General Info, Hardware& Software Requirements

2a. Instructionsfor the Hawks vs. Doves Simulation

2b. Runthe Hawks and Doves Applet

3a. Instructions for the Bourgeois, Hawks and Doves Simulation

3b. Runthe Bourgeois, Hawks and Doves Applet

4a. Instructions for the War of Attrition Simulations

4b. Run the "Warof Attrition" Simulation

5. Stand-Aloneversions of the simulations (requires a Java interpreter -- Mac versionsonly at present)

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1. Stand-Alone versions of the simulations (requires aJava interpreter -- Mac versions only at present)

2. Text versions of the site produced by Dr. Kevin Mitchell. Both requireAdobe Acrobat, press below to get your free copy:

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Thanks and Reflections

1. Acknowledgements

2. Notes to Instructors

3. Some Reflectionson Websites and Teaching

4. Your Feedback -- Make comments -- maybe get your nameon the acknowledgments list!

5. Fair Use andCopyright

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Last Modified: November 3, 2010