Heidi Kaiter

Concord Middle School, Concord, MA







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Himalayan prayer flags

Himalayan prayer flags

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Without the support of National Endowment for the Humanities and the College of the Holy Cross, this institute would not be possible.


Many thanks to Professors Todd Lewis and Leonard van de Kuijp for imparting their knowledge about the history and culture of the Himalayan region.

To sum up lessons from the institute:

1. Societies cross-pollinate ideas, stories and myths when in contact with one another over time.

2. Cultural traditions and associated religious rituals can provide people with a sense of comfort and community.

3. Institutions, whether social, religious or political can succumb to the defiled aspects of human nature.

4. History repeats itself. Power can be a potentially oppressive force when combined with self-interest.

5. Civilizations rise and fall. Borders shift. Leadership changes hands. Population increases. Evolution proceeds. Change is inevitable due to the continuous flow of cause and effect. We're all on the same planet, so...

(watch your karma!)


Inner transformation may be possible through a cultivation of tolerance, loving-kindness, compassion, meditation and wisdom with skillful means, for the benefit of others.


Gratitude is extended also to Lindsay, Joy, Mary and the computer staff, and all others who helped make this institute run smoothly.


Special thanks to all the distinguished scholars whose passion for research in their field was demonstrated by their enthusiastic and informative presentations.


Thanks to all fellow NEH participants for ideas and inspiration.


I would like to thank Bryan,Stefan and Kieran for their patience and understanding of my month long absence from home to pursue an interest.


Lastly, sincere gratitude is extended to the nuns,monks and lamas who have shown through exemplary deeds and action, the benefits of cultivating bodhicitta.


Om Ah Hum

This site was created by Heidi Kaiter at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2006.