Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan RegionSummer 2004 |
Denise M. Simone
Himalayan Herders Life for all Himalayn herders was difficult as the mountains and mountain passes offered many challenges. Herders lived in a gode, which are huts made of bamboo mates arranged over a structure of bent bamboo poles , or they live in pathi, which are stone walled huts with plank roofs. The word gode is used to refer to both the house and the lifestyle. Herders raise sheep, yak, and zomo, a hybrid cow and yak. Life for women was especially hard. Here are two excerpts from the book, Himalayan Herders, by Naomi Bishop, Stanford University Press, 2002. Click here for the duties of a woman herder The marriage practices of these Nepalese herders is particularly interesting. Record you reaction to the marriage practices in your double-entry journal. Click here for Marriage and Inheritance
This site was created by .... at the NEH Summer Institute "Cultures and Religions of the Himalayan Region," held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2004 |