Four Sacred Sites
Pilgrim's Journal
Voices of Pilgrims
Sacred Objects
Additional Teacher Resources

Additional teacher resources for exploring Buddhism and Pilgrimage


The Buddha - A detailed and accessible movie about the life of the Buddha, made by PBS

The Story of India - Beautifully produced and informative film about India

Art Museums:

Rubin Museum of Art: Pilgrimage and Faith - Exhibit comparing the role of pilgrimage in Buddhism, Islam and Christianity:

Asia Society: Sacred Journey: Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art

Victoria and Albert Museum of Art Exhibit: Buddhist Pilgrimage


Sacred Destinations - A privately established site with thorough, well-organized information about religious sites around the world, including many Buddhist sites.

Buddhanet - Uses new information technology to support the global Buddhist community. The site contains extensive information on the history and practice of Buddhism.

Buddapath- Rich website on modern pilgrimage trips to India, Nepal and Tibet. It also has many excellent resources including articles, poems, essays and photographs.

Guide to Buddhist Pilgrimage -- Book on factual and historical information of the main sites of Buddhist pilgrimage.





This site created by Mary Muenster and Sarah Fendrick at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region", held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2011.