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World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-US)
Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)

College Team 1

Daily Lessons

Suggested instructional time: 5-7 class periods (55 minutes each)

Day 1

Can-do statements:
I can activate my background knowledge regarding the internet and my daily life;
I can identify the radicals 疒 and 辶.
I can use the patterns:“电+N or V," “N+迷,” and the word structure “AABB (e.g., 急急忙忙)”, and can identify the omitted known/mentioned subject in a Chinese sentence.

Activity 1:
Warm-up questions to activate background knowledge
This discussion is to activate students’ background knowledge/experience about using the internet in their daily life.
Materials: PowerPoint slide p.3

Activity 2: Check Preview Homework: vocabulary, patterns, and structures
This series of activities are to check students’ knowledge of the core vocabulary, grammar, and the overall comprehension of the text.
<电脑与网络> Lesson 7 from Integrated Chinese Volume 3
PowerPoint slide p.4-20
APP: WhatsApp Group Chat
Display PowerPoint slides.
(slide 4) Students read, discuss and answer the questions they submitted to WhatsApp in groups; then they orally present their answers or type the answers on WhatsApp to share in class.

(slide 5-8) 1) Students read the dialogue in pairs to see the core vocabulary in context. Teacher asks questions to check understanding. 2) Students learn the radical 疒 and review the characters with the same radical to identify its meaning.

(Slide 9-16) Students continue to read dialogues and identify the meaning of new words based on contextual information; Review “电+N” after learning 电聊.

(Slide 17-19) 1) Students in pairs read the first five lines of the text and answer the question 你怎么知道张天明是电脑迷?;2) guide students to identify and explain the **迷 by using the sentence structure “从早到晚+V+N+的人是......**迷”; 3) the talk about themselves or other people who are “**迷” and explain why by using “因为我/ta 从早到晚+V+N”

(Slide 20) Reading comprehension: Fill in the blanks (in PPT slide) after reading the first paragraph

Activity 3: Learn grammar: omitted known/mentioned subjects in Chinese
Materials: PowerPoint slide p.21-22
Display a paragraph that has “missing subjects”.
Students work in pairs to fill the blanks with correct subjects.
Teacher briefly explains the “omit of known/mentioned subjects” in Chinese.

Activity 4: Inferential information, the radical 辶 and the “AABB (e.g., 急急忙忙)” pattern
Materials: PowerPoint slide p.23-28
Students read the second half of the first paragraph and answer inferential questions.

Teacher introduces the radical辶and examples; students give more example characters with the radical.

Teacher introduces the “AABB (e.g., 急急忙忙)” pattern; students read a sign on the PPT slide.

Activity 5: Identify the “V+O” pattern and 4-character word pattern
Materials: PowerPoint slide p.29-41
Students read the paragraph and identify all “V+O” phrases.
Teacher introduces “衣食住行”and other 4-character word examples; students use “就是所有的***“ to explain the meanings of words.

Activity 6: Use the target patterns in speaking
Materials: PowerPoint slide p.42-43
Students use the pattern to interview their classmates about the use of the internet in groups.

Students share their interview info in class by using the pattern 除了在网上A、B、C......还D、E...... and V+O phrases.

Homework: Listening comprehension– Identify key words and learn to summarize
Materials: Youtube videos, PPT slides p.44-48; Handout #1

Exercise 1: Students watch the videos and circle out the key words, and identify the main ideas of the speakers, then fill the first part of handout.

Exercise 2: Use the information of part 1 to fill the form on the Handout: speakers’ perspectives
Handout # 1 link

Day 2

Can-do statements:

I can respond to inferential questions.
I can use appropriate expressions to apologize.
I can use keywords to summarize a short text.
I can use appropriate expressions to present the positive and negative impacts of the internet.

Activity 1: Check homework: Handout #1
Materials: Youtube videos, PPT slides p.44-48;
Handout #1 answer check
Students show the key words they circled.
Students share the speakers’ perspectives in groups by using the key words and sentence patterns they learned in Day 1.

Activity 2: Make inference & express apologies
Materials: PPT slides p. 50-53
Students read the paragraph and answer inferential questions.
Teacher introduces and briefly explains the use of pattern 对不起,对不起,是我不好, (下次不敢了)。 .

Role play: students play different roles by using the pattern to different people. (Teacher models and emphasizes how social relationships may determine the uses of the expression, reminds how body language and facial expressions used in conversation)

Activity 3: Make inferences by identifying the target pattern
Materials: PPT slides p.54-55
Students read the question对天明来说,网络上瘾带有什么坏处?
Students use the pattern一会儿都离不开……, 害得……to answer the question.

Activity 4: Use the targeted pattern to talk about daily life
Materials: PPT slides p.56

Students discuss in pairs: they(一会儿都)离不开***, 因为……
Students share the results of their discussions; they need to present the positive/negative reasons.

Activity 5: Summarizing by using keywords
Materials: PPT slides p.57-58
Students read the paragraph and summarize it with highlighted keywords.
Role play: students in pairs engage in a conversation about the consequences of 上瘾 by using老是/从早到晚, 害得他......结果……, 看起来/听起来, and 这是对***上瘾了.

Activity 6: What are your views?
Materials: PowerPoint Slides p.59
APP: WhatsApp Group Chat
Teacher asks the question:
Students share their opinions in groups. Record and post their answers to WhatsApp.

Homework: Graphic organizer-Summarize the text and identify different opinions
Materials: PowerPoint Slides p.60-61
Online Google Form link

Exercise 1: Complete the online form.

人物 用网络可以做什么 对网络的看法/认为网络有哪些好处/坏处

Day 3

I can narrate and summarize the main content of the text.
I can express my opinions about the text of “网络上瘾“

Activity 1: Homework check and feedback
Materials: Day 3: PowerPoint Slide p.61
Check if students finish their homework.
Use this opportunity to review important vocabulary and key words, phrases.

Activity 2: Retell the story (text narration)
Materials: PowerPoint Slide p.62-73
Students use the illustrations and target expressions on the PPT slides to retell the text <电脑与网络>.
Students upload their narrations to WhatsApp.
Teacher shares some of the recordings and gives specific feedback.

Activity 3: Role play(a phone call): Retell the story from 雪梅’s point of view
Materials: PowerPoint Slide p.74
Students practice the conversation in pairs by using the script on the PPT slide.
Students use the highlighted expressions to complete the conversation.
Students need to use appropriate fixed patterns (定式) to complete the conversation, e.g., what expressions to use to start and end a phone call.

Activity 4: Post-reading activity (interpersonal task)
Materials: PowerPoint Slide p.75
APP: WhatsApp
Students express their opinions about college students’ uses of the internet in groups; use at least 5 vocabulary/phrases, and at least 2-3 target patterns from this lesson.
Students submit their recordings to WhatsApp.

Homework/ parallel reading#1 (Please see the content below)

Day 3 HW Parallel reading#1

Lesson objectives (lesson can-do statements)
After this assignment, students can
scan the text for keywords to predict text content
infer the meaning of compound words based on known characters
scan the text to identify its main idea
use key information to demonstrate their understanding

Teaching materials: 《我做得到,你也做得到》
Student version| Teacher’s version
This is used as a take home assignment to help develop automaticity of L7 vocabulary. It’s also used to assess how well students master the reading skills they learned in class.
When teachers go over the assignment with students, draw the students' attention to the targeted reading skills.
See teacher’s version for what literary skills each section focuses on.

Day 4 Parallel reading #2

Lesson objectives (lesson can-do statements):
Students can identify and describe the various ways college students use the internet in their daily lives.
Students can discuss the positive and negative impact on internet usage in their life.
Students can express their points of view verbally on how the internet has impacted their own lives.
Students can compare and contrast different viewpoints.

Teaching materials:《网络时代的生活》
Activity 1: Check homework and warm-up (PPT slides 3-4)
Check homework.

Predict the reading content by reading the title. Have students provide keywords or short sentences.
Interview 3-4 classmates to collect information.
Orally present the findings by addressing the two guided questions.

Activity 2: Jigsaw reading- scan for literal meaning, use connectors to identify relationships between paragraphs.
(PPT slides 5-7)
Work in small groups to do jigsaw reading. Scan each paragraph and re-arrange them in a logical order.
Discuss and share why you rearrange them this or that way.
Locate the connectors.
Discuss and share why we use the connectors.
Apply these connectors to yesterday’s homework by replacing the set of connectors 第一、第二、除了...以外、最后 with the newly learnt set 首先、其次、另外、最后.

Activity 3: Reading for evaluative perspectives (Last paragraph) (PPT slide 8)
Read the last paragraph and answer questions.

Activity 4: Infer unknown words from compounding and context (PPT slide 9)
Read the text with group members. Guess the meaning of the purple words by the meaning of each individual character and/or from context.
Check answers

Activity 5: Summarize each paragraph (PPT slides 10-11)
Work with group members to scan the text paragraph by paragraph.
Locate the main idea in each paragraph.
Use your own words to summarize the main ideas for each paragraph. (handout)
Retell the text by referring to the main keywords.

Homework: Compare and contrast (Preparing for an oral presentation) (homework)

Day 5

Use Integrated Performance Assessment to evaluate students’ learning outcome of this unit, from an interpretive task, through interpersonal discussion, and ending with a speaking presentation task.

Instructional PPT
Before class begins: check Day 4’s homework; distribute handouts (PPT slide 2)

Activity 1: Interpretive reading for literal meaning and inferential meaning. (PPT slides 3-6, Handout A)
Overview the summative assessment scenario.
Students read the Zhihu main post and four comments, complete the reading task #1 individually.
[Optional] Check answers with the whole class. Point out common mistakes and explain if necessary.
Students summarize main ideas of each paragraph and analyze the organization of the main post with the help of the graphic organizer in the reading task #2. Students can do this task either individually or in small groups.
[Optional] Check answers with the whole class.

Activity 2: Presentational writing. (PPT slide 7, Handout B)
Students use the chart in Handout B to draft their speech. They can finish the first (and second) paragraph in class if time allows.
Students complete their drafts after class. They will bring their drafts to Day 6 for mock presentation and peer feedback.

[Instructional Notes to Teachers:
Ideally, there should be one class before the final assessment day for the following reasons: 1) to check students’ Day 4 homework, 2) to complete summative assessment Activity 1, and 3) to write the first paragraph for Activity 2.
If instruction hours are limited, the assessment tasks in Day 5 can be assigned as “weekend” homework to prepare students for the final summative assessment day. It is recommended that the teacher dedicates a few minutes on Day 6 to check students’ assignments before the final summative assessment task.]

Day 6

Final Summative Assessment Task
Instructional PPT
Before class begins: check Day 5’s homework assignment, i.e. the speech draft in Handout B (PPT slide 2)

Activity 1: Interpersonal communication. (PPT slide 8, Handout C)
3-4 students form a small group.
One student presents his/her speech based on their draft in Handout B; the other students use the checklist in Handout C to provide feedback.
Change roles. The 2nd student presents, the other students give feedback.
Then, the 3rd presents (and then, the 4th).

Activity 2: Presentational writing. (PPT slide 9, Handout D-Rubrics)
Step: students complete, revise, and finalize their speech after class, and submit for grades and teacher feedback.


College Team 1: Home
College Team 1: Targeted Skills and Knowledge
College Team 1: Can-Do Statements
College Team 1: Summative Assessment
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