Read-On 2023 College Team 1

Pei-Chia Chen (Team Leader), Wenying Zhou, Kai Liang, Ya-Chuan Chou and Peng Yu
Enduring Understanding:
The internet revolutionizes and impacts how we live, learn, and interact in the modern world.
Essential Questions:
- What do college students do with the internet in both academic and daily lives?
- How does internet dependence impact the lives of college students?
- Is the internet friend or foe to college students?
网络无处不在、智能无所不达?The internet is ubiquitous and pervasive.
Non-heritage college students; Proficiency level Intermediate-low/mid
Teaching material:
- <电脑与网络> from Integrated Chinese Volume 3 梁恺
- <我做得到,你也做得到> 周雅娟 (modified authentic material)
- <网络时代的我们> 周文英(modified authentic material)
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