Title Page         Spanish Civil War
        Mexican Revolution            Third Reich
           Soviet Empire   People's Republic of  China

In Memory of
---------- La Persecution Religiosa en Mejico (E. Subirana, 1927)

---------- La Tragedie Mexicaine (Editions de la Jeunesse Catholique, 1928)

---------- 25 Martires Mexicanos (Libros Catolicos, 1992)

Albarez, Claudio, Tirano y Victimas (Editorial Voluntad, 1938)

Anda, Jose G. de, La Guerra Santa (SEP, 1994)

Arevalo, John M., The Miter and the Sword (Typescript; U of Texas at San
           San Antonio, 1983)

Arranz, Antonio Maria, Los Martires de San Joaquin et La Republica
           Mexicana (Corazon de Maria, 1927)

Bailey, David C., !Viva Cristo Rey! (U. of Texas, 1969)

Ball, Ann, Blessed Miguel Pro (Tan Books, 1996)

-----------, Faces of Holiness (Our Sunday Visitor, 1998)

Barquin y Ruiz, Andres, El Clamor de la Sangre (2nd ed.; Editorial Jus,

Blount, Melesena Mary, God's Jester (Benziger, 1930)

Camp, Roderic A., Crossing Swords (Oxford, 1996)

Cardosa, Joaquin, Los Martires Mexicanos (D. F. Buena Prensa, 1958)

Carrozzini, Antonio, Padre Michele Pro (Dehoniane, 1990)

Catholic Bishops, National Conference of, Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Episcopate of the United States on the Religious Situation in Mexico
(Paulist Press, 1926) [Click here for EWTN version of same.]

Dominguez, Jorge L, The Roman Catholic Church in Latin America (Garland, 1994)

Dooley, Francis P., Los Cristeros, Calles y el Catolicismo Mexicano
Secretaria de Educacion, Direccion General de Divulgacion, 1976)

Dragon, Atonio, Miguel Augustin Pro of the Society of Jesus (Messenger  Press, 1930)

Egidi, Silvana, Le Tre Martiri Carmelitane di Guadalajara (Postulazione Generale O. C. D., 1987)

Ellis, L. Ethan, "Dwight Morrow and Church-State Controversy  in
           Mexico,"Hispanic American Historical Review, 38 (1958),

Escalada, Javier, Miguel Augustine Pro (Enciclopedia Guadalupana A. C.

Fernandez, Eduardo C., "The United States Catholic Response to the Mexican
           Church-State Conflict, 1926-1929," (M. A. Thesis; U. of Texas
            at Austin, 1986)

Fernandez Naranjo, Nicolas, La Politica Religiosa en Mexico, 1917-1937  (Impr. Apostolica, 1937)

Forrest, Michael D., Life of Father Pro (Radio Replies, 1944)

Gallagher, Louis J., Edmund A. Walsh, S.J. (Benziger, 1962)

Gallegos, Jose Ignacio, Apuntes para la Historia de la Persecucion Religiosaen Durango de 1926 a 1929 (Editorial Jus, 1965)

Garcia, Severo, El Indio Gabriel (Editorial Jus, 1957)

Garica de Alba, Juan Manual, Beatification del P. Miguel Augustin Pro S.J. (ITESO, 1988)

Gil, Emilio Portes, Autobiografia de la Revolucion Mexicana (Instituto
           Mexicano de Cultura, 1964)

Grayson, George W., The Church in Contemporary Mexico (Center for
          Strategic International Studies,  1992)

Greene, Graham,  Another Mexico (Viking, 1939)

----------, The Power and the Glory (Viking, 1946)

----------, The Lawless Roads (Penguin, 1982)

Gulisano, Paolo, Cristeros! (Il Cerchio, 1996)

Guthrie, William, Church and State in Mexico (Pandick, 1926)

Hanley, Timothy C., The Leadership of the Cristero Movement
         (s. n., 1977)

Havers, Guillermo Maria, Testigos de Cristo en Mexico (Ediciones Promesa, (ITESO, 1988)

Kelley, Francis Clement, Mexican Tragedy [Blood Drenched Altars] (Bruce, 1935)

Kenealy, William J., Mexican Religious Persecution (America Press, 1935)

Kenney, Michael, No God Next Door (William J. Hirten, 1935)

Keraly, Hugues, Les Cristeros (Dominique Martin Morin, 1986)

Krauze, Enrique, Mexico (trans. Hank Heifetz; HarperCollins, 1997)

Lange, Martin, and Iblacker, Reinhold, Witnesses of Hope (Orbis, 1981)

Lara y Torres, Leopoldo, Documentos para la Historia de la Persecution (Jus,  1972)

Leon, Miguel Angel, Que lo sepa todo el Mundo (Asociacion Cultural "Hernan Cortes," 1927)

Lippmann, Walter, "Church and State in Mexico," Foreign Relations, 8
           (1930), 186-207

Llalmas, Rafael Haro, El Padre Galvan (Castro Impresores, 1977)

Lopez Beltran, Lauro, La Persecucion Religiosa en Mexico (Traducion,

Mabry, Donald J., "Mexican Anticlerics, Bishops, Cristeros, and the DevoutDuring the 1920s," Journal of Church and State, 20 (1978), 81-92

Marin Negueruela, Nicolas, La Verdad Sobre Mejico (Tipografia Catolica Casals, 1928)

Marquez Eyzaguirre, Luis G., En el Mexico Ensangrentado (Palmeri, 1929)

McCullagh, Frarncis, Red Mexico (Louis Crrier & Co., 1928)

Menendez Mena, Rodolfo, The work of the Clergy and the Religious
Persecution in Mexico (Latin American News Association, 1916)

Meyer, Jean A., The Cristero Rebellion (Cambridge U., 1976)

Montejano y Auguinaga, Rafael, El Sr. Cura d. Antonio Mendez Padron
         Taller,  1980)

Montezuma, Aqui, El Conflicto Religiosa de 1926 (s. n., 1929)

Morones, Felipe, Capitulos Sueltos (Aquasalientes, 1955)

Mounce, Virginia N, The Catholic Church in Mexico (Texas, l975)

Muller, Gerald F., With Life and Laughter (Pauline Books, 1996)

Munari, Tiberio Maria, Derramaron su Sangre por Cristo (Ediciones
          Xaverianas, 1995)

Murray, Paul V., The Role and the Mission of the Catholic Church in
            Mexico (Privately printed, 1962)

Nonnan, George, Mrs., God's Jester (Benziger, 1930)

Parsons, Wilfred, Mexican Martyrdom (Tan Books, 1987)

Pius XI, Pope, "Iniquis Afflictisque," Acta Apostolicae Sedis,  18 (1926)

---------- "Acerba Animi," Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 24 (1932), Sept. 29th

---------- "Nos es Muy Conocida," Encyclical on the Religious Situation in Mexico
March 28, 1937

Purnell, Jennie, The Politics of Identity (Ph. D. Thesis; Massachusetts
          Institute of Technology, 1993)

O'Rourke , Gerald, La Persecucion Religiosa en Chihuahua (Editorial
           Camino, 1991)

Quigley, Robert E., "American Catholic Opinions of Mexican Anticlericalism, 1910-1936," (Thesis; U. of Pennsylvania, 1974)

Quirk, Robert E., The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church

Reich, Peter L., Mexico's Hidden Revolution (Notre Dame, 1995)

Rodriguez, Cristobal, Cristeros Contra Cristanos (Editorial "Revolucion," 1967)

Royer, Fachon, Padre Pro (P. J. Kenedy, 1954)

Ruiz, Ramon, The Great Rebellion (Ediciones Era, 1980)

Sanz-Cerrada, Antonio M., Las Catacumbas en Mejico (Vincent Pub. Co.,

Sedano, Alicia Olivera, Aspectos del Conflicto Religioso de 1926 a 1929
          (Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Histgorica, 1966)

Slattery, Margaret P., Promises to Keep (Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, 1995)

Sullivan, Richard B., "The Attitude of the American State Department
Towards the Persecution of the Church in Mexico," (M. A.Thesis; U. of Notre Dame, 1952)

Tangeman, Michael, Mexico at the Crossroads (Orbis, 1995)

Tuck, Jim, The Holy War in Los Altos (U. of Arizona, 1982)

Urioste, Ricardo, La Verdad Sobre los Cristeros (Editorial Contenido, 1977)

Xavier, Adro, Jesuitas Martires, 1934-1939 (Esin, 1997)

Wedge, Florence, Martyrdom in Mexico (Grail, 1958)

Wilkie, James W., "The Meaning of the Cristero Religious War Against
            the Mexican Revolution," Journal of Church and State, 8 (1966),

Ziliani, Luigi, Messico Martire (Societa editrice S. Allessandro, 1934) 1985)

Archbishop Pascual Diaz y Barreto, S. J., of Mexico City (1876-1936)
Blessed Bishop Guizar y Valencia of Veracruz (1878-1938)
Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez y Rodriguez of Mexico City (1881-1956)
Archbishop Francisco Orozco y Jimenez of Guadalajara (1864-1936)
Archbishop Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores of Morelia (1865-1941)
Archbishop Jose Maria Mora y del Rio of Mexico City (1854-1928)
Bishop Miguel Maria de la Mora y Mora of San Luis Potosi (1874-1930)
St. Roman Adame Rosales (1859-1927)
St. Julio Alvarez Mendoza (1866-1927)
St. Augustin Caloca (1898-1927)
 St. Atilano Cruz Alvarado (1901-1928)
St. Pedro Esqueda Ramirez (1887-1927)
St. Margarito Flores Garcia (1899-1927)
St. Jose Isabel Flores Varela (1886-1927)
 St. David Galvan Bermudez (1881-1915)
St. Cristobal Magallanes (1869-1927)
St. Jesus Mendez Montoya (1880-1928)
St. Justino Orona Madrigal (1877-1928)
St. Elias del Socorro Nieves (1882-1928)
St. Sabas Reyes Salazar (1879-1927)
St. Jose Maria Robles (1888-1927)
St. Toribio Romo Gonzales (1900-1928)
St. Jenaro Sanchez Delgadillo (1888-1927)
St. Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles (1899-1928)
St. David Uribe Velasco (1888-1927)
 Knights of Columbus
+ St. Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman (1875-1927) +
+ St. Luis Batiz Sainz (1870-1926) +
+ St. Mateo Correa Magallanes (1866-1927) +
+ St. Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Lucero (1892-1937) +
+ St. Miguel de la Mora (1874-1927) +
+ St. Jose Maria Robles Hurtado (1888-1927) +
(Of Following Three, Only First Reportedly Knight)
Salvador Lara Puente (1905-1926)
Manuel Morales (1898-1926)
David Roldan Lara (1907-1926)

A List of Mexican Candidates for Beatification
Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro (1891-1927)
Blessed Vincenta Chavez Orozco (1867-1949)
Catholic Actionists ("Cristeros"):
A List of Mexican ("Cristeros") Martyrs for Canonization
Most Recently Beatified "Cristeros" Martyrs
Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores (1889-1927) and Seven Companions
Blesssed Andres Sola y Molist (1895-1927)
Blessed Jose Trinidad Rangel (1887-1927)
Blessed Dario Acosta Zurita (d, 1927)
Blessed Leonardo Perez (d. 1927)
Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio (d, 1927)
Other Martyrs:
Luis Padilla Gomez (1899-1927)
What do Saints Really Looke Like?
Jorge Vargas Gonzalez (1899-1927)
Ramon Vargas Gonzalez (1905-1927)
Ezequiel Huerta Gutierrez (1876-1927)
Salvador Huerta Gutierrez (1880-1927)
Miguel Gomez Loza (1888-1928)
Luis Magana Servin (1902-1928)
Juan Acosta
Philip Betancourt
 Juan Elarre
Jose Valencia Gallardo,
Gabriel Garcia (1906-1930)++
 Maria Garcia
Salvator Garcia
Padre Jose Guadalupe F. Michel (1882-1929)
 H. Lara
Padre Lawers
Maria de la Luz Camacho (1907-1934)
Antonio Mendez Padron (1887-1928)
Nicholas Navarro
Humberto Pro (d. 1927)
Padre Rodiguez
Andrew Rongier
  0. Rossi
 Luis Segura Vilchis (d. 1927)
 Juan AntonioTirado Arias(d. 1927)
 Salvator Vargas
Salvador Gutierrez Mora (d. 1927)
Francisco Vega
David Maduro Vertiz, S. J. (1885-1929)
++This is not President Gabriel Garcia Moreno of Ecuador (1821-1875)
The Blood of the Revolutionary Martyrs
Augustin Caloca
Atiliano Cruz
David Galvan
Cristobal Magallanes
Miguel Augustin Pro
Juliano Orona
Sabas Reyes
Toribio Romo
Tranquilinio Ubiarco
Georgetown University Archives
Historical Text Archive
The Mexican Revolution
The Popes and Mexico in the 20th Century
Pope Pius XI On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico
Jalisco, the State Where Catholics Rebelled
Catholic Victims and the Mexican Revolution
Historical Perspective
Those Canonized May 21, 2000
Mexican Leaders
 Victoriano Huerta (1913-14)
Venustiano Carranza (1914-20)
Alvaro Obregon (1920-24)
Plutarco Elias Calles (1924-28)
Emilio Portes Gil (1928-30)
Pascual Ortiz Rubio (1930-32)
Abelardo L. Rodriguez (1932-34)
Lazaro Cardenas (1934-40)
