literatures, religions, and arts of the himalayan region

Amanda Hultin

Randolph School, Huntsville, AL


The Silk Road


Trade and Goods


Buddhism in the Himalayas
Additional Resources
About the Author

Silk Road Civilizations


Research and Illustration:
Read books about the Silk Road (see Location lesson).
Assign one of six cities (ex. Chang'an, Kashgar, Tashkent, Herat, Baghdad and Byzantium) to each student.

Use illustrations and content from the book, each student should make a list of important information about their city. The list might include what the climate was like, where was the city on the Road (at the beginning, the middle, the end), who visited the city, what did merchants from the city trade on the Road?

Using blank paper and colored pencils, have each student make an illustration based on what they think a 10 year old child from their city would look like. What would their house look like? What materials would it be made out of? How would they dress? Was it warm or cold in their city?


Uygur Girls

This site was created by Amanda Hultin at the NEH Summer Institute "Literatures, Religions, and Arts of the Himalayan Region,"
held at the College of the Holy Cross, Summer 2008.