September 3 (W): The Concept of Culture
September 8 (M): The "Science" of Culture: The Role of Ishi
September 12 (F): The Anthropological Method
September 17 (W): Functionalism: Is Society like an organism?
September 22 (M): Margaret Mead and Culture and Personality
September 24 (W): Is Anthropology a Science? The Mead-Freeman Debate
October 1 (W): Interpretive Anthropology and Intersubjectivity
October 8 (W): Witchcraft and Spirit Possession
October 10 (F): Belief: How and why do we come to believe?
October 17 (F): Kinship and Its Role in Anthropology
October 20 (M): Wolf and the Confucian Family
October 24 (F): The Anthropological Study of Kinship Today
October 27 (M): Kinship Discussion
October 29 (W): Gender: Are Women Subordinate Everywhere?
OCtober 31 (F): Third Sex, Third Gender, and the Performance of Gender
November 7 (F): Bio-Medicine as a Cultural System
November 12 (W): Other Ways of Healing
November 17 (M): Exchange in Pre-Capitalist Societies
November 19 (W): Money, Gender, and Value under Capitalism
December 1 (M): Modernization, Globalization, and Culture
December 3 (W): Art, Tourism, Beauty Contests, and McDonald's: Selling Culture and Difference?
December 5 (F): Debate on Globalization
December 8 (M): Can We Use Culture in the 21st Century?
For more information, contact: aleshkow@holycross.edu