Origins: The origins of
Buddhism center on the story of one man’s spiritual desire and journey
enlightenment. Around 554 BCE in Nepal,
a young
prince named Siddhartha Gautama was born. His
life was one of royal luxury. It is said
that as an adult, married with a child, he left
the palace
walls and, for the first time, saw human suffering.
It is this moment in Siddhartha’s life that
he decides to leave the protected and pampered life of a prince and go
out into
the world. He studied with holy men and
monks both in temples and in nature, though he was not satisfied by
teachings. Out in the wilderness,
Siddhartha pursued a life of denial and extreme discipline. He practiced meditation and fasting. After a period of six years he was still
unable to escape from the world of suffering.
Siddhartha achieved
enlightenment, under a Bodhi tree, next to a temple.
As he sat under the tree in deep meditation,
he reflected on his life and experiences. This
is when Siddhartha became the Buddha. As
the Buddha, he put forth the wheel of teaching that
stated rather
than worshiping one god or gods, Buddhism centers around the timeless
importance of the dharma (teaching).
there are a number of
different sects of Buddhism. The most
prominent include Tibetan Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Theravada
Buddhism. Buddhism centers on the ideas
of karma and dharma, where karma is practicing compassion and acting in
a moral
and good way, and dharma is following the teachings of Buddha.
Buddhist Doctrine: |
Map of
the Spread of Buddhism |
The Three Jewels:![Map of the Spread of Buddhism](Spread_ofbuddhism_map.jpg)
(The Sage)
- Dharma (His Teachings)
- Sangha (His Community)
The Four Nobles Truths:
- Life is Suffering
- Suffering is caused by desire/thirst/attachment/addicition
- Chill the desire/calm the mind
- Follow of the Eightfold Path
Buddhist Facts:
- Buddhism is a spiritual tradition, focusing on personal spiritual development with the goal of reaching a deep insight into the real meaning of life.
- Buddhism teaches that life is interconnected.
- Compassion is natural and important.
- Buddhism is approximately 2500 years old.
- There are currently 376 million Buddhists in the world today.
- Buddhism has a strong belief in the impermanence of life.
- Enlightenment is reached through meditation and practice.