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Complete Elementary Immersion Unit 2016

Theme, Goal, Population Can Do Statements Daily Lessons Summative Assessment

Elementary Immersion Team

Hsiaoying Cheng, Ya-Ching Hsu Kelkis, Meng Yeh, Ling-Ling Chern, Leilei Song, Li-ting Chen

Theme 小水滴的旅行 Where does the water go?
Unit Overview  This unit focuses on basic concept of the water cycle. The unit will
guide students to understand the importance of water to all living
things, and increase their awareness of conserving water resources.
Enduring Understanding Water cycle is a natural phenomenon that occurs on earth.
Essential Questions
  1. What is the water cycle?
  2. How do living things (human, animals & plants) rely on the water cycle?
  3. Why is it important to conserve water and how to do it?

Students can

1. identify and describe the sequence of the water cycle
2. categorize basic necessities of living things on water
3. explain the importance of conversing water

Targeted students 3rd grade immersion students
Reading proficiency: NH
Speaking proficiency: IL
Language Proficiency


Time suggested 90 minutes per class
8 classes for this unit
Can-do Statements Based on National Standards

Interpretive listening

  • Students can understand the main idea of a story about the water cycle.

Interpretive reading

  • Students can understand the main idea of the printed text.
  • Students can understand the sequence of events.

Interpersonal communication

  • Students can describe ways of water conservation.
  • Students can describe structures of selected characters to their peers.

Presentational speaking

  • Students give a presentation on the topic of water conservation.

Presentational writing

  • Students make a booklet on the topic on why water is essential to living things.


  • Connected to science subject.
  • Students further their knowledge on the water cycle through the study of Chinese language.


  • Students help k-1 students raise their awareness on water conservation by presenting posters.
Character learning and reading skills focused

(Literacy development)
1. Identify semantic radicals and phonetic components in characters
2. Apply scanning and skimming strategies in reading texts
3. Apply the rauding strategy to understand the meaning of a text

Summative Assessment   Speaking and writing presentational task:
Students create posters to raise awareness of water conservation of
K-1 students.
Teaching Materials  
Grammatical Structures

1. 先、再、然后、最后

2. 突然

Focused Characters


1. 元,园,玩,远
2. 票、漂、飘、瓢
3. 方、房、访、放



Daily Lesson Plans

Day 1


  • Activate students’ prior knowledge on the three forms of water.
  • Review radical氵三点水,目部 and new words with the radical of 水/氵 and 目 .
  • Apply scanning strategy
  • Discuss component parts and structures of characters
  • Study key words for the day - 水滴、滑行、瞧见

Day 1 teaching material: (day1.pptx)

Opening Activity  (day1.pptx, p.1-14)

  • Present a set of pictures about three forms of water and have students guess what today’s topic is about.
  • Students discuss in pairs today’s topic.
  • Students write down or draw their answers on a small white board and share with the class.

Activity 1: 部首练习(day1.pptx, p.15-19)

  • Review the radical of 水/氵,目
  • Individually scan two posters for the radical of 氵 and 目
  • Compare the results with peers in groups

Activity 2: 声旁 (day1. pptx, p.20-22)

  • Students work in small groups to identify and recognize common components of character from a list of words:
    方, 元,票


Activity 3: 汉字结构练习-上下结构和左右结构(day1. pptx, p.23-27)

  • Introduce character structure of 上下结构and 左右结构
  • Students learn to use gestures to identify character structure of 上下结构and左右结构

Activity 4: 学习新词(day1.pptx, p.28-33)

  • Learn new vocabulary 水滴、滑行、瞧见
  • Identify the radical and components of the daily new vocabulary 滴、滑、行、瞧
  • Watch Teacher modeling in front of the class
  • Practice characters on their whiteboard
  • Take turn to write each stroke of a character in order as a team
  • Practice writing new vocabulary on worksheet including identifying radical, numbers of components, writing three times, and drawing a simple picture of the meaning of the new vocabulary

Closing activity (day1.pptx, p.34)

  • Review today’s objectives
  • Students tell three friends about three things they’ve learned today.

Homework (day1.pptx, p.35) (day1 homework.pdf)

Identify the phonemic components of characters 辨认声旁:   巴and 青



Day 2


  • Review what students have learned from the previous lesson
  • Introduce new radicals 忄/心 and 冫/冰
  • Use the skimming strategy to look for important information in the main text
  • Study key words for the day - 愉快、准备、飘

Day 2: (day2.pptx)

Opening Activity (day2.pptx p.1-4)

  • Go through today’s objectives
  • Review radicals and phonetic components of characters

Activity 1: Review  (day2.pptx p.5-6)

  • Review the radicals introduced in Day 1, 水/氵,目.
  • Check the homework.  Have students sound out: 巴,青. 
  • Apply phonetic knowledge:  have students to guess the pronunciation of 把, 芭,精,情

Activity 2: Introduce new radical-/” and “/
(day2.pptx p.7-10)

  • Introduce new radicals of  忄/心 and 冫/冰
  • Scan each paragraph in the text of “自己做冰块” for the radical of忄/心 and 冫/冰
  • For the text, see (day2 activity2 自己做冰块”.pdf)
  • Compare the results with peers in groups.

Activity 3: Skimming the main text for information (day2.pptx p.11-14)

  • Skimming the first three paragraphs of the main text
    “小水滴的旅行”(day2 text_小水滴的旅行.pdf)
  • Identify three forms of water from the reading
  • Use pictures of three water forms to match the corresponding paragraphs
  • Compare the result with peers

Activity 4: Learn new vocabulary- 愉快、准备、漂(day2.pptx p.15-21)

  • Identify radical of the vocabulary 愉、快、准
  • Watch animation of stroke orders of new vocabulary
  • Practice writing new vocabulary on worksheet

Closing activity

  • Review objectives for today’s lesson
  • Share what I have learned today with peers (tell three friends)

Day 3


  1. Review the structure of a character, semantic component (radicals) and phonetic component(声旁), and recurring components (部件).
  2. Identify words in selected sentences from the main text.
  3. Segment words in sentences.

Activity 1: 部首与部件的练习 (day3.pptx  p.2-6)
handout: (day3_activity1)

  • Review
    phonetic components(声旁)
    semantic components (部首)

character structures (独体字,合体字、上下,左右)

  • Show a list of characters on the screen


  • Have students work in group of 3 to sort the characters into 4 categories. (Students have free choices of sorting the characters by sounds, structure, radicals.)
  • Each group presents their categories and explain how they group the characters.

Activity 2: Comprehension (day3.pptx p.7)

  • Watch the video “小水滴的旅行”(day3 iMovie.mp4)
  • Have students recall words from the video.
  • Ask comprehension questions
  • “我“是谁? “我”做什么?
  • 有什么动物在故事里?(猫、蝌蚪、青蛙、水蜘蛛、鸟)
  • 谁帮助“我”旅行?
  • “我”去了哪些地方?    

Activity 3: 分词 Word Segmentation (day3.pptx p.8-9)

  • Explain the difference between 字and 词.  词can be a combination of 2, 3 or more characters (水滴,太阳公公).
  • Students in pairs to circle the 2-character words in  the first paragraph from the main text (such as 猫儿、出去, etc.).
  • Students in pairs to parse words in the sentence by putting a slash between words.  For example:
  • Give each pair the character sheet (day3 activity3).  Have the students cut the characters and reorganize them into a sentences.
  • Give each pair two more sentences: first to parse and then reorganize the characters back to a sentence.

Activity 5: Read aloud

  • The whole class reads the with the recording.  Use the handout (day3 activity4)
  • Students in small groups of three take turn reading aloud the text.
Day 4


  • Practice usages of 突然
  • Apply scanning and skimming strategies to comprehend the text.

Day 4: (day4.pptx)

Activity 1: 造词活动 (worksheet:  day4 activity1)

  • Divide students in pairs.  Give the worksheet to each pair. 
  • The task is to make words using the four characters, 滑,水,打,见.
  • Check the result as a whole group.

Activity 2: 练习突然的使用(day4.pptx p.3-8)

  • Reread the text “小水滴的旅行” and bring students’ attention to the adverb, “突然”.
  • Use contexts to explain the meaning of “突然.”
  • Provide each pair two incomplete sentences with the word ‘突然“ in it and they work to complete the sentences. (day4. Pdf p.8)
  • Have each pair share the sentence that they complete.
  • Make two new sentences use “突然.” ((day4. Pdf p.9)
  • Have students to read the paragraph in “小水滴的旅行” with突然 and ask them to respond to the following two questions.
    • 为什么小水滴突然不动了?(风停了?下雨了?)
    • 课文中说小水滴后来怎么样?(它变成雪花了)。
  • Check their responses in whole class. 
  • Watch the stroke orders of 突然in Day4.pptx p.10-11.

Activity 3: Reading Comprehension (1): scanning and skimming

  1. Provide each pair the following three sentences (which are in the text “小水滴的旅行”).


  1. Ask them to circle the action words in the sentences: 变成、滑行、生活、看见、瞧见.
  2. Have students highlight the animal/insect words in the sentences:


  1. Each pair draws a picture to present the scene described by these three sentences (which animal/insect is doing what).

Activity 4: Reading Comprehension (2)

  1. Divide students in small groups of three. 
  2. Provide each group the text which is divided into 5 sections.
  3. Each group reads the whole text and add 3 illustrations for each of the first 3 sections.
  4. Share illustrated worksheets with the whole class.
Select several pairs to describe orally what are included in their illustrations. 
Day 5


  1. Identify textual connectors (signal words) in the text which present the sequence of events
  2. Summarize the main ideas of the text with some supporting details
  3. Read posters and state the importance of water and water conservation.

Day 5: (day5.pptx)

Activity 1: 引导顺序的连接词

  • Review the connectors: 先、再、然后、最后.
  • Ask students to use the connectors to describe the sequential routines in the pictures in (day5.pptx   p.2).
    1. Divide students in pairs.  Give two prompts to each pairs:
    describe your morning routines during school days.
    2. describe your evening routines after school during school days.
    Students in pairs tell each other the routines, using the connectors.

  • Teacher selects a couple of students to narrate their morning/evening routines.

Activity 2: Finding the connectors  (day5.pptx   p.3-4).

  1. Students in pairs to circles the words先、再、然后、最后in the text of “小水滴的旅行”.
  2. Each pair draws the sequential order of the events indicated by the connectors: 先、再、然后、最后.
  3. Select pairs to show their drawings and describe the sequential events.

Activity 3: 水的重要性 (day5.pptx  p.6-15)

  1. Display the main text with keywords highlighted and then ask students to recall information from the main text. Point at the information that students provide orally to help them make connections between spoken words and written words. (slide #6)
  2. Use slide #7-12 to guide students to discuss the importance of water to all living creatures.  Students discuss in pairs first before the whole-class discussion.
  3. Students in pairs to read the poster of water conservation (authentic material) and answer the questions in slide #13-14. Learn new words “节约” from authentic materials. 
  4. Teacher checks their answers in a whole-class discussion.

Homework (slide #15)

Students complete the sentences and draw pictures to demonstrate their understanding of the importance of water to all living things.

Day 6


  • Explain the importance of water conservation.
  • Describe the process of water cycle.


Activity 1: Warm-up and review

  • Students share and explain their drawings which demonstrate the importance of water to all living things. (slide#3)
  • Review the three states of water (水的三态) (slide#4)

Activity 2: Water cycle process (水的循环)

  • Students in pairs to describe the water cycle in Slide #5. 
  • Teacher selects several students to describe the process.
  • Read again the text of “小雨滴的旅行.”
  • Students in pairs identify which paragraphs in the text describe the three states of water and where the water state changes. 
  • Divide students in pairs.  Use play-doh or draw their own pictures to demonstrate their understanding of water cycle process.
  • At the end of the activity, students will use Chinese to tell the process of water cycle to each other.

Activity 3: Conserving water resource

  1. Use Slide #8-10 to provide visuals. 
  2. Teacher asks questions based on the visuals.

Example1:   老师:

Example 2   老师:我们一起看看这些图片。

  • Students in pairs propose two methods to save water in school. 
  • Teacher selects students to state their methods.

Homework (Slide #11)
Draw three ways that you or your family conserve water at home.


Day 7

Students create posters to suggest ways of conserving water at home.


  • Divide students in small groups of 3 students.
  • Each group receives a big poster.
  • Students cut the pictures they draw for homework on Day 6.
  • With teacher’s help, students label key vocabulary on the poster next to the pictures they draw.

For example:

Day 8

Students prepare the presentations which help k-1 students to raise their awareness on water conservation.

Practice presentations. 

  • Provide students a model to present their posters, as demonstrated below.  Each group can use their own language.

节约用水很重要, 因为…….........。

  • After practicing the presentation, each group simulates Q&A session.
  • In each group, Student1 takes a role as a reporter asking questions and Student 2 and 3 respond the questions.

    For example:  学生1问问题:
    (2) 为什么水很重要?
  • Students in a group take turn playing different roles.
  • Give students time to practice for their presentations before they go to K-1 classrooms.
Day 9 Presentations



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