Complete Unit 13 + Immersion Unit 2017

College Team
Lulei Su, Jing Paul, Pei-Chia Chen, Jing Zhou, Ke Peng
2017 Unit Plan: College Group
Theme |
The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives |
Topic |
Social Commerce Is Irresistible "社交购物"的魅力无人可挡 |
Unit Overview |
Jennifer is a fourth-year Chinese learner. As a foreign exchange student in China this semester, she finds the social media extremely popular and helpful. For example, on WeChat she can call and text people, buy movie tickets, transfer money, read restaurant/shopping reviews, share her pictures and thoughts, and get directions. Her Chinese friends tell her that social commerce is unstoppable and irresistible as it makes life easier. They all love shopping online especially through pengyou quan “Moments” or “Friends’ Circle”. However, she has some reservations about social commerce. She is returning home in a couple of months and needs to buy gifts. She gets several gift ideas through friends’ WeChat selfies and reviews, but she is not sure whether such reviews on social media are trustworthy. She asks you for your advice. |
Enduring Understanding |
Social Media has changed our shopping habits in tremendous ways. |
Essential Questions |
How has internet/social media influenced the goods to be marketed and sold?
How does social media impact our shopping habits and decision?
How do you view social commerce?
Targeted Students |
Non-heritage college students
Oral Proficiency: Advanced Low/Intermediate High
Reading Proficiency: Intermediate High
Time Suggested |
8-10 class periods (50-minute)
Each phase in the lesson plan below takes 1.5 periods to 2 periods
(based on National Standards)
Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to do the following based on national standards.
I can identify the main idea and some supporting details about social commerce.
I can describe the pros and cons of social commerce and online shopping in paragraphs with some detail.
I can participate in conversations and exchange information regarding online shopping and social media.
I can present my ideas an organized manner and incorporate some supporting details.
Focused Interpretive Reading Skills:
Through reading closely, I can determine what the text says explicitly and make logical inferences from it.
I can cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text.
I can interpret words and phrases used in a text, including determining connotative and figurative meanings, and I can analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
With some instructional help, I can assess how the author’s viewpoints or purposes shape the content of a text, and form my own interpretation and opinions regarding the text.
I can identify the most popular social media platforms in the Chinese-speaking world.
I can describe and explain the pros and cons of social commerce from different cultural perspectives and perceptions.
I can interpret how people are culturally conditioned to adopt social media for shopping purposes.
I can compare and contrast, analyze, synthesize, interpret and predict different shopping behavioral practices on social media platforms.
Reading Skills Focused |
Pre-reading: Predicting, skimming, scanning, previewing with purpose, activating cultural background and prior linguistic knowledge.
During-reading: Rauding, learning, determining text type with the use of textual organizers; identifying main ideas, classifying supporting details, categorizing contextual clues (sequence markers, transition markers, discourse markers, etc.); conjecturing word/phrase meaning from the context; making inferences with in-text cues and/or gap-filling strategies; using comprehension monitoring behaviors to enhance reading efficiency.
Post-reading: Summarizing main viewpoints and making inferences about attitudes; presenting the text with the use of textual organizers and contextual markers. |
Interpretive Reading Task: Students read, analyze, compare and contrast two product reviews of new smart phones in Weibo, one by a wanghong “Internet Celebrities” and the other by a friend in pengyou quan ‘Moments’ or ‘Friends’ Circle”.
Teaching Materials |
Main Text:《"社交购物"的魅力无人可挡》
- modified authentic material
Parallel Reading 1:《70后的微商达人 》
– modified authentic material
Summative Assessment Reading:
《 你会购买网红和朋友在朋友圈里推广的手机吗?》 |
Sentence Patterns |
A (Subject 1) + verb/adjective 了, B (Subject 2) 就 + verb/ adjective 了。
This pattern indicates a causal relation: 产品的成本下降了“the state 1” results in价格也就下降了“state 2”
首先...其次...此外...最后/综上所述, …./ …, 再加 |
Core Vocabulary |
Tier 1: Active Vocabulary 核心词汇:
社交购物 shèjiāo gòuwù: (np) social commerce
时尚 shíshàng: fashion
圈 quān: (n) circle
网红wǎnghóng: (n) internet star, internet celebrity
推广 tuīguǎng: (v) to popularize
魅力 mèilì: (n) charm
成本 chéngběn: (n) cost
搜索 sōusuǒ: (v) to search (online)
货比N家 huò bǐ N jiā: (v) to compare prices and quality of merchandise; n. comparison shopping
秀 xiù: (v) to show; (n) show
性价比 xìngjià bǐ: quality-price ratio, cost-performance ratio
Tier II: Passive Vocabulary 补充词汇:
微博 wēibó:(n) micro-blogging
消费者 xiāofèizhě: (n) consumer
环节 huánjié: (n) link; sector
代理 dàilǐ: (n) agent
顶多 dǐngduō: (adv) at most
交流 jiāoliú: (n) communication
- 挡不住 dǎng buzhù: (adj) unstoppable