Complete Unit 13 + Immersion Unit 2016

College Team
Haiyan You, Ke Peng, Yen-Chen Liu, Baozhang he, Ying Feng, Lulei Su
Theme |
Plan a Group Travel |
Unit Overview |
Tang Seng and his four disciples, Sun Wukong ‘Monkey’, Zhu Bajie ‘Pigsy’, Sha Seng ‘Friar Sand’ and Bai Longma‘White Dragon Horse’, time travelled to modern China. Unlike the legendary pilgrimage of going through many trials and much suffering to travel to the Xitian ‘Western Regions’ to obtain Buddhist sacred texts, they have to travel to the Xitian University as a group in order complete their respective professional goals. In this life, Tang Sengis a professor with the other four as his students. Since his students have different personalities, they have distinctive preferences for transportation means. Help Professor Tang find an ideal traveling method for the group. |
Enduring Understanding |
The way we travel is determined by geographic factors, social realities, cultural context and personal preferences. |
Essential Questions |
- What is an ideal traveling method?
- How do geographic factors, social realities and individual personalities affect our traveling choices?
- How can a group reach agreement on traveling decisions?
Targeted Students |
College students have studied for two semesters (non-Heritage)
Oral Proficiency: Intermediate Low
Reading Proficiency: Novice High (mastery of 100 characters) |
Time Suggested |
5 x 55-minute class periods |
Day 1
Engage students and generate their interest in this unit using the well-known story Journey to the West.
Gain a general understanding of the story and Identify the five main characters.
Use character knowledge to learn new words: a) identifying the components; b)combining components to characters; c) combining characters to words.
Activity 1: Contextualize the Objectives of This Unit
The reading text for this unit “怎么到西天大学?” is in (main reading text.pdf). Students will read it in Day 3.
Assign students to read a brief description of Journal to the West in English as homework before Day 1 (day0 preview1.pdf).
In class, make the connection between American superheroes and the five Chinese superheroes in the novel Journey to the West (day1 act1.pptx slide#2-9).
Use the map to demonstrate the journey (Slide #7). Students in small groups of 3, complete the worksheet to confirm their understanding of the relationship of the characters (day1 act1 worksheet.pdf).
Teacher selects students to describe the personalities/looks of the 5 main characters.
Help students associate the concept of “time-traveling” with this unit. Captain America was born in the second world war, frozen, and 50 years later he time- travelled or reappeared in modern time. Tell students that the story they will read in this unit is about the 5 Chinese superheroes time-travelled to the present day (day1 act1.pptx slide#10-17).
Activity 2: Activate Character Knowledge
Assign students the worksheet (day0 preview2.pdf) before Day 1. The worksheet helps students: 1) identify common components shared by characters; 2) notice the configuration of characters; 3) preview the new words in the reading.
In class, divide students in small groups of 3 and have them check each other’s homework and correct mistakes they find.
Teacher selects students to provide their responses, and then presents the answers (day1 act2.pptx).
Activity 3: Identify character components
Decode Pictures: Say and write the radical or characters based on the pictures. Each picture corresponds a character or a character component. Teacher leads students to do the first three radicals (day1 act3.pptx slide#2-4).
Divide students in pairs and give each pair a worksheet to write the radical/characters on their own (Teacher makes the worksheet using the pictures in the slides #6-20.) After they complete the worksheet, show the answers demonstrated in PPTs slides #5-20.
Encoding: after students can associate the pictures with the characters or components, teacher guide them to combine and encode multiple pictures to the target characters. Similarly, teacher first demonstrates 3 examples (day1 act3.pptx slide# 21-23). Then, make a worksheet for small groups to work on the rest. Lastly, use Slides #24-34 to show the answers.
Review: Use Slide #36 to review the characters they learn, identifying each character via the composition of components.
Use Slide # 38-42 to evaluate students’ skill in extending the component knowledge of characters to form words.
Activity 4: Practice targeted characters and new words.
Divide students in pairs and give each pair the worksheet (day1 act4 worksheet). The worksheet shows the figures of 4 main roles in the story Journey to the West. And their Chinese names compose the figures. Ask students to highlight the main characters’ last name and first name in two different colors (day1 act4.pptx slides #3-6)
Use Slide #7-10 to review the components and configuration of character learned.
Evaluate students’ learning outcome using an online tool Kahoot (slides #11-14) (Note: Teachers need to set up their own kahoot account and create a quiz.)
Homework 2: listening exercises help students to comprehend 2 short narrations in which new words are used (day1 homework2.pdf). The recording of the 2 short narration are in (day1 homework2 audio). |
Day 2
Identify the meanings of target vocabularies and use them appropriately.
Apply grammar patterns in appropriate contexts with accuracy and fluency.
Activity 1: Quick Review
Identify the relationships among the main figures of the Journey to the West in a graphic organizer (day2 act1.pptx).
Answer the questions in Chinese to review the names and roles of these main figures.
Activity 2: Expansion from Vocabularies to Sentences
Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day2 act worksheet).
The worksheet provides students practices of combining characters to words, and using new words to form sentences.
Use slides in (day2 act2.pptx) to check students’ answers.
Activity 3: Practice Grammar Pattern in Context (1)
Draw students’ attention to the core aspect of the grammar “又 + Adj. 1 + 又 + Adj. 2”: the two adjective phrases connected express similar qualities, either both positive or both negative (day2 act3.pptx slide#2-4).
Use the grammar pattern to describe the main characters of the Journey to the West (Slide #5).
Identify the grammar pattern in authentic materials, and describe the qualities
of the products (Slide #6).
Practice: use the grammar pattern to describe the qualities of one’s preferred transportation (Slide #7-9)
Activity 4: Practice Grammar Pattern in Context (2)
Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 + 有#里(路) distance
Place 1 + 离 + Place 2 + Adv. + 近 / 远
Divide students in pairs and provide them the worksheet in (day2 act4 worksheet). Students use the pattern to describe the distance between two places.
Teacher selects students to say aloud their descriptions (slide#6-8).
Activity 5: Practice Grammar Pattern in Context (3)
Demonstrate the use of the grammatical pattern (day2 act5.pptx, slide #2-7): Subject + 还是 + option + 吧
Divide students in pairs and provide them the worksheet in (day2 act5 worksheet). Students use the pattern to describe the distance between two places.
Teacher selects students to say aloud their descriptions (slide#8-10).
Homework (day2 homework.pdf)
Review character components and their configurations.
Divide the vocabulary with 车 into verbal phrases and noun phrases to enhance students’ familiarity with them.
Practice the target grammar patterns in a parallel reading and check students’ comprehension.
Day 3
Identify the main ideas and supporting details of the reading text.
Compare means of transportation in real-life situations.
Suggest the arrangement of transportations in authentic scenarios.
Identify cultural similarities and differences in transportation systems among China, Taiwan and U.S.
Activity 1: Textual Comprehension
Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet in (day3 act 1 worksheet). Students first read aloud the dialogue “怎么到西天大学?.
Have students complete the task (2) and (3) in the worksheet. They need to scan and skim the information in the dialogue to find the information for these two tasks. The answers are demonstrated in (day3 act1.pptx slide#3-5).
Help students grasp the underlying meaning and cultural nuances in “老古董” and why his students use this expression to describe Tang Seng (slide#6).
Guide students to think the situations in which students can use this expression.
Activity 2: Real-life Language Application
Input: Interpretive Comprehension
Students in pairs read an email written by Yi’an, an American student who is studying in Taiwan, to his friend who are in USA about a trip to Riyue Tan (day3 act1 worksheet Task A).
Ask students to underline the transportations mentioned in the email, and then link the means of transportation in correct sequence during the trip route.
Teacher selects students to describe the transportation used in sequence.
Output: Presentational Writing
Ask students to circle the three questions asked by Yi’an.
The worksheet also includes a chart which displays information about the price, time, and comfort level for each means of transportation.
Each student writes an email responding to Yi’an’s questions based on the chart.
Teacher selects students to read aloud their emails.
Activity 3: Real-life Language Application (Bullet Train/Gaotie)
Explain the meaning of “Gaotie”: high-speed train or bullet train.
Students in pairs list the differences between trains and bullet trains (gaotie) (day3 act3.pptx slide#4).
Teacher selects students to read aloud the differences they list.
Show the map of gaotie in China, and have they guess the three major hubs of gaotie (Slide#5).
Give each pair the worksheet in (day3 act3 worksheet). They complete the worksheet based on two pieces of authentic materials: a train time table and a transportation webpage.
Use Slide#5-7 to check students’ answers.
Students in pair discuss the advantages/disadvantages of taking regular and bullet trains (slide #8).
Homework (day3 homework)
Find transportation information for a trip from昆明(kūnmíng)到长沙(shā) in China and make suggestions for the trip. |
Day 4
Synthesize and summarize a trip story by identifying the information.
Retell a story based on the synthesized information.
Identify the purpose and information posters and graphic survey results related to transportation.
Activity 1: Review day 3 Homework
Work in pairs or small groups. Ask students to share their homework (writing) with their partner(s), and discuss the answers and whether they have come to similar suggestions.
Teacher selects several students to report their findings and suggestions.
Activity 2: Extended reading: Poster
Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet in (day4 act2 worksheet).
Students read the poster and fill out the form based on the information in it.
Teacher selects students to point out the information in the poster (day4 act.pptx).
The whole class discusses the purpose of the poster.
Each pair continues to complete the task (2) in the worksheet and presents their preferred transportation for each scenario.
Have students to complete Task (3) individually, a review of the patterns learned.
Activity 3: Reading a Story
Teacher uses Slides #3-9 and embedded audio to present the story of Mr. Doudou in Chinese (day4 act3.pptx).
Distribute the story (day4 act3 story) and worksheet (day4 act3 worksheet).
Students work in pairs to complete the five tasks in the worksheet. Teacher should check the answers after they complete each task. Answers are provided in (day4 act3.pptx).
Activity 4: Reading a graphic survey
Students work in pairs and read the results of a survey. Give each pair the worksheet in (day4 act4 worksheet).
Teacher selects students to present their responses, and have the students to guess which city this survey is conducted.
Activity 5: Prepare for the Final Skit Project
Scenario: Tang Seng and his four disciples, Sun Wukong ‘Monkey’, Zhu Bajie ‘Pigsy’, Sha Seng ‘Friar Sand’ and Bai Longma ‘White Dragon Horse’, time travelled to modern China. Unlike the legendary pilgrimage of going through many trials and much suffering to travel to the Xitian ‘Western Regions’ to obtain Buddhist sacred texts, they have to travel to the Xitian University as a group in order to complete their respective professional goals. In this life, Tang Seng is still a professor with the other four as his students. Since the students have different personalities, their preferred transportation means vary.
Your task: Work in groups and come up with a skit about their discussion of how to travel from Beijing (where they are now) to India (where Xitian University locates). Make sure to look up online maps and consider different routes. Next class, you will be asked to act out your group skit.
Remind students the factors they have to consider when writing the skit. Use the Slides in (day4 act5.pptx).
Work on and practice the skit.
Lesson 5
Summative Assessment
Act out their own skit
Each group also presents two questions to other students to answer.
See the rubric for the skit performance in (day5 rubric). |