Complete Middle School Immersion Unit 2016

Middle School Team
Cecil Chee, Claudia Ross, Brooke Cheng, Alice Flores, Shufen, Jessica Yuchin Hung
Theme |
Shopping for Clothing: What should I wear? |
Unit Overview |
You are an exchange student in Beijing. It’s going to be your first time spending Chinese New Year there. Your host family will take you shopping for Chinese New Year. You will need to learn how to dress for the special occasion and shop within your limited budget. |
Enduring Understanding |
Our culture and the local conditions in which we live determines the way we dress. |
Essential Questions |
- What factors influence the way we dress?
- What factors influence the way we shop for clothing?
Objectives |
- Students will be able to shop for clothing for special occasions using proper vocabulary and sentence structures;
- Students will be able to read clothing advertisements to obtain information about prices and sales;
- students will be able to use the target vocabulary in characters to create an advertising poster.
Targeted students |
8th grade middle school students, non-heritage students |
Language Proficiency |
Writing - students have learned 100 characters
Reading - novice high
Speaking – intermediate low |
Time suggested |
9 forty-five minutes lessons. |
Can-do Statements Based on National Standards |
Interpretive Communication: I can read information about prices, clothing items on sales ads.
Presentational Communication: I can describe my clothing, including colors, sizes and prices.
Interpersonal Communication: I can negotiate prices and make appropriate purchases.
Community, Culture, and Comparisons: I can identify the traditional dresses for Chinese New Year.
Connections: I can negotiate prices and make purchases within my budget. I can calculate sales discounts. |
Character learning and reading skills focused |
Character teaching: radicals, recurring components, character configuration, stroke order of characters:
部件: 巾,彡,斤
汉字构造:top-down and left-right configuration
组词:大衣,上衣,雨衣,雪衣,睡衣, 泳衣,毛衣
衣服广告词:打折,买一送一,大特价,讨价还价 |
Summative Assessment |
- Presentational Writing:
Students create clothing sales-ads posters for a mock “秀水街” shopping spree.
- Interpersonal Speaking:
Students take turn to play the roles of sellers and buyers in a mock shopping spree. Sellers are required to make sales and buyers need to purchase with clothing items. They have to negotiate prices.
- Interpretive Reading:
- Students have to read the sales posters and make the purchase.
- Students post the description and photo of the purchased times online. Every student is required to view the description and provide personal comments.
Teaching Materials |
Grammatical Structures |
- 有的...有的...
- progressive structure: 在+ action verb
- 太...了
- 量词:件,条,双,顶
Focused Characters |
- 衣部:衬,衫,裤,裙,帽
- 衣服广告词:打折
- 量词:件,条,双,顶
Vocabulary |
Expressions on sales ads: 打折,买一送一,
Measure words for clothing 量词:件,条,双,顶 |
Daily Lesson Plans |
Day 1 |
- Identify and name clothes items
- Express likes/dislikes about clothing
- Identify and differentiate two forms of the radical “衣”
Key vocabulary/structures:
Clothes items: T恤衫, 衬衫, 裤子, 鞋子, 袜子,连衣裙, 裙子, 帽子,
Verb: 穿、 戴
Setting Stage: Teacher wears Chinese-theme clothes to catch students’ attention to introduce the topic of today’s lesson.
Activity1 :
- Teach verb “穿”
- Teacher prepares a set of clothing items with various colors. T gives command “请穿红色的T恤衫“ and select a student to put on the correct piece of clothing. (Variation: dress up paper dolls)
- Introduce the verb戴“ (戴 only in pinyin) & 帽子
- Play the game: 大風吹
Activity 2: “衣“, “衤” and “礻”
- Teach the characters“衣”(day1 PPT)
- Show 衣 character transformation through history, have students pay attention to 小篆 type. Demonstrate how clothes were worn in the ancient time (Slide #2-3).
- Show animation of the character, students write the character in the air (Slide #4-5).
- Show 衬衫、裤子、裙子、袜子. Have students identify the components “衤“ (Slide #6)
- Show the relation of “衣“ and “衤“ (Slide #7).
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day1 act2). First, work on Task A: to identify and differentiate the two types of 衣 radicals (Slide #8).
- Then, each pair completes Task B in the same worksheet. They have to identify and differentiate two radicals that look similar: “衤“and “礻“ (Slide #9).
- Use the slides #10-14 to raise students’ awareness of possible combination of the components in characters.
Activity 3
- Expand student vocabulary with 衣 (雪衣、雨衣、睡衣、毛衣、泳衣) (Slide #15)
- Use the new vocabulary in sentences. Divide students in pairs and give each pair the worksheet in (day1 act3).
- Teacher selects individual students randomly to read aloud the completed sentences.
Day 2 |
- Use measure words for clothing items.
- Ask and describe colors of clothing items.
Activity 1: Activate prior knowledge
- Review the simple measure words (量词) that students learned before.
- Example: 一个人,两只狗
- Tell students that we are learning 量词 for clothing today.
Activity 2
- Introduce 4 measure words for clothing items: 件,条,双,顶, using Slides 3-10 (day2 PPT slides #3-10).
- Ask students to read phrases on the slides – examples: 一件衣服, 四双袜子 etc.
- When introducing the measure words, raise students’ awareness of the 汉字结构 (左右,上下)of each character.
- Have students write the characters following correct stroke orders.
Activity 3
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day2 act3).
- Each pair works on matching appropriate components to form the 4 measure words they just learned. Also, write the pinyin for and identify the configuration of each character.
- Use Slide #11 to check students’ work.
Activity 4
- Give each pair the worksheet (day2 act4).
- Students match the clothing items with appropriate measure words.
- Use Slide #12 to check students’ work.
Activity 5
- Use Slide #13-14 to introduce colors.
- Use Slide #15-20 to learn how to ask and describe the colors of one’s clothing items, such as 他穿什么颜色的裤子?他穿蓝色的裤子。
- Divide students in pairs. Show Slide #21. Ask students in each pair to take turn in asking and responding questions regarding the color of the clothing item the person in each photo wears. For example, Student A asks第一个人穿什么颜色的衣服?; Student B responds 她穿黑色的衣服. Then, Student B asks a question and Student A responds.
Activity 6
- Use Slide #22 to show students how to say “Father bought a yellow garment.” Bring their attention to the word order.
- Cut the color squares with Chinese phrases on them in the handout (day2 act6). Divide students in groups of five. Distribute each group a set of color squares that can form a sentence.
- The five students in each group randomly select a square card.
- The task for each group is to form a correct sentence using the square cards.
- Use Slide #23 to check students’ work. Ask students to read aloud the sentences formed.
Pack for your trip to Shanghai (day2 homework). |
Day 3 |
- Ask and respond the prices for clothing items.
- Express likes and dislikes regarding prices, sizes and colors of clothing.
key vocabulary: 贵、便宜、一共
structure: 1) quantity + MW + clothing item; 2) 多少钱?3)太…了。
Activity 1:
- Use the homework assigned on Day 2. Have students cut their luggage which include the drawings of the clothing items and also the packing list.
- Teacher collects the luggage drawings and the packing lists. Distribute randomly a luggage drawing and a packing list to each student. Make sure that the list does not match with the luggage drawing.
- The task for each student is to find the packing list for their luggage drawing and find the luggage drawing for their own packing list.
- Before engaging in the activity, Teacher leads students to practice the sentences/questions they need to use to complete the task, such as 你有什么衣服?我有三件白色T恤衫, 一条黑色的裤子, 两双红色的袜子, etc.
- Whoever finds the matchings first is the winner.
Activity 2:
- Review vocabulary for money. Use Slide 2-7 in (day3 PPT).
- Use Slide 9-12 to practice the expressions of wanting to buy some clothing items and asking/responding about the prices.
- Pair students to shop with advertisement for the upcoming new school year. Provide each pair the worksheet and advertisement sheet. (day3 act2 worksheet) (day3 act2 sales ads)
Activity 3:
- Use the new words: 便宜and 贵, using Slide 13-15. Take Slide 13 as an example, T asks 哪一件贵?咖啡色的还是黑色的?and Ss answer the questions.
- Explain the structure: 太+adjective+了 and use Slide 16-18 to practice太贵了.
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day3 act3).
- Select students to read aloud the expression for each picture.
Find 3 clothing items at home that can be described using the structure 太…了. You can use your parents’ or siblings’ clothing items. Take pictures and add captions in Chinese and share with the teacher on Google doc.
Day 4 |
- Identify the radical, stroke order and components of the two characters 打折.
- Calculate the discount of sale items.
- Negotiate prices of clothing items.
Vocabulary: 打折, 讨价还价,半价, 买一送一
Activity 1
- Setting the stage for the class via watching a Youtube clip about ‘on sales’, https://youtu.be/OV2VqOmS1jI.
- Lead the students to discuss what people are doing in the video.
- Review the learned character 打and introduce the new character 折. Raise awareness of the configuration of these two characters (left-right) and the same radical “扌”. Use Slide #2-4 in (Day4 PPT).
- Ask students to skim the authentic flyers and identify the character 折with numbers, such as 三折、六折 , etc. Use Slide #5.
Activity 2
- Explain the concept of打折. Using a folder paper as shown in (day4 act2 folding paper). For an item of ¥100, if打七折, the item is七十块. Continue to fold the paper, it is 打六折, and the item is六十块.
- Present Slide #6 to demonstrate the formula to calculate the sale price: 七折= (¥the original price) x 0.7.
- Use Slide #7 to practice.
- More practices. T shows a shirt with a price tag of ¥200. T uses the Random Picker to determine 打几折 . https://www.classtools.net/random-name-picker/3_6cGRUR.
- Select students to provide the sale price.
- Check comprehension. Divide students in pairs and give each pair the worksheet (day4 act2 worksheet).
- Use Slide #9 to check students’ answers.
Activity 3:
- Have Ss watch a video in which the seller and buyer are negotiating the prices. Use Slide #10. https://edpuzzle.com/media/579a53a8dc897f7704248773
- Introduce the expressions used for negotiating prices. Use Slide 11 to go over the short exchanges of negotiate prices:
Customer: 这双鞋子多少钱?
Salesperson: 100块钱。
Customer: 太贵了。便宜一点。
Salesperson: 70块钱。
Customer: 50块钱,好吗?
Salesperson: 好吧。
- Divide students in pairs. Show Slide 12 and Slide 13. Each pair practices how to negotiate the prices based on the slides.
- Teacher selects several pairs to perform their exchanges.
Activity 4
- Introduce other expressions used for promoting sales, such as大减价,半价,买一送一. Ask students to guess what those sales expressions mean, before giving the meanings of these expressions.
- Identify the expressions in the sale posters in Slide 14-16
- Divide students in pairs and show them the 6 sales flyers (day4 act4 sales flyers). Students first understand the main messages regarding the discount in each flyer. Fill out the worksheet.
- Teacher check their understanding of the flyers as a whole class.
- Have the class vote for the best ads flyer.
- Announce to students that later they will work in groups to create advertisements and present the advertisements they have created (see Day 8 lesson plan).
Day 5 |
- Use the sentence structure 有的…..有的.
- Use the progressive structure 在+ action verb
Activity 1 : 有的….有的 structure 句型
- Write 有的…..有的 with English “some + nouns…, some + nouns…” on the board.
- T asks Ss to stand up. Ask the taller students to stand on one side, and shorter stand on the other side. Say: “我们班有的学生高, 有的学生矮,” and ask Ss to repeat.
- Ask students to go back to seats. Then, ask kids who wear black stand up; then those who wear blue stand up, and then those who wear red stand up. Then, ask the students to describe:
“我们班有很多学生, 有的穿黑色, 有的穿蓝色,有的穿红色。”
- Once students understand the structure, divide them in pairs and work on the worksheet (day5 act1).
- Select students to read their descriptions.
Activity 2 在 + Action Verb
- Use Slide #1 to introduce the progressive structure (day5 PPT).
- Use Slide #2 to introduce the question: 她在做什么?
- Practice: using Slide 3-10.
- Charade game: T selects one student to act out an action and the acting student chooses another student to describe what he/she is doing. Continue the game for several times.
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day5 act2). The task is to arrange progressive sentences correctly.
- T selects individual students randomly to read aloud their sentences.
Day 6 |
- Identify the components “斤、巾、彡”
- Raise the awareness of these components and their positions in characters.
Activity 1
- Raise students’ awareness of the recurring component “斤 “. Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet(day6 act1) and have each pair do Task A which require them to circle the component “斤 “ in the character “折”on three advertisement ads 。
- Use Slide #3 in (day6 PPT) to check their answers.
- Ask each pair to do Task B on the same worksheet. Guide them to notice the possible position of the component “斤 “ can appear in characters.
- Use Slide #4 to check their works.
Activity 2
- Raise students’ awareness of the recurring component “巾 “.
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day6 act2) and have each pair do Task A which require them to circle the component “巾“ in the characters on the advertisement ads 。
- Use Slide #5 in (day6 PPT) to check their answers.
- Ask each pair to do Task B on the worksheet (Slide #6). Guide them to notice the possible position of the component “巾“ can appear in characters.
- Use Slide #7 to check their works.
Activity 3
- Raise students’ awareness of the recurring component “彡 “.
- Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day6 act3) and have each pair do Task A which require them to circle the component “彡“ in the characters on the advertisement ads 。
- Use Slide #8 in (day6 PPT) to check their answers.
- Ask each pair to do Task B on the worksheet. Guide them to notice the possible position of the component “彡“ can appear in characters.
- Use Slide #10 to check their works.
- Have each pair to do Task C on the same worksheet. For Task C, students need to fill in the missing component “彡 “ for some characters.
Activity 4
- This activity provides students with the practices to notice all three components: “斤, 巾, 彡 “. Use the worksheet in (day6 act4)
- Check students’ work using Slide #12.
Activity 5
- Provide each pair the first paragraph of the lesson text 过年买衣服 (day6 act5 and Slide #14). The task is to circle the characters in the paragraph with the three components: “斤”、“巾” 、“彡” .
- Check students’ work using Slide #14.
Day 7 |
- Use the reading skills, scanning and skimming, to understand the text.
- Use the new sentence structures to understand the text.
Activity 1
(Prior knowledge: students have learned some facts about Chinese New Year in previous semesters). Teacher wears traditional outfit for Chinese New Year and leads students to activate their prior knowledge about Chinese New Year traditions, such as 春联,红包,年夜饭,放鞭炮。
Activity 2
Divide students in pairs. Give the worksheet in (day7 act2). The worksheet includes the lesson text and several reading tasks of skimming and scanning.
Activity 3
- Check reading comprehension. Students in pairs read the whole lesson text, 过年买衣服 and answer the following questions.
- 作者买了什么衣服?
- 她买的裙子是什么色?
- 她买的毛衣是什么色?
- 她为什么要买衣服?
- 裙子和毛衣一共多少钱?
- 她们花多少钱买?为什么?
- In a whole class, Teacher selects individual students randomly to reply each question.
Activity 4
Read aloud activity. Use “Random picker game.” In a whole class, students take turn to play and read the 9 sentences aloud. (Password: readonms) http://www.classtools.net/random-name-picker/10_5D4GjX
- 寒假的前一天,妈妈带我去买过年穿的新衣服。
- 大街上人来人往、车来车往, 很热闹。
- 我和妈妈走进了一家服装店,一哇!里面好多人啊!
- 有的在试穿衣服、有的在付钱……里面的衣服好多, 有男装、有女装、五颜六色,好漂亮!
- 我左看右看, 东看西看,不知道哪一件好。
- 最后, 买了一条粉色的裙子和一件天蓝色的毛衣,一共是四百七十五元。
- 但是太贵了, 所以妈妈讨价还价,最后只花了两百元, 真便宜!
- 我很开心, 妈妈也很高兴。
- 我真希望明天就是春节, 可以穿上我的新衣服!
You are going a school dance and need to buy a set of outfit. Complete the worksheet (day7 homework) in which you describe what you want to buy using the online shopping site: www.taobao.com |
Day 8 |
Objectives (summative assessment)
- create sales posters (presentational writing)
- read and evaluate sales flyers (interpretive reading)
Flyer Design
- Using sales posters presented on Day 1 and 2. Compare the design of each posters: wording and pictures.
- Divide students into 4 groups.
One group designs clothing posters for boy’s outfits.
One group designs clothing posters for girl’s clothing.
One group designs posters for shoes.
one group designs posters for hats.
- Each student creates one poster. If class size is big, assign pairs or a group of three to create one poster.
- Provide the instruction and evaluation rubric for the poster design (day8 assessment).
Gallery Walk
- After students turn in their finished posters, post them on the walls of the classroom in 4 groups. Label each poster with a number for feedbacks and ratings.
- Provide each student with the evaluation sheet (day8 peer evaluation). They will fill in their feedbacks and ratings for 8 posters of their choice, 2 posters from each group.
- Gallery Walk: Divide students into 4 groups. Give each group about 10 min to review the posters on each wall they are sent to. After 10 min, rotate the groups.
- At the end of Gallery Walk, collect their rating sheets.
- Leave the posters up for the mock shopping spree, interpersonal speaking assessment, the next day.
Day 9 |
Objectives (summative interpersonal speaking)
- Read and understand sales posters.
- Negotiate prices and purchase clothing items.
- Divide students in pairs randomly (Don’t announce ahead of time).
- Line tables in front of the sales posters. All students will bring in the clothing items that they will sell according to their posters.
- Tell students that they will take turn to be sellers and buyers. Students who are sellers will go to their posters. Students who are buyers will go with their partners and try to buy the item on the posters. Give students the instruction (day9 shopping spree).
- Give each round 3 min. The sellers should describe the “merchandise.” Buyers and sellers should negotiate and make a deal within the time limit. When they made the deal. They will take pictures with iPad and record final sale price. Teacher will circle among students to monitor to make sure that all students are using target language. Teacher can videotape the process if possible. Use the rubric in (day9 interpersonal rubrics) to rate students’ performance.
- After the first round, switch roles. Give another 3 min. Again, the pair will need to reach a final deal and record sales price and take pictures.
- After the shopping, students post the photo and description on Schoology.
- Students view all the posts and choose 3 posts to provide their comments.
- Teacher will discuss the shopping results and allow students to share their experiences the next day.
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