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Complete Unit K-5 Complete Unit 6-8 Complete Unit 9-12 Complete Unit 13+
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Complete Unit K-5

Day-to-day lesson plans and activities you can use in your classroom



Day 1


  • Activate students’ prior knowledge about ‘community’ by showing a video clip about a community in Taiwan.
  • Write the learning goals using K-W-L chart.
  • Scan and skim the key information of the reading text

 “我的 社区”.

Activity 1

‘社区‘是什么? 社区里有什么?社区里的人做什么活动?   

  • Teacher selects several students to express their views.

Activity 2
Use the K-W-L chart to record what students already know about their community and what students want to know (day1 act2 KWLchart).

Activity 3

  • Divide students in pairs.  Give each pair the text (day1 act3 text). 
  • Each pair scan and skim the text and answer the following questions:  这个社区在哪儿?这个社区有谁?他们做什么活动?这个社区发生了什么事?后来呢?
  • Teacher selects several students to reply those questions. 


  • Learn the vocabulary.  Explain and demonstrate the items on the vocabulary contract 生詞合約 (day1 vocabulary contract). 

Day 2


  • Demonstrate comprehension by drawings.
  • Identify the part of speech of the new words.
  • Identify geographic locations of the community in Taiwan and their own community in US.
  • Read authentic materials related to the community

Activity 1

  • Students ask questions about unclear part of the text. 
  • Teacher leads to read the text aloud with the whole class.
  • Divide the class into 4 groups.  Assign each group a paragraph from the reading text.
  • Each group draws a picture based on the content of the paragraph.
  • Place the 4 drawings on the wall. 
  • Select individual students to describe what are in the drawings.

Activity 2

  • Identify the verbs, adjectives and nouns in the text.
  • Use the first paragraph to demonstrate the activity, such as 陪伴 is a verb.  社区,老地方,杂货店 are nouns, and 很熟, 五花八门are adjectives.
  • Divide students in small groups of three.  Give each group the worksheet (day2 act2 Parts of Speech) to work on the second and third paragraph.
  • Teacher checks their findings.

Activity 3

  • Use Google Earth to view the local community and the community in Taiwan described in the text.
  • Compare the community environments in Taiwan and US.  Write down the similarities and differences on the venn diagram (day2 act3 comparison).

Activity 4

  • Focus on 风灾/台风, a natural disaster in Taiwan. 
  • Activate their prior knowledge of natural disasters.  What is it?  Is there any natural disaster in their community?
  • Divide students in small groups of three.  Give each group the authentic poster (day2 act4 taifeng). 
  • First ask students to scan the community name in the poster: 小林村 .
  • Then, ask them to find the word/phrase for a natural disaster (八八风灾).
  • Each group then predicts what the poster is about.


  • Continue to work on Vocabulary Contract.
  • Complete K-W-L chart.

Day 3


  • Develop questions based on the reading text.
  • Practice sentence patterns.

Activity 1

  • Students in pairs read aloud the text.
  • Each pair develops one question for each paragraph, such as 作者住在哪儿?作者在那个社区?住了多长时间?
  • Teacher selects pairs to ask their questions.  Each pair can decide who to answer their questions. 

Activity 2

  • Practice the three main sentence patterns. 

......有的......,有的......   ; 當.......後,會......  ; …...不僅......,而且......

Activity 3

  • Focus on the topic of recycling.  Write the two characters 回收 on the board.  Ask students the meaning of each one and to guess the meaning of the word.
  • Activate prior knowledge about ‘recycling.’  Divide students in groups of three and discuss the following questions: 为什么要回收? 可以回收什么?你们现在在家里、学校回收什么?
  • Teacher selects several students to express their views.

Activity 4

  • Give each group the authentic poster about ‘recycling’ (day3 act4 recycle).
  • Scan the key word 回收.
  • Students in each group discuss what the main message of the poster.  What is the item to be recycled highlighted in the poster? 


  • Continue to work on Vocabulary Contract.
  • Write a short paragraph of 8 sentences describing the recycling activities you do at home and in the community.

Day 4


  • Identify and use the descriptive words from the text.
  • Practice vocabulary through a memory game.
  • Sing ‘Garbage Truck’ practicing vocabulary.

Activity 1 

  • Divide students in pairs.  Ask each pair to highlight the descriptive words in the text, such as 五花八门,琳琅面目,齐全,熟,漂亮,乱,干净,美丽.
  • Ask each pair to create an envelope of foldable template with an object/place in the center that can be found in the community and write four words/phrases to describe that object/place.  For the emplate and example see (day4 act1 envelope).
  • Ask students to exchange their envelopes and read aloud the descriptive words with the objects/places.

Activity 2

  • Review the vocabulary. 
  • Divide students in two groups playing ‘memory game’(day4 act2 memory game).

Activity 3  Garbage truck song “垃圾車”   歌

垃圾車  笑呵呵  張開大嘴唱唱歌
垃圾車  肚子餓  天天準時來做客


  • Complete the Vocabulary Contract.
  • Review the vocabulary and prepare the vocabulary test.

Day 5


  • Identify the details of the reading and make inferences.
  • Describe one’s community in writing.

Activity 1 
Use the worksheet in (day5 act1 reading details) to guide students to comprehend the details of the reading and make inferences.

Activity 2
Give students the vocabulary test (day5 act2 voca test).

Activity 3

  • Write a short text describing your community to your pen pals in Taiwan.
  • Explain the writing instruction (day5 act3 writing instruction).
  • Divide students in pairs.  Give each student an outline chart (day5 act3 outline chart).  Students in pairs help each other brainstorm the ideas for the writing. 

Activity 4
Explain the presentation in the last class by discussing the rubric (day5 act4 presentation rubric).


  • Complete the writing
  • Prepare the PPT slides for the oral presentation with

Day 6


  • Evaluate reading skills.
  • Present their own community.
  • Peer-reading of the writings.
  • Complete the “learned” session on KWL chart

Activity 1

  • Students take turn presenting their own view of the local community.
  • Teacher can give the student audients the rubric and ask them to evaluate their fellow students’ presentations.

Activity 2

Activity 3

  • Peer-editing task.
  • Ask two students to review your writing on describing the community.
  • Revise your writing based on their comments, assigned as homework.

Activity 4

  • Divide students in pairs.  Complete the ‘learned’ section on KWL chart.
  • Teacher selects several students to report their learning. 

Revise your writing based on the comments from your classmates.