Elementary Immersion 2017:
Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson Plans |
Day 1 |
I can explain why I like my favorite video games.
I can use the new words learned to create sentences.
I can apply the usage of passive preposition 被 to describe situations.
Teaching materials: day1_PPT
Warm-up activity
Divide students into 2 groups, standing in two circles. Each student in the inner circles faces to a student in the outside circle.
Students asks each other two questions: 你喜欢什么电子游戏?你为什么喜欢这个电子游戏?
Once they ask/respond the questions, switch and share with new partners.
Teacher selects several students to report to the class what they find out.
Activity 1: Focusing on the title of the article “我的世界”
“Minecraft” is a popular video game among elementary students. In the reading of “我的世界”, the author describes the game of “Minecraft” and translates the name of game as “我的世界.”
Give each student the reading “我的世界” with the illustration (day1_article_my world).
Have students read the title “我的世界” and view the illustration on the top of the reading.
- Divide students in pairs. Use the following questions to guide students to predict the content of the article (day1_PPT Slide 3)
1) 根据这篇文章的题目“我的世界”,你觉得这篇文章要告诉我们什么?
Have them look at the illustration:
2) “我的世界”里的人物看起来都是什么样子的?
(answer: 图片里的人物,事物和环境看起来都是用乐高做出来 的。)
3) 你们小时候都喜欢玩乐高吗?为什么喜欢玩乐高?
- Provide each pair legos and have them to design something in five minutes. The purpose of this activity is to lead them to think the concepts of “creativity” (创造力,想象力). The advantage of good video games can develop kids creativity and imagination.
Activity 2: Learning key vocabulary
Teaching materials: day1_PPT, day1_worksheet
Divide students in pairs. Give each pair the worksheet (day1_worksheet).
Guide students to do the five tasks in the worksheet one by one, using the Slide 4-10.
After students finish each task, select a couple of students to present their works. Teacher makes the final conclusion.
Closing Activity
Pair and share: What I have learned today?
Day 2 |
Warm-up activity:
Review the verbs learned on Day 1.
Activity 1: Learn three nouns 想象力,奇迹,资源
Material: day2_PPT
任务1: “想象力” (xiǎngxiànglì) (Slide 3-4)
Divide students in pairs to discuss the following questions.
1. 你们都喜欢《哈利波特》这个故事吗?为什么?
2. 《哈利波特》的故事内容是真实的还是创造出来的?
3. 你觉得J.K. Rowling为什么能够想出那么有趣的情节?
J.K. Rowling写故事的时候必须使用她的想象力,想出一些不是真实的人、事、物来创造出特别的故事情节,所以J.K. Rowling很有想象力。
Once students understand the meaning of 想象力. Have the pairs to discuss the following two questions:
任务2: “奇迹” (qíjī) (Slide 5)
Once students understand the meaning of奇迹. Have the pairs to discuss the following two questions:
任务3: “资源” (zīyuán) (Slide 6)
Divide students in pair是 to discuss the following questions.
Once students understand the meaning of资源. Have the pairs to discuss the following two questions:
Activity 2
Identify who tells the story: first or third person narrative
day2_PPT (Slide 7-12)
Task 1小组讨论:老师将day2_worksheet 发给每组。 学生将句子依照第一人称和第三人称分类好。
Closing Activity:
Pair and share: what I have learned today?
Day 3 |
I can apply the reading strategies (skimming, scanning, using graphic organizers) to comprehend the main ideas and support details of an article.
I can explain the author’s viewpoints by identifying the evidences in the text.
Teaching materials: day3_PPT, day3_worksheet
Activity 1: reading 1st paragraph
Divide students in pairs and give each pair the worksheet (day3_worksheet).
Have students to count and mark how many paragraphs in this story.
Find out who wrote the story, 1st person or 3rd person, and explain your answer.
Turn and talk: Based on the first paragraph, have them to predict the content of this article.
Teacher selects several students to present their views.
Activity 2: reading 2nd paragraph
For example: 建造平原
Turn and Talk:
- What can you do in “Minecraft”?
- How to build their world in Minecraft?
Activity 3: reading 3rd paragraph
Activity 4: Using a graphic organizer
Read the 4th paragraph.
The graphic organizer in the worksheet is designed to help students to identify the main ideas and supporting details.
Divide students in pairs. First, find the main idea for each paragraph and fill it in the graphic organizer.
Then, find the supporting details to answer the questions in the graphic organizer.
Activity 5: Author’s views
Does the author like the game or not?
Where do you find the author’s opinion?
What does the author hope us to do? Why do you think in that way?
Closing Activity: Self Evaluation
Poll Everywhere & QR code
For young learners, scan QR code on ipads to access Poll Everywhere is much more easier than typing Poll Everywhere website address. Please see the steps in below.

Purpose of using Poll Everywhere:
Assessing students’ understanding regarding the learning objectives
Collecting instant feedback
Providing supports and adjusting lessons for next day
Steps to create a self-evaluation in Poll Everywhere:
Sign up an account in Poll Everywhere.
Start to create a poll
Add one question to the poll that you want to ask
Decide the types of poll you want your students to respond:
option 1: Open-ended
option 2: Multiple choice
option 3: Clickable image
Now you have created a Poll.
(Using QR code with Poll) Copy your Poll Everywhere URL
Go to http://www.qrcode-generator.com/
Paste your Poll Everywhere URL in the box to generate QR code

Copy QR code select “copy image” and paste it on PowerPoint.
Scan the code to give responses.
Day 4 |
I can make inferences based on what I read.
I can apply reading strategies to comprehend authentic advertising posters on computer games, and express my views about the ads.
Teaching materials: day4_PPT
Opening activity: Bingo Game (day4_bingo game)(Slide 2)
Verb: 冒险、探索、发挥、破坏、杀害、吸引
Noun: 想象力、奇迹、资源
Adj.: 神秘的
Each student has a set of key vocabulary flashcards and a game board paper.
Students cut the flashcards off. The teacher calls out the new words one by one, and students should raise the cards correspondingly and place them in the game board. The one to make a line first in the board wins the game.
Activity 1: Inference-making Practices (day4_worksheet) (Slide 3-4)
Explain the meaning of “inference”: An inference is not explicitly stated in the text, but can be made based on the evidences stated in the text.
Use the first story “我的小白狗” to guide students to infer the answers for the questions from the text.
Divide students in pairs. Have them to read the second text “摩尔庄园” and answer the questions by finding the evidences from the text, even though the answers are note explicitly stated.
Activity 2: Reading Advertisements (day4_worksheet) (Slide 5-7 )
Students work in pairs and the activity 2 in the worksheet.
Have them read the two ads and circle the words they have learned, as many as possible.
Students in each pair discuss the following questions based on the two ads.
1) 你在哪里会看到这些图片?
2) 你觉得这个图片想告诉我们什么?
3) 你喜欢哪一个?为什么?
Teacher selects several students to present their answers.
Activity 3: Starting final project (Slide 8-10)
Students work in pairs and start the initial discussion about the kind of video game they want to design (假设你是一个游戏设计师,你会为小学生设计一款什么样的游戏?为什么?)
Introduce the final project. (day4_game requirement)
Introduce the final project rubrics. (day4_game evaluation rubric)
Closing Activity:
Final project Part 1: complete the section of 游戏介绍, page 1 in (day4_game requirement). |
Day 5 |
Teaching materials: day5_PPT, day5_worksheet, day5_letter from Mom
Activity 1: Scanning the key word in the letter 《妈妈的信》
Give each student the letter (day5_letter from Mom). Have students to circle every occurrence of “游戏” in the letter.
Activity 2: Skimming the main information in the letter
Divide students in pairs and students in each pair work together to find the information for the three questions in Activity 2 (see day5_worksheet).
They need to find the information: 1) the type of this text; 2) identify who is the narrator; 3) what “神奇宝贝” is
Activity 3: learn and use the new words (Slide 4-10)
Divide students in pairs and have them work on the following tasks in the worksheet for Day 5.
Task 1: 看图猜词, 带学生读过新词语,然后让他们看图片猜一猜和图片配对的是哪个词语。
Task 2: 新词练习, 两人一组,练习写拼音、汉字,用新词造句,最后画出句子的意思。
Task 3: 词汇韵律操, 使用 a-b-a-b-a-a-b-b(eg. 交-流-交-流-交-交-流-流)模式练习朗读下面的每个词语。
Task 4: 运用“交流, 继续,专注, 暴力”四个词汇, 补充完整句子
Activity 4: cause and effect
Use the first item in Activity 4 (worksheet) to guide students to notice the relationship between cause and effect.
Students in pairs complete the rest three items in the worksheet.
Select several students to present their answers.
Show the answers in Slide 14.
Activity 5: cause and effect in 《妈妈的信》
Students will ask parents the following question when they get back home and write down the answers in Chinese to share in class next day.
Questions: Do you think video games are good for kids? Why?
Day 6 |
Teaching materials: day6_PPT, day6_worksheet
Opening Activity: share the interview results from Day 5 homework
Share in a group of 3: your parents’ opinions about video games.
Guiding questions: 你常常玩电脑游戏吗?你爸妈让你玩游戏吗?为什么?
Teacher selects several students to present what they found out.
Activity 1: past and present
Guide students to compare 小宝’s behaviors in the past (before he started playing video games) with his current behaviors.
Have students to circle the word “以前” in paragraph 2 and 3.
Students work in pairs to find the evidence in paragraph 2 and 3 to fill in the graphic organizer in day6_worksheet.
Teacher selects some students to present their graphic organizers.
Activity 2: Make inferences
妈妈带小宝去朋友家玩,可是他说, “我不想去。”
Activity 3: Author’s view
Have each pair read the 4th paragraph.
Each pair uses the graphic organizer in the worksheet: first pinpoint the Mother’s viewpoint and find four reasons that she used in the letter to support her viewpoint.
Teacher selects students to present their graphic organizers.
Activity 4: Review: summarizing the letter
Use the cloze exercise in the worksheet to guide students to summarize the letter.
Divide students in pairs to complete the task.
Teacher selects several students to read aloud their summaries.
Day 7 |
Teaching Materials: day7_worksheet
Activity 1: Role play
Divide students in pairs, one student playing the role of 小宝 and one 小宝’s mother.
Read the last two sentences in the letter, and make sure students understand the meaning.
Each pair writes a dialogue starting with the mother saying妈妈想知道,这个游戏对你有什么帮助?你是怎么想的?.
The dialogue should include at least 8 lines, 4 lines said by小宝, 4 by小宝’s mother.
Have each pair perform their dialogues.
Activity 2: State your opinions
Divide students in groups of four.
Each group selects two video games to discuss whether it helps them to learn or if they have other advantages.
Teacher selects a student from each group to present their discussions.
Day 8, 9 |
Task 1: 游戏设计提案
Teacher retell the requirements of the video game (day4_game requirement) and rubric (day4_game evaluation rubric).
Students work in group to design the game and write the proposal draft. We suggest to provide 2 classes for students to work on the project.
In Day 9, each group shares their ideas with another group. The purpose is to receive feedback, so they can finalize the proposal.
Day 10
Final Assessment |
I can present the proposal of video game designed by our team in Chinese.
I can read the proposals and decide which one to vote.
I can explain the reasons for my vote in writing.
Each group presents the proposal with posters or PPTs. Every student in each group should have the opportunity to present.
After the presentations, the posters/proposals will be placed on the wall.
Each student reads the posters/proposals and vote for one proposal.
In addition to voting, each student writes a short paragraph to explain their vote.